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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - Jeff the Blue - 12-09-2010

' Wrote:
Jeff Blue has been promoted to the rank of Ensign, partly on the basis of the competance shown on this occasion. Congratulations Ensign.


To: Fleet Admiral Hale and Liberty Navy Promotion Board


I am humbled, and honored, by this formal recognition of my attempts to protect Liberty. I shall strive to excell in all aspects in her protection.

May Liberty reign,

Ensign Jeff Blue

Liberty Forces Message dump - Jeff the Blue - 12-10-2010


To: [LN] High Command


It was another event filled patrol for me and Miss Belle, to make and understatement. I started my patrol within Alaska, confirmed 2 targets as fellow officer but then ran into a confused civilian near Juneau. Upon completion of jump to New York, with civie in-tow, my Miss Belle started suffering minor glitches. At first, I thought it might be due to relationship jitters seeing as we are just getting to know each other, at moment.

However, the glitches became more and more intense. I was foced to go to manual and, for a time, my course kept switching towards New York's Sun! While running manual diagonostics, I received a report from local Bounty Hunter of a possible pirate off of the Lanes between Westpoint and Manhattan. Under manual control I investigated.

As I came into scanner range of target "Smeagle" life signs showed a civie pilot in his hold. Natuarlly I assumed he had just been rescued. To my dismay "Smeagle" proved to be less than a humanitarian. Despite several opportunities to withdraw "Smeagle" refused my orders and threaten my destruction. As we can read, he failed in his endeavor and I was able to get our citizen to medical care at Manhattan.

Once I turned the civie over, i had Miss Belle re-activated and the techs and I found disturbing code within Miss Belle's central core:

Research.Drone-Erasure: :::This unit will delete jeff:::
Research.Drone-Erasure: :::This unit will delete all that gets in the way:::
Research.Drone-Erasure: :::this unit will delete all navy ::::
Research.Drone-Erasure: ::::Navy wants this unit to leave but there ships stop it leaving:::
Research.Drone-Erasure: :::This unit is set to full attack mode::::
Research.Drone-Erasure: ::::Erasure is this units code name
Research.Drone-Erasure: ::::Location Newyork::::
Research.Drone-Erasure: ::::Hacking Fortbush security systems::::
Research.Drone-Erasure: :::Uploading virus::::
Research.Drone-Erasure: :::Virus uploaded shutting down fortbush::::
Research.Drone-Erasure: :::fortbush offline:::
Research.Drone-Erasure: ::::Uploading virus to [LN]-Jeff.Blue:::
Research.Drone-Erasure: :::Virus uploaded shutting down all ship systems::::
Research.Drone-Erasure: :::Uploading new waypoint THE SUN to Jeffs Computer:::
Research.Drone-Erasure: :::New waypoint uploaded:::
Research.Drone-Erasure: :::Sets auto destruck on [LN]-Jeff.Blue ship 5 seconds:::
Research.Drone-Erasure: ::5::
Research.Drone-Erasure: :::4:::
Research.Drone-Erasure: :::3:::
[LN]-Jeff.Blue: Manual overide Delta1
Research.Drone-Erasure: :::2:::
Research.Drone-Erasure: :::link lost:::
[LN]-Jeff.Blue: hehehe, just gotta love the off switch
[LN]-Jeff.Blue: why we rule baby!
Research.Drone-Erasure: :::Weapons online::::
Research.Drone-Erasure: ::::Shutting down life support on Smeage cargohold:::
Research.Drone-Erasure: :::100k to target:::
Research.Drone-Erasure: :::weapons online target [LN]
Research.Drone-Erasure: :::Thiss unit will fire on sight of target:::
Research.Drone-Erasure: :::40k from target:::

Command, I shudder to think what might have happened if I had switched to manual a little slower or had not had a civie to attend to. I was not even aware that this AI was that close to me and Miss Belle. I hope this information shall lead to new software upgrades. Plus, I suggest we make such Critters KOS.

May Liberty reign,

Ensign Jeff Blue

Gun-cam stills:


Liberty Forces Message dump - aznremix416 - 12-10-2010

[Image: Joseph-Tippmanhead.png]

ENCRYPTION: [color=#33FF33]Medium.
SOURCE: Battleship Mississippi.
Submitter: Sub Lieutenant Joseph Tippman, Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
Recipient: [LN] High Command

Subject: Patrol Report


A short patrol today,

I undocked from West Point and met up with Gold 11, Kapinos, and Valeri.

Now I must say that in my opinion, HC should look after Valeri, if I may say, he is quite reckless I and worry

about the safety of those who serve under him. However he is a very skilled and dedicated pilot, and I may

be wrong, his aggressiveness may win us victories.

Anyhow, Valeri and Kapinos formed a squad, and I was assigned to Gold 11. While Valeri'€™s squadron was

patrolling California, we watched over a smuggler who looked very suspicious, however it was not too long

until we received a call that a couple of Billy Willys were seen in Colorado. We all formed up and double timed

it to Colorado, however when we arrived the Billys moved to New York. After returning to New York we found

nothing. After I broke from the squadron and did some patrolling, I decided to call it a night, as I was needed

at West Point to teach a class to new nuggets.

I will be out in the field again shortly...


[font=Georgia]Sub Lt. Joseph Tippman signing off.


[Image: Joseph-Tippmanfoot-2.png]

DELETE - SnakThree - 12-10-2010


Liberty Forces Message dump - ryoken - 12-10-2010

***CALLSIGN Yorktown***

Hmm do you have any footage of these crimes? I have seen WRECKER-J many times,and he has personally handed over many Rheinland prisoners. He is a junker so i am sure he smuggles,but without evidence? like guncam footage we cannot prove it.


DELETE - SnakThree - 12-10-2010


Liberty Forces Message dump - Samuel Zanders - 12-10-2010

Initiating Connection...
Establishing Network...
Network 100% Complete...
Transmitting Message...

[color=#FFFFFF]Identification Processing...

Captain Samuel Zanders

[font=Palatino Linotype]Salutations,

Got another AI-unit that is hostile.

TARGET: Research.Drone


You may engage this target on sight if caught being in Liberty.

EVIDENCE A (Logs from Captain Zanders)

Ensign Arthur Crawler,

I do not think you are lying, but without evidence we can't make any decisions. You MUST take evidence of a pilot breaking the law if you want us to take action. Do not let your feelings get boiled up now, I have been in the same position, just catch him in the act again. He will slip, one day.

If you do have evidence, forward them immediately, and I will make sure he loses his docking rights and issue a KOS ORDER on him for the multiple laws he allegedly broke.


All files have been sent to Fleet Admiral Hale, internal issue, him and only him will deal with it from the side of Liberty Navy. All Primary Navy Units have been ordered to ignore any and all orders from LSF Pilot Raphael Black until further notice.

[color=#3366FF]That is all - Zanders out.

DELETE - SnakThree - 12-10-2010


Liberty Forces Message dump - Samuel Zanders - 12-10-2010

Initiating Connection...
Establishing Network...
Network 100% Complete...
Transmitting Message...

[color=#FFFFFF]Identification Processing...

Captain Samuel Zanders

[font=Palatino Linotype]Ensign Arthur Crawler,

Well done, Navy HC is being informed as we speak. Got another criminal to add.

[color=#3366FF]That is all - Zanders out.

DELETE - SnakThree - 12-10-2010