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OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Printable Version

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RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Aazalot - 02-08-2014

[Image: upiw.png]

To Security Applicant.

I am Director Voncloud, Head of Security for OSI. I Have recieved your application request and in turn i will be sending you our Application paperwork via your neural Net. Could you please make sure to add your name to it as currently you are known as just Mr X.
I look forward to your answers.
J Voncloud
Director of OSI Security
[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - HoloSan - 02-10-2014

Konichiwa. I am HoloSan, from Honshu. From as far back as I can remember, I've always wanted to be a spacer. After years of hard work and frugal living, last year I finally managed to buy my own ship. Trading in Sirius is not hard, so I have credits now and a much bigger ship.

In my travels I have met many different people who've asked if I was interested in joining their organizations. I turned them all down. Because, in my heart, I've always been a zoner. And now that I've proven to myself I can handle being a spacer pretty well, the time has come for me to see whether so esteemed a name as OSI would be wiling to take me on. I am not very good at shooting things, but can handle large craft well and am a great navigator too. I am very good at buying and selling things at the right time.

I feel I have a lot to offer OSI and I look forward to hearing from you.


RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Major_Mayhem - 02-11-2014

[Image: kelly.png]

Dear Mr. Normuratov

Your failure to answer to inquiries about your background is worrying and shows a severe lack of dedication. Hence, your application is denied

Best regards
Jason Kelly

Konbawa HoloSan

We have sent you additional paperwork which you'll be required to fill out in order to procced with your application.

Best regards
Jason Kelly

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - spiffymonkey - 02-12-2014

Neural Net Mail Inbox:

New Message from: Conner Rand, Blue.Jazz-5D04

Dear OSI Recruitment,

This is Conner Rand, captain the Blue.Jazz indentification 5D04. I'm looking to get in with a transport group and you folks at OSI seem like the right sort of bunch.

I've been working on haulers here in Liberty since I was sixteen. Jump around with all of the big three. Made my way up to first officer on a train. Saved up enough now that I got my own little ship, she's an Anki, nothing big but she's my own.

I don't know if you boys have jobs for smaller craft, maybe some dangerous jobs that need a smaller craft.

Anyways, let me know. I need to put together a crew and then I'm going to be starting my runs to the outer systems. See you around in the 'verse maybe.

Thanks for your time and consideration,
Conner Rand, Captain of the Blue Jazz

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Major_Mayhem - 02-12-2014

[Image: kelly.png]

Konbawa HoloSan

The Board has reviewed and approved your application to OSI. We've sent additional paperwork to your neural-net account, which you'll need to bring to our headquarter at Gran Canaria, in order to get your employee ID

Best regards
Jason Kelly

Best regards
Jason Kelly

Dear Mr. Rand

We have recieved your application. We would like to inform you however, that OSI does not condone of smuggling or blockade running, wich - in my eyes - are the predominant things a small freighters is better at than the zoner whale, including OSIs own modification, of course.

Nevertheless, if you wish to upgrade your cargohold with time, please inform us on this very channel, so we can send you the application form for independant contractors/freighter pilots.

Best regards
Jason Kelly

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - spiffymonkey - 02-16-2014

Neural Net Mail Inbox:

Reply to Jason Kelly RE: Application to OSI

Dear Mr. Kelly,

I'm interested in your offer of employ as an independent contractor. Please send me the application and I will happily fill it out. I look forward to our future business association.

Conner Rand

Updated ID info: Anki, Freelancer ID Jazz.Lady
Current Location: Omega 11, Solarius Station

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Major_Mayhem - 02-16-2014

[Image: kelly.png]

Dear Mr. Rand

I have sent some paperwork to your neural account. Please fill it out at your earliest convenience.

Best regards
Jason Kelly

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - MrWeeks - 02-21-2014

Dear Mr Kelly

My name is Mr Weeks, I am interested in joining the trade division of the prestigious OSI. I currently have a Zoner Borderworld Transport "ZBT-100Z 2" Tag:"Quasar" in my possession moored at the Zoner Base: "Shasta Orbital Skyhook" I would be keen to join your group in order to further the interests of OSI and my own personal endeavours.

Please inform me of any information you may require from me, as well as any rules/regulations of the OSI that I may not already know about.

Awaiting your swift response, and many thanks.

Richard Weeks

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Major_Mayhem - 02-21-2014

[Image: kelly.png]

Dear Mr. Weeks

I have sent some paperwork to your neural account. Please fill it out at your earliest convenience. Our Human Resources departement will review it and if approved invite you to a personal interview.

Best regards
Jason Kelly

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - lIceColon - 03-09-2014

Incoming Transmission

Comm ID: Beta and Alpha

Location: Omicr - !!!Triangulation sub process fail~ @near some kind of tRADE lan3? WWWWWWWWWWW... re-initializing...

-Voice synthesizers initiated-
-holographic facial emulation initiated - polygon count: 43, fps: 9.764

Greetings, Omicron Supply Industries
I *static* We are two digital things *static* man-made AI units created by humans.... okay.
To the point - erm
[skipping irrelevancy]
so when he left for the Junker ship, he left us with the following command: Profit.
We tried to join house corporations, but they seemed to dislike certain phrases we picked up from the captain who -
[accessing memory]
- was a Zoner.
After analyzing our personality subroutines with *static*-legal software obtained from a dealer at Bethlehem, the results indicate we are zoner, and that from our quiz results, our Zoner names are Theta Hippieface and Nephilim Neutralfuries. respectively.

Incoming Transmission

Comm ID: Nephilim Neutralfuries (Beta) and Theta Hippieface (Alpha)

Location: Omicron 74 [comment: we got there]

Greetings Mr. Kelly

I am the A.I. unit Beta, specializing in communications and weapons in our Duo, Alpha is the navigations unit. We have been properly repaired to 80% reliability after attempting to perform external maintenance our current ship, a Borderworlds Transport in our robotic humanoid interface during an ion storm which damaged us severely, and unfortunately I could not remove our draft message we recorded afterwards which has a 74% chance of preceding this recording in the transmission.
We wish to join the OSI in order to gain new opportunities for profit, and eventually directing excess monetary gain towards upgrading our circuitry for better quality and characteristics such as resistance to ionic damage.

Sincerely and metaphorically standing by for a response,
Beta (Nephilim Neutralfuries)

Transmission Ended