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The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Printable Version

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LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Adam.Smith. - 06-05-2012

Where the money is going: Adam.Smith

Kills: 2 Rogues 1 Pirate 1 Outcast

Normal workin day.

[Image: Rogue_ID.jpg]
[Image: Rogue_2_ID.jpg]
[Image: Rogue_1_Dead.jpg]
[Image: Rogue_2_Dead.jpg]
Rogue and Rogue

  • [Image: OC_BS_ID.jpg]
    [Image: OC_BS_Dead.jpg]
    [Image: Pirate_ID.jpg]
    [Image: Pirate_dead.jpg]
Situation: Pirate GB and OC BS
Payment owed: 3 x 1.2+ 3.2 =6.8m to Adam.Smith

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Goddess Astra - 06-06-2012

Where the money is going: Nicole.Hayes

Kills: Lane Hacker, Sabre

Circumstances: A call went out system-wide for some backup for a navy officer under fire by a hacker, so I went to assist. Another freelancer and a transport joined in as well.

Proof: Payment owed: 1,200,000 credits

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Tutashkhia - 06-06-2012

Where the money is going: Mulberry.Reaver

Kills: RNC-Battlerum / Rheinland Military Battleship

Payment owed: 3.500.000

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Valhalla Sr. - 06-06-2012

Where the money is going: BHG|Amadeus.R

Kills: 1 Liberty Rogue Scylla, 1 Liberty Rogue Greyhound, 1 Corsair Titan

Circumstances: Standard working day, not much to tell

Payment owed: 1.2m + 1m + 1.2m + 1m = 4.4m

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Adam.Smith. - 06-07-2012

Where the money is going: Adam.Smith

Kills: 2 Pirats

Circumstances: Today unlawful scums swarmed New York system in huge numbers. I was lucky that they are not skilled at all so I managed to survive and to claim 2 of them in the process.

Proof: Pirate Bomber
[Image: Bomber_ID.jpg]
[Image: bomber_kill.jpg]
Proof: Pirate Fighter
[Image: HF_ID.jpg]
[Image: HF_kill.jpg]

Payment owed: 1+1= 2M

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Liamgly - 06-08-2012

Where the money is going: The.Thief

Kills: one rogue

Circumstances: I was near Planet manhattan when I came across this Rogue along with an Outcast gunboat I took the rogue down and called in some backup to deal with the outcast

Proof: Payment owed: 1.2 Million

Total Owed to date: 15.6 million

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Adam.Smith. - 06-10-2012

Where the money is going: Adam.Smith

Kills: 2 Outcasts

Circumstances: Same faces again and again they never learn.

Proof: Outcast GB
[Image: GB_dead.jpg][Image: GB_ID.jpg]
Proof: OC BS
[Image: BS_dead.jpg][Image: BS_ID.jpg]
Payment owed: 1.4+3.2=4.6M

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Vrabcek - 06-10-2012

Where the money is going: Untreue

Kills: 1x AGS-U|

Circumstances: While the Rheinlanders tried to run away, the unioners decided to shoot the Libertonian fleet. One of them was shot by me.


Payment owed: 1 000 000 + 400 000= 1 400 000

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Pepe - 06-10-2012

[font=Trebuchet Ms]
### Connection Established ###
### Incoming Transmission ###

Transmission shows Pepe.
He's having a glass of milk.
His Bottlenose smokes in the background.

[Image: commpepe0.png]

Intercom displays details:
Name: Pepe
Ship: BHG|-Pepe
Location: Planet Manhattan

Pepe is trying to hide his milk, when noticed camera is ON.

Huh? Hey! ... Good day, Sir...

There was that Brutal.Pancake rogue mocking all deacent people passing by Manhattan. So, I accepted his chalenge, just to find myself surrounded by his backup that arrived pretty soon. Unfortunatelly, I failed to give him my cerberus salvo surprise, so he runned just with some scratches. Rogue bomber was not so lucky, so I deliver him to you in a fashion-black BHG plastic bag.

Rogue ID bomber
Rogue bomber perished

It would be 1.200.000 on my account: BHG|-Pepe.

Thank you,

Pepe reaches OFF button. While doing that he managed to drop his milk all over.

### End of Transmission ###
### Connection's Off ###

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - bloogaL - 06-11-2012

Where the money is going: BHG|-Harry.Cooper

Kills: Two official LR- rogues, one indy rogue

Circumstances: Jumped in to California from New York, and there they were, simple as.

Payment owed: 4,400,000 SC