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freelancers demanding cargo..pirating - Printable Version

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RE: freelancers demanding cargo..pirating - Thyrzul - 06-16-2013

(06-16-2013, 05:57 PM)Sabre Wrote: and if Pilip didn't change the ID and is just talking out of his hind quarters just to whine?
*sabre plays devils advocate*
The only ones who know what really happened are pilip and doj.

And that is where Pilip has to prove his claim. Not here, not to us, but in a proper rule violation report. If there is no action taken, just empty words flying around, nobody can expect the admins to punish players based on such words.

RE: freelancers demanding cargo..pirating - Pilip - 06-16-2013

(06-16-2013, 06:12 PM)Thyrzul Wrote:
(06-16-2013, 05:57 PM)Sabre Wrote: and if Pilip didn't change the ID and is just talking out of his hind quarters just to whine?
*sabre plays devils advocate*
The only ones who know what really happened are pilip and doj.

And that is where Pilip has to prove his claim. Not here, not to us, but in a proper rule violation report. If there is no action taken, just empty words flying around, nobody can expect the admins to punish players based on such words.

really? is it worth it? frankly no and so i will not bother myself nor you fellas with such...after so many ,,opinioners,, here more scandalized and amazed that someone comes up to say something, then the ,,posible Old joker ,, doing his ussual tabiets around and some of you should know that better right?
and the ,,all said here wasn't adressed to doj but to freelancers in transports about shooting them for no reason from now on,,,,, not about doj, who the f** is this pink nails anyway? is not like i care too much, never know him and never will so...!
i wasn't a ,,too active member,, around here and sincerely i refused to register for a year or so but now with the prove of the so many chilled and opened minds here ,,eager,, to do and be...i really dont think i will disturb you fine team so hugged on all sides...the OMG and Lol generation, dont hurry to thank me it may not be like that.
well that must be all, low ping and good evening to most of you!

RE: freelancers demanding cargo..pirating - Spike Seadra - 06-16-2013

I think this thread should be closed.
It's getting worst and too much harashment.

RE: freelancers demanding cargo..pirating - Lythrilux - 06-16-2013

I agree.
I can say from experience that reasoning with this guy is like trying to tell Hitler there's no aryan race.

RE: freelancers demanding cargo..pirating - glassofwater - 06-16-2013

(06-15-2013, 01:47 AM)Sabre Wrote: i do think you've violated the sandwich rule though. Go make a sandwich and calm down.

Very good rule indeed. Go make a sammich, buddy.

~Actually, how about we all make one?

RE: freelancers demanding cargo..pirating - Evo - 06-16-2013

(06-10-2013, 01:14 PM)Scumbag Wrote:
(06-10-2013, 12:47 PM)Anaximander Wrote: Ah ok, maybe the guy was registered on a bounty board and there's a bounty on your ship/faction...

What is your ID?

how do i know if the freelancer is registered, maybe he is lying about it. I dont think freelancers should pirate or claim bounties at all.

Stop being lazy and go check the registration thread. If they're not listed as being claimers, then report. It goes double for bounty hunters, maybe they shouldn't claim bounties at all because you don't know if they've signed up for the board.

RE: freelancers demanding cargo..pirating - ProwlerPC - 06-16-2013

Okaaaay. Wow this got nowhere fast.