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Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Printable Version

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RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - LucasDarkhaven - 06-21-2013

Quote:I'll be single faction needs 50 new players. The server would be most helped if you guys can spread yourselves across the board a bit, or at least join SEVERAL different factions and use them at different times. The Bretonia-Gallia conflict could both use more players, particularly Gallia.

As for traders, You could definitely spread those out a bit. We could use some in Gateway|, some in ALG|, some in LIberty Trade Shipping, etc.

The main faction we don't need more of.....are Zoners.

Well we are a clan and enjoy playing together. We like working toward each others common interests.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - LucasDarkhaven - 06-21-2013

Quote:We saw your thread around the time you originally posted it, OP, yes the Liberty Navy [LN] is still active, unfortunately making a post in our forum subsection isn't how joining a faction works, you'd need to go through the recruitment process like everyone else.

The [LN] has a pretty big memberbase compared to some other factions as well.

I think you might have misunderstood my character. He wasn't really interested in becoming one of your recruits and playing around in a fighter looking for pirates. He simply wanted Liberty's blessing too build a fleet under his direct command(There is also a rebel faction, Hell Fire legion that might be interested). He has the money, recources, and players to do it. He wasn't interested in being directly under your authority.

Hopefully Lucas could get Liberty's blessing, but if not he intends to do it anyway or look for a House that would be more friendly towards his and his associate's intentions.

Should make for interesting rp regardless of Liberty's decision.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Sarawr!? - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 07:07 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote:
Quote:We saw your thread around the time you originally posted it, OP, yes the Liberty Navy [LN] is still active, unfortunately making a post in our forum subsection isn't how joining a faction works, you'd need to go through the recruitment process like everyone else.

The [LN] has a pretty big memberbase compared to some other factions as well.

I think you might have misunderstood me. I wasn't really in becoming one of your recruits and playing around in a fighter looking for pirates. I simply wanted Liberty's blessing too build a fleet under my direct command(There is also a rebel faction, Hell Fire legion that might be interested). I have the money, recources, and players to do it. I wasn't interested in being directly under your authority.

Hopefully I could get Liberty's blessing, but if not I intend to do it anyway.

Oh, well that's easy enough, go ahead and make the ships..You don't need to ask the [LN] for that.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Anaximander - 06-21-2013

I second Gallia. They're supposed to be something like the Empire out of Star Wars on a mission to conquer the universe, yet you only get to see them in proper numbers once or twice a week.

Moreover if you start winning a whole lot, nobody can bash you on the head and tell you you aren't supposed to win according to the pre-written lore, if you like to fly capital ships you can do so since Gallia is supposed to have endless numbers of battleships and cruisers. Their ships are good too, except for the Cruiser and maybe the Gunboat.

Plus with low activity there, a group the size you mention will have the ability to make an impact and shake things up a little, your credits and player count will translate into actual in-game influence more easily there, which might be good. Gallia is a Discovery addition as well, so you are pretty free to do your own thing without someone telling you that you are supposed to things a different way.

Go Gallia.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - kikatsu - 06-21-2013

Well if you plan on making your own group, yeah you can go ahead and do that. The official factions for the ID you use still have some sway over how you act, like if you are in Liberty you cannot go to war with Bretonia, the LN has a close relationship with them.

But if you want to start up a new group under your control you can post about it here if you want public information on the group:
All the suggested groups you could work with so far have all been valid, really it all depends on what you want to do in the server.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Scumbag - 06-21-2013

As you can see all the houses and important factions have old players and even admins that run them, its hard to get involved there and be a decision factor. But the GRN Galic royal navy is about to be disbanded, there is a power void there. So you have a big, beautiful isolated house who has a client house (Kusari, and Rheinland almost) who is relatively new to the game, in roleplay and in game that is starved for leadership and players. Its the obvious best choice.
So many players in a small faction can destabilise the politics localy. You can take over all of Galia with different characters for every faction.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Lythrilux - 06-21-2013

you know, you and your friends may be the solution to gallia we've been wanting all along.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - LucasDarkhaven - 06-21-2013

Thanks for all the usefull information guys. And LolRawr, sorry if I sounded harsh. Still in the process of learning how this server works.

And our clan is all about fair fun gameplay for everyone. We don't wish to destabilize anything, that's why I'm on these forums trying to get information on things before we do anything.

Galia seems interesting. And if Liberty Navy denies Lucas's request it would be a great rp reason to go to Galia.

And LolRawr, I was under the impression that building cap ships without a factions permission is a great way to be considered a rouge and be targeted by everyone in that faction.

Just trying to do things legit.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Sarawr!? - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 07:22 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote: And LolRawr, I was under the impression that building cap ships without a factions permission is a great way to be considered a rouge and be targeted by everyone in that faction.

Just trying to do things legit.

It's not the building of capships that causes so many to be considered Rogue, it's how they behave while using those ships.

If you want to create an independent fleet, you're free to do so, but I would highly recommend cooperating with the [LN] and other independent groups like SFC| when we're out and about in game.

People in those groups can show you guys the ropes of Disco and help you get used to how things work.

I look forward to seeing you around.

Additionally though yes, I'd recommend looking into places like Gallia or Kusari, since they're who need activity and life breathed into them the most.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Lythrilux - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 07:22 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote: The impression that building cap ships without a factions permission is a great way to be considered a rouge and be targeted by everyone in that faction.

I wish this was true so much ;_;.