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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Liberty (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=71) +----- Forum: XA- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=512) +----- Thread: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) (/showthread.php?tid=7195) |
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - shemkel - 08-31-2012 :::INCOMING TRANSMISSION:::
:::Comms ID: Ronald Socha::: :::Location: Ouray Base - Colorado System::: :::Establishing data channel... done::: :::Establishing audio channel... done::: :::Establishing video channel... done::: ![]() Lancehead here. Got some shiny stuff for you, people. Pigmy - you're doing good. I'd even say - impressive. A nice Cap Killer Cross for the caps you nailed. ![]() Now... Pigmy, Egg Eater, Python, Rattler, Anaconda - for general performance - the Xeno Badge Rinkhals... you know what for. ![]() Pigmy, Egg Eater, Python, Rattler, Anaconda, Racer, Sidewinder, Golden Tree, Venom and Death Adder. For everything you've done for Colorado, here's Warrior of Colorado for you: ![]() Canebreak... you loose too many ships in Colorado. But you've done much in New York. So there's something for you too. ![]() There are also some Kill Jewels there but I won't list it all. Good job, people. Lancehead, out. :::Attachments::: :::Connection terminated::: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Silekar - 09-02-2012 ***Incoming Transmission*** ***CommID: Silekar.Dravin*** ***Encryption: Network Coded*** ***Processing*** Hello everyone, I'm sitting here on Ouray after reloading my bomber, so I figured I would write a report. Starting off today, XA Golden.Tree and I went to California. It wasn't long before an Outcast Gunboat flew by with a firefly floating after him (clearly asleep at the wheel). After them, came some Navy and a bounty hunter, along with one of the Hellfire Legion's ships who had come to join up with us. After a little while, the bounty hunter got frisky, and the liberty cruiser started shooting at everyone as a result. Chaos ensued, and everyone shot everyone else while the firefly pilot slept through the whole thing. Golden and I got our ships a little fried out there, and were transported to different bases by separate Xeno patrols. After that lovely mess above, Golden was in Pennsylvania, and I was in Colorado. Golden met up with an unfriendly Hegemon in York, and I was unable to reach him in time. Before this however, a silent Mastodon carrying about 3k worth of Boron cruised through Colorado until, after repeated attempts to communicate met with attempts to run and complete silence, I tore him apart. :::ENEMY ENGAGED::: Target: Haymarket with Freelancer ID Ship: Mastodon Cargo: About 3k of Boron Destiny: Torn to pieces by XA-Egg.Eater Imagine my surprise when the very trader who shot up Golden's Starblazer came floating through Colorado with the Firefly who had been sleeping in California at his side, both of them hauling Helium. They told me they were headed to the Osaka storage facility in Kusari space, and naturally, that didn't sit well with me. I gave them a chance to drop their cargo since I'm generally a nice person (or is it because I knew they would refuse?), but they refused, and Pendragon ran through a lane. StarKing paid for his friend's mistake, and died from a blast of my anti-matter cannon just as his plea for mercy came over the comms. Oops, little too late. :::ENEMY ENGAGED::: Target: StarKing with Miner ID Ship: Hegemon Cargo: About 1.5k of Helium Destiny: "One SNAC too late for mercy" by XA-Egg.Eater And you thought it ended there, didn't you? Well it doesn't. Pendragon was running, and I figured I might be able to catch him in Kepler. Upon entering Kepler, he greeted me with weapons fire, and then tried to talk me down (kind of out of order, don't you think?). I was willing to talk until, while sitting in front of the lane and making multiple dock attempts while I disabled the lane repeatedly, he opened fire suddenly. My guns took out his shield, my antimatter cannon brought him to his knees, and then hell's fury descended upon him, leaving nothing but dust and the faint echo of a scream. :::ENEMY ENGAGED::: Target: Pendragon with Freelancer ID Ship: Firefly Cargo: About 3.5k of Helium Destiny: Hunted down and ripped apart by XA-Egg.Eater That sums up the action so far, maybe there will be more today, maybe not, but this is Egg.Eater, signing off. ***Transmission Terminated*** Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Araevin Teshurr - 09-07-2012 ===Incoming Report=== ===Jeremy Lavereck=== So today, I jumped into space to help a friend out, said he needed it. We stumbled upon an Outcast Tridente, while I was outfitted to combat it, my friend was not, so he drew him away, while I blew him up. After that a Junker wanted to show us their 'justice', well he called in help, from a Scylla and a congress member! Well, the congress members ran away when some of ours showed up, and guess what... We got the Scylla they left to die. Then, the icing on the cake, an Outcast Destroyer! So, we sent him home, and took his ship too. That was it, the rest of the boys are out there still. ===End Relay=== Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Strobel - 09-10-2012 Incoming uplink... [color=#009900]Established Identity Rinkhals... Access granted Establishing secured transmission... Link active ![]() Hear it, hear it,
not only that earlier this day we've been able to defeat a Navy's LABC and a Rogue Scylla - I guess those who made the last shot will write their report themselves - but also I managed to take down a Freelancer who tried to sneak upon our positions.
This Raven's Talon called Navy-Supporter dared to play my tail for about 10-20 minutes before he came way too close to Ouray. With the assistance of the brave Racer we've been able to distract the vessel between the Ontario Jump Hole and Pueblo Station so our patrol routes may not be revealed to the subject. Even if warned many times by Racer and me this stubborn pilot refused to leave the area. Not the smartest decision he's made this day, that's something I can tell you. [Guncam] After a final warning and due to the interference of some filthy pirate we took the liberty to clean Colorado from this annoying subject. Because Racer had to deal with something more important I faced this stalker with my Eagle and managed to push him right on a mine deployed from my vessel. That poor little fellow wasn't even able to avoid hitting the mine. Anyway, after I made sure this creep was spaced Racer and I returned to Ouray to celebrate this amazing day with a couple of glasses filled with Mother's finest. By that time we already were in a good mood but what came after that really surprised me. One of our engineers who was supposed to clean the loot I tractorred from the Raven's came to the bar and told me what he found in my cargo bay. But well, see for yourself what nice presents I brought back home. [Cargo list #1] [Cargo list #2] Anyway, it's been one hell of a day with very impressive fireworks and a good team in space. We should do this more often, guys. Oh and send somebody who's gonna fix this damned terminal. This static on my video feed always gives me a headache. Addendum: It's me... again. Forget about the "it's been one hell of a day" talk earlier. Today is nothing but MY day. Lachesis requested assistance tracking down some trader coming from Kusari which he - unfortunatly - lost due to an Ion storm in Colorado. While he was trying to relocate this trader I went straight for the New York gate to intercept the subject. Yet our prey was able to make the jump before I was on location. Anyway, while I was waiting for Lachesis some Samura guys in his fancy Big Dragon showed up. Scared by the Rinkhals painting on my Roc's hull he tried to re-enter the trade lane he just came out of but no chance. I had the lane down within seconds and there was no escape. I tried to talk to him but this foreign scum just let lose his gunners... The game was on. Not that I don't expect anything from those kusarians but they surely don't know how to operate their vessels. It's been easy prey to hunt down. [Guncam] Lachesis arrived on location and we found ourselves facing a Navy carrier. Well, her captain wasn't really into talking but instead called - without our knowledge - for back up. Minutes later we were facing a Navy carrier with a Dreadnought on his port side. It's been fun to cruise around watching them suffer from the fact that they couldn't to a thing against our vessels. But well, seconds before Lachesis and I decided to leave the area Lachesis spotted another incoming vessel from Kusari. Long story short: Under the eyes of the brave and soooo impressive Liberty Navy we took down that trader. [Guncam] Sending a note to him and his friends that they're not welcome in Liberty as long as we - the Xeno Alliance - are still around. And that's gonna be for a long long time. Now, is that technician about to show up here soon? Rinkhals Nothing but trouble Most likely wanted for treason Not where you are looking for me [font=Agency FB][color=#CC0000]Scrambler activated... Deleting router logs... Signal Lost... [font=Arial]// Most likely the player "Navy-Supporter" hadn't had any idea what RP was as one can see in the kill shot. Racer and I tried to get him of the ooRP but no chance at all. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Tyler - 09-18-2012 ![]()
Howdy. Some smooth operations today. I might have lost two ships, but I did manage to disrupt trading in Colorado quite hard, and even fought the occasional Rogue, Navy or Hacker. I've seen so many explosions, I even forgot to flinch at the last few explosions, must be getting used to it.
Anyhow, got some records on the various kills we managed to score, and unfortunatly some black box recordings of Pygmy's and my ships destruction by that Hacker. Holo-record 1
Holo-record 2 Holo-record 3 Holo-record 4 Holo-record 5 Holo-record 6 Holo-record 7 Holo-record 8 Holo-record 9 Was really funny though, this trader who got shot down by me, passed the same route, which is surprising since he must have had one ship parked somewhere with the exact same transponder and whatnot, demanded five million credits as tax for the fact I blew his behind up. *chuckles* Now, I don't have five million credits lying around, so told him to *censored* it. Succesful day indeed. Hoping to meet Pygmy and Amargosa for drinks in the bar, which I'm off for now. I could use that Sidewider Fang.
Joe out. ![]() Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - shemkel - 09-18-2012 :::INCOMING TRANSMISSION:::
:::Comms ID: Ronald Socha::: :::Location: Ouray Base - Colorado System::: :::Establishing data channel... done::: :::Establishing audio channel... done::: :::Establishing video channel... done::: ![]() Lancehead here. Good job, guys. Especially you, Joe. Nice to see such an enthusiasm from a rookie. Pygmy, you're doing well. I especially like how you help out our recruits to become fierce xenos. To make it slightly easier for you, we decided to make you a Ripe. ![]() Put these on. Lancehead, out. :::Attachments::: :::Connection terminated::: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Evo - 09-19-2012 .:Incoming Transmission:.
--Error--Encryption Detected--Decoding.. --Decryption Complete--Comm ID--Thomas Greenfield--Ouray Base, Colorado-- .:Displaying Message:. Well 'owdy there, we had a big'un t'day! Bottlenose 'cided t' try 'n collect a bounty on one of our ships. Resultin' fight was 'uge, we 'ad a lot fightin'. Targets Engaged: Rising.Hope, Bounty Hunter Bottlenose Friendly targets fighting: XA-Liberty, XA-Pygmy, XA-Venom, XA-Bandy-Bandy, XA-Rattler, Alabama, Iustitita Result: One less bottlenose 'n whatnot S'more gun cam shots: #1 #2 #3 Debrief: Ah was mostly sittin' 'round 'n sidelines, throwin' CD's at 'im every once 'n a while 'n givin' bombers bots 'n bats 'n whatnot. T'my surprise, ah actually killed 'im with mah CD 'fter Iustitita gave 'im some antimatter t'the face 'n whatnot. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Evo - 10-02-2012 .:Incoming Transmission:.
--Error--Encryption Detected--Decoding.. --Decryption Complete--Comm ID--Thomas Greenfield--Ouray Base, Colorado-- . ![]() Gonna make this'un short 'n sweet. Some nice kills for ye', quite a lot actually. Some I don't even 'member, all 'n the name 'o a safe 'n free Liberteh fer our child'en 'n fellow Libertonians. Let there be guncams 'n whatnot. Carrier 'at jumped right 'fore we blew it Bunter sea serpent Rogue Barghest no more Pesky Freelancer Wasapu LABC #1 LABC #2 Niobium ore fer Ouray 'Ey, wasn't there just a scylla there? 'Nother Scylla got lost so we sent it 'ome Trader #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 Sniffer gunboat.. No thanks 'Ope that tickles yer fancy, Lancehead. Save a bunch fer ye' t'look at m'pretty collage 'o death 'n whatnot. Feheheh. .:Transmission Terminated:. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Tyler - 10-02-2012 [center]:::INCOMING TRANSMISSION::: :::XENO ALLIANCE AUTOMATED REPORTING SYSTEM::: :::Comms ID:Joe Heart::: :::Establishing data channel... done:::[/center] [center] :::Enemy engaged::: Engagement location: Most of the times NY JG in Colorado. Ship Type: Miscellaneous. IFF: Miscellaneous. Outcome: DESTROYED Evidence: Evidence guncam shots database, click here. :::Notes::: *You hear a big booming drunken laugh before Joe makes his appearance on the camera* Heh, let me start off by apologizing for the fact that the footage can be... hectic. Coming from a job where I served folks food and drinks, and making the occasional bomb and such to jumping in fighting and controlling ships I've never flown before is one hell of a task. *takes a big gulp of Mother's Finest* Now... I did however manage to get some guncam shots. Nice one aswell might I say. Ever since I started flying with you guys, and especially with Pygmy a lot I've got quite the number of foreigners taken down by my hand, and some Libertonians aswell, either Rogues or others, participating in smuggling that filth called Cardamine or other contraband. I'm not saying I got off the hook all the time, I lost about 2 or 3 ships by now, but luckily managed to be picked up on time by one of us and hauled back to Ouray. But my, what a blast I'm having. Such a blast filling in these reports kinda... Well, I'd rather fly at the moment and blow stuff up then sit down. But Pygmy kicked in the boot to make a report, as I don't look forward to the airlock. Har har. So, check the database. It's all in there. *shouts for another bottle of Mother's Finest* I'm off, night off on the base to get hammered. - Joe out. [/center] RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - CrossBones - 12-24-2012 Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) ***Incoming Transmission*** ***CommID: Anaconda*** ***Encryption: Network Coded*** ***Processing*** While patrolling the Pueblo and NY gate trade lane I came across a Kussari trader on way to NY. I broke the lane and order him to drop his cargo. He refused at this point a LPI and a Bounty Hunter was approaching, the trader took this opportunity and fled as my attention now to the so called law fulls. " always wonder about that" Now I have to decide what to do take a chance and loose another ship or run to a safe haven in this case Ouray. I will have some explaining to do to my commander about loosing another ship but never the less I decided to stay and fight. After a fierce fight against both my ship had some damage but was still together and down went the first and soon after the second. Needless to say that it was a good day for Xenos. ![]() |