Do you like the avatar above me? - Zapp - 07-25-2010
That looks like the kind of helmet that would stop a bullet, but then the guy who just got shot would take the helmet off, look at the dent with a stupid grin on his face as if to say "it worked! I'm alive!" then get shot in the head again.
Do you like the avatar above me? - Avalanche - 07-25-2010
That boy looks like hes holding the Plane the wrong way round...
Do you like the avatar above me? - hypermauler - 07-25-2010
I saw something similar on an old shirt. I don't know why it puzzle me.
Do you like the avatar above me? - Kazinsal - 07-25-2010
It's... a guy?
Do you like the avatar above me? - kindred - 07-25-2010
Do you like the avatar above me? - jammi - 07-25-2010
10/10. Pedobear has such class and distinction, as well as the ability to lurk unnoticed for hours, in order to strike when you least expec- AAARGH, OH GOD...
Do you like the avatar above me? - Osilon - 07-25-2010
Do you like the avatar above me? - kindred - 07-25-2010
Furry, urgh... Do not want!
Do you like the avatar above me? - Zapp - 07-25-2010
Pedo, do not want:P
Do you like the avatar above me? - Hidamari - 07-26-2010
dude holding toy plane... looks inspirational, i did prefer you old comic style one though :3