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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version

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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Gytrash - 10-05-2011

[Image: gytrash_trans.png]
Report of delivery of goods of goods to Gallia

Delivery of 10,000 (Ten Thousand) Units of Diamonds to Planet Nevers
[1], [2], [3]

Delivery of 10,000 (Ten Thousand) Units of Iridium to Alesia Station
[1], [2], [3]

Delivery of 5,000 (Five Thousand) Units of Neon to Alesia Station
[1], [2]

Amendment: Delivery of 3,600 units of Platinum to Alesia Station

Respectfully James Church, OSI-Gytrash
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Vito - 10-05-2011

Incoming transmission
ID: Alessandro Rodriguez
Location: OSI-Peregrina
Subject: Delivery reports

Contract: IMG 2
Location: Dounby Station, Orkney

1 600 units of Consumer Goods:

2 000 units of Food Rations:

700 units of H-Fuel:

450 units of Robotics Components:

250 units of Mining Machinery:

Transmission closed

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Redirion - 10-05-2011

[Image: laster_trans.png]


I have finished some more shipments.

Ames Research Station CB contract:
1000 Optronics picked up at Planet Honshu
Proof of shipment #1

Gallic contract:
7100 Quantum Multiplexors picked up at Shinjuku Station
Proof of shipment #2
Proof of shipment #3

Total contract value delivered: 6000

Best regards,
Ned Laster

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 10-06-2011

[Image: crosstrans.png]
Captain Laster, the Board has been passed evidence showing that you entered the Lewis system. This system is off limits per company policy; please refrain from entering it in the future.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Gytrash - 10-06-2011

[Image: gytrash_trans.png]
Report of delivery of goods of goods to Gallia

Delivery of 6,400 units of Platinum to Alesia Station
[1], [2]

Respectfully James Church, OSI-Gytrash
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Gytrash - 10-06-2011

[Image: gytrash_trans.png]
Report on a hostile encounter with a group known as Legion of the Damned.

I was recently subject to an encounter with a man from a group identifying themselves as the Legion of the Damned. A group apparently aligned with the Gallic Brigands. I fortunately was safe as the vessel was one of my remote polited ones.
Quote:[06.10.2011 10:00:05] OSI-Skriker: Church: Hello there.
[06.10.2011 10:00:21] 2011-10-05 23:00:24 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:00:21] +LE+"Wrathe.of.Vulpe": Vulpe: Jump..ANd you'll be struck down
[06.10.2011 10:00:51] 2011-10-05 23:00:54 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:00:51] OSI-Skriker: Church: Is there a problem here?
[06.10.2011 10:00:53] 2011-10-05 23:00:56 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:00:53] +LE+"Wrathe.of.Vulpe": Vulpe: Where are you heading monsieur?
[06.10.2011 10:01:03] 2011-10-05 23:01:06 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:01:03] OSI-Skriker: Church: Why, Into gallic space of course
[06.10.2011 10:01:04] 2011-10-05 23:01:07 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:01:04] Atuin: To liberty
[06.10.2011 10:01:21] 2011-10-05 23:01:25 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:01:21] +LE+"Wrathe.of.Vulpe": Vulpe: Not you..Monsieur capitan of the Striker..
[06.10.2011 10:01:31] 2011-10-05 23:01:34 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:01:31] Atuin: Ah sorry
[06.10.2011 10:01:32] 2011-10-05 23:01:34 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:02:10] +LE+"Wrathe.of.Vulpe": Vulpe: Well monsieur?
[06.10.2011 10:02:31] 2011-10-05 23:02:35 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:02:31] OSI-Skriker: Church: I already told you, into Gallic space.
[06.10.2011 10:02:41] 2011-10-05 23:02:45 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:02:41] +LE+"Wrathe.of.Vulpe": Vulpe: Where..In Gallic space?
[06.10.2011 10:03:11] 2011-10-05 23:03:15 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:03:11] +LE+"Wrathe.of.Vulpe": Vulpe: Choose your words carefully..You may live a little longeur..
[06.10.2011 10:03:40] 2011-10-05 23:03:43 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:03:40] OSI-Skriker: Church: I cannot see how my exact destination with a cargo that is mainly used in medical applications and jewellry would ...
[06.10.2011 10:03:50] 2011-10-05 23:03:53 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:03:50] OSI-Skriker: Church: have any beargin on the conversation.
[06.10.2011 10:03:59] 2011-10-05 23:04:02 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:03:59] +LE+"Wrathe.of.Vulpe": Vulpe: That ies a warning monsieur..Answer the question
[06.10.2011 10:04:03] 2011-10-05 23:04:06 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:04:03] OSI-Skriker: // Bearing*
[06.10.2011 10:04:20] 2011-10-05 23:04:23 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:04:20] OSI-Skriker: Church: Fine fine, seeing as you insist. I am headed to Alesia station.
[06.10.2011 10:04:28] 2011-10-05 23:04:31 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:04:28] OSI-Skriker: Church: Don't get sore at me.
[06.10.2011 10:04:38] 2011-10-05 23:04:42 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:04:38] +LE+"Wrathe.of.Vulpe": Vulpe: I thought so...Drop your payload..Or you're life ies forefiet..
[06.10.2011 10:04:48] 2011-10-05 23:04:51 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:04:48] OSI-Skriker: Church: I beg your pardon?
[06.10.2011 10:04:57] 2011-10-05 23:05:01 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:04:57] +LE+"Wrathe.of.Vulpe": VUlpe: You heard moi monsieur..
[06.10.2011 10:05:01] 2011-10-05 23:05:05 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:05:01] OSI-Skriker: Church: I do believe that my life is not forfeit.
[06.10.2011 10:05:09] 2011-10-05 23:05:12 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:05:09] OSI-Skriker: Church: As this ship is remotely controlled.
[06.10.2011 10:05:21] 2011-10-05 23:05:24 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:05:21] +LE+"Wrathe.of.Vulpe": Vulpe: So then thies wont be a loss...
[06.10.2011 10:05:28] 2011-10-05 23:05:31 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:05:28] OSI-Skriker: Church: It would be a loss indeed.
[06.10.2011 10:05:38] 2011-10-05 23:05:41 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:05:38] OSI-Skriker: Church: But I would think before you fire good sir.
[06.10.2011 10:05:38] 2011-10-05 23:05:42 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:05:38] +LE+"Wrathe.of.Vulpe": Vulpe: Prepare to replace you shiep..En guarde!!
[06.10.2011 10:06:47] Death: OSI-Skriker was killed by +LE+"Wrathe.of.Vulpe" (Gun)
[06.10.2011 10:06:52] 2011-10-05 23:06:55 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:06:52] OSI-Skriker: Church: You just made the wrong enemies.
[06.10.2011 10:07:02] 2011-10-05 23:07:06 SMT
[06.10.2011 10:07:02] OSI-Skriker: *Communication lost*

He attacked my ship before I could agree to his demands and so lost a valuable vessel. I had however one under construction that has now taken over for the vessel. As such my vessel the OSI-Skriker is up and flying with minimal loss of time. I would like to see a resolution of this conflict with the LE and would like to pledge my support in whatever venture we undertake to prevent further acts of piracy.

Respectfully James Church, OSI-Gytrash
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]
// Yes the thing is edited, I got rid of the annoying messages and just left the inRP text. complete log is avaliable on request.

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 10-06-2011

[Image: crosstrans.png]
I'm happy it was just one of your drones Church and you are indeed correct, they have picked the wrong people to harass. Director Ruiz is preparing to brief Omicron Security Incorporated personnel on their new assignments. It would be wise to have them scout ahead for you.

We've also taken other steps to make it clear to these, Brigands, that their actions were ill conceived.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Gytrash - 10-07-2011

[Image: gytrash_trans.png]

A promising report coming swiftly on the heels of my last one.

I have been, with the blessing of Mr. Caudill engaging in talks with Border World Exports. I have managed to open negotiations with them and OSI will be provided with the rights to pilot one of their Shetland supertransport class vessels. We shall also not be doing our standing in their eyes any harm by helping them out with this. Details of the talks can be found at this neural net address.

I am hoping that we will be able to improve our relations with Bowex and the improve the general odour of Zoners in the high places of Bretonia with this act. I would like to request the assistance of any available pilots to assist in this endeavor if possible.

With regards, James Church.

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Vito - 10-09-2011

Incoming transmission
ID: Alessandro Rodriguez
Location: OSI-Peregrina
Subject: Delivery reports

Contract: Black Sails
Location: Crete, Omnicron Gamma

20 000 units of Food Rations
[Pick-up 1] [Delivery 1] [Pick-up 2] [Delivery 2] [Pick-up 3] [Delivery 3] [Pick-up 4] [Delivery 4]


Location: Leon Base, Omega 41

10 000 units of Oxygen
[Pick-up 1] [Delivery 1] [Pick-up 2] [Delivery 2]


Location: Cadiz Base, Omega 5

10 000 units of Oxygen
[Pick-up 1] [Delivery 1] [Pick-up 2] [Delivery 2]

Transmission closed

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Redirion - 10-09-2011

[Image: laster_trans.png]


I am working on the Black Sails-Contract.

[P] = Proof of pickup
[D] = Proof of delivery

Food Rations from Planet Gran Canaria to Planet Crete
[P], [D]
[P], [D]
[P], [D]
[P], [D]
[P], [D]
Total: 25000 Food Rations

Oxygen from Planet Crete to Leon Base
[P], [D]
[P], [D]
Total: 10000 Oxygen

Oxygen from Planet Crete to Cadiz Base
[P], [D]
[P], [D]
[P], [D]
[P], [D]
Total: 20000 Oxygen

Total contract value delivered: 55000

Best regards,
Ned Laster

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]