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[all traders] Delivery Mission ended - Prelude to: [Fall of Freeport 4] - Printable Version

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RE: [all traders] Call for Commodity Delivery to FP4: PROLONGED UNTIL SUNDAY NIGHT - TLI-Inferno - 10-19-2013

*Incoming Transmission*
ID: .:j:.DM'sRelaxation*

Greetings from the Congress, this is Deminer. I've already reported a few hauls, but as Freeport 4 continues to require supplies I shall continue to do my best in sustaining such a haven.

Let tonight's shipments of:
4100 Food
8200 Oxygen
4100 Water
8200 H-Fuel

Serve to sustain the body and spirit of the station and its crew.

[Image: 11108d74a005cfb521ef_1.jpg] [Image: 11108d74a005cfb521ef_2.jpg] [Image: 11108d74a005cfb521ef_3.jpg] [Image: 11108d74a005cfb521ef_4.jpg] [Image: 11108d74a005cfb521ef_5.jpg] [Image: 11108d74a005cfb521ef_6.jpg] [Image: 11108d74a005cfb521ef_7.jpg] [Image: 11108d74a005cfb521ef_8.jpg] [Image: 11108d74a005cfb521ef_9.jpg] [Image: 11108d74a005cfb521ef_10.jpg] [Image: 11108d74a005cfb521ef_11.jpg] [Image: 11108d74a005cfb521ef_12.jpg]

*End Transmission*

RE: [all traders] Call for Commodity Delivery to FP4: PROLONGED UNTIL SUNDAY NIGHT - Thexare - 10-19-2013

Incoming transmission...
Encryption: Seems unnecessary.
[Image: Ken-Matsuda.png]

Just prior to dealing with a couple egostical freelancers getting into what could charitably be described as a dickwaving contest, I made two deliveries in VTS Headlong Flight. It had occurred to me that given your pricing, some basic needs may be neglected.

Data has been enclosed.

Files received.
Contents: Time | Cargo
Contents: Time | Cargo

Because of the Barrier's proximity to the Freeport, I don't beleive water will be as urgent a need. If I am wrong, however, we will arrange for shipments.

End of transmission.

RE: [all traders] Call for Commodity Delivery to FP4: PROLONGED UNTIL SUNDAY NIGHT - Sabru - 10-19-2013

*Transmission Incoming*
ID: Bragg
Message Begins.......

First Officer Bragg reporting in for Pope Gaunt.

4970 units of food and 4970 units of H-fuel delivered to the Freeport.

Docking Manifests

Bragg, out.
****Transmission Ends****

RE: [all traders] Call for Commodity Delivery to FP4: PROLONGED UNTIL SUNDAY NIGHT - TLI-Inferno - 10-19-2013

*Incoming Transmission*
ID: .:j:.DM'sRelaxation*

Greetings from the Congress, this is Deminer. I've already reported a few hauls, but as Freeport 4 continues to require supplies I shall continue to support it.

Enjoy my shipments of:

4100 Food
8200 Oxygen
4100 Water
8200 H-Fuel

Not that anybody's counting, but this I've hauled a total of 15 loads now.

[Image: b659c7f1a3e781db1c63_1.jpg] [Image: b659c7f1a3e781db1c63_2.jpg] [Image: b659c7f1a3e781db1c63_3.jpg] [Image: b659c7f1a3e781db1c63_4.jpg] [Image: b659c7f1a3e781db1c63_5.jpg] [Image: b659c7f1a3e781db1c63_6.jpg] [Image: b659c7f1a3e781db1c63_7.jpg] [Image: b659c7f1a3e781db1c63_8.jpg] [Image: b659c7f1a3e781db1c63_9.jpg] [Image: b659c7f1a3e781db1c63_10.jpg] [Image: b659c7f1a3e781db1c63_11.jpg] [Image: b659c7f1a3e781db1c63_12.jpg]

*End Transmission*

RE: [all traders] Call for Commodity Delivery to FP4: PROLONGED UNTIL SUNDAY NIGHT - Ponge - 10-20-2013

::::Incoming transmission:::
Ship ID: .:j:.Wayland's.Lorry

Greetings. I made some deliveries to your Freeport.
1 load=4195 units

1 load = 4195 units of engine components
1 load = 4195 units of food rations
3 loads = 12585 units of oxygen
2 loads = 8930 units of water
2 loads = 8930 units of H-fuel

[Image: 33ab25fb359a96c7014f_1.jpg] [Image: 33ab25fb359a96c7014f_2.jpg] [Image: 33ab25fb359a96c7014f_3.jpg] [Image: 33ab25fb359a96c7014f_4.jpg] [Image: 33ab25fb359a96c7014f_5.jpg] [Image: 33ab25fb359a96c7014f_6.jpg] [Image: 33ab25fb359a96c7014f_7.jpg] [Image: 33ab25fb359a96c7014f_8.jpg] [Image: 33ab25fb359a96c7014f_9.jpg] [Image: 33ab25fb359a96c7014f_10.jpg] [Image: 33ab25fb359a96c7014f_11.jpg] [Image: 33ab25fb359a96c7014f_12.jpg] [Image: 33ab25fb359a96c7014f_13.jpg] [Image: 33ab25fb359a96c7014f_14.jpg] [Image: 33ab25fb359a96c7014f_15.jpg] [Image: 33ab25fb359a96c7014f_16.jpg] [Image: 33ab25fb359a96c7014f_17.jpg] [Image: 33ab25fb359a96c7014f_18.jpg]

*****UPDATE 1*****

5 loads = 20975 units of energy field equipment

[Image: 8190639e698662e34702_2.jpg] [Image: 8190639e698662e34702_1.jpg] [Image: 8190639e698662e34702_4.jpg] [Image: 8190639e698662e34702_3.jpg] [Image: 8190639e698662e34702_6.jpg] [Image: 8190639e698662e34702_5.jpg] [Image: 8190639e698662e34702_8.jpg] [Image: 8190639e698662e34702_7.jpg] [Image: 8190639e698662e34702_10.jpg] [Image: 8190639e698662e34702_9.jpg]

*****UPDATE 2*****

5 loads = 20975 units of engine components

[Image: 0f8d071ff89e8561b2ee_1.jpg] [Image: 0f8d071ff89e8561b2ee_2.jpg] [Image: 0f8d071ff89e8561b2ee_3.jpg] [Image: 0f8d071ff89e8561b2ee_4.jpg] [Image: 0f8d071ff89e8561b2ee_5.jpg] [Image: 0f8d071ff89e8561b2ee_6.jpg] [Image: 0f8d071ff89e8561b2ee_7.jpg] [Image: 0f8d071ff89e8561b2ee_8.jpg] [Image: 0f8d071ff89e8561b2ee_9.jpg] [Image: 0f8d071ff89e8561b2ee_10.jpg]

*****UPDATE 3*****

5 loads = 20975 units of food
5 loads = 20975 units of H-fuel

[Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_1.jpg] [Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_2.jpg] [Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_3.jpg] [Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_4.jpg] [Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_5.jpg] [Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_6.jpg] [Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_7.jpg] [Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_8.jpg] [Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_9.jpg] [Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_10.jpg] [Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_11.jpg] [Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_12.jpg] [Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_13.jpg] [Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_14.jpg] [Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_15.jpg] [Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_16.jpg] [Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_17.jpg] [Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_18.jpg] [Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_19.jpg] [Image: 4f8ca8aa38701c056277_20.jpg]

This listing continues below:

.:j:.Adam Wayland

::::End of transmission:::

RE: [all traders] Call for Commodity Delivery to FP4: PROLONGED UNTIL SUNDAY NIGHT - rhodesia - 10-20-2013

[Image: 7vfq.png]

After updating my armour because of a run in with a pirate here's another report. Fairly uneventful day, a bit of LN in Magellan though, could be the start of trouble.

Ship Name: The.Kelly

Trade report:

Shipment 003 Log
4090 x Passengers
4090 x Robotics

Shipment 004 Log
4090 x Passengers
4090 x Water

[Image: tnh7.png]

RE: [all traders] Call for Commodity Delivery to FP4: PROLONGED UNTIL SUNDAY NIGHT - rhodesia - 10-20-2013

[Image: ktz2.png]
Signal Strength: [|||| ]
Encryption Level: Beta
Origin: Unit #: CM211305 a.k.a: 'Selous'
Hull Code: [AI]L-Selous.Supply
Destination: Freeport 4 Command Unit


[Unit=CM211305] [Activity=Move supplies] to/from [Destination=Freeport 4]
[Hull code=[AI]L-Selous.Supply] Log:
[Shipment ID=008-A | Item=Passengers | Quantity=3405]
[Shipment ID=008-B | Item=Human Organs | Quantity=3405]

---[Incoming Data Packets=Delivery Logs]---
[Shipment ID=008-A] [File=008-A]
[Shipment ID=008B] [File=008-B]

***End Transmission***

//Account no longer exists, if bonus please send to GNB001

RE: [all traders] Call for Commodity Delivery to FP4: PROLONGED UNTIL SUNDAY NIGHT - Ponge - 10-20-2013

::::Incoming transmission:::
Ship ID: .:j:.Wayland's.Lorry

Continued from above:

*****UPDATE 4*****

5 loads = 20975 units of oxygen
5 loads = 20975 units of water

[Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_1.jpg] [Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_2.jpg] [Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_3.jpg] [Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_4.jpg] [Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_5.jpg] [Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_6.jpg] [Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_7.jpg] [Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_8.jpg] [Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_9.jpg] [Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_10.jpg] [Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_11.jpg] [Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_12.jpg] [Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_13.jpg] [Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_14.jpg] [Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_15.jpg] [Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_16.jpg] [Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_17.jpg] [Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_18.jpg] [Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_19.jpg] [Image: 880992775790eb064ba8_20.jpg]

143710 units altogether. If I am entitled for some bonus, please send the cash to .:j:.Wayland's.Lorry
That's all from me. I hope my deliveries will help.


RE: [all traders] Call for Commodity Delivery to FP4: PROLONGED UNTIL SUNDAY NIGHT - Sabru - 10-21-2013

*Transmission Incoming*
ID: Bragg
Message Begins.......

First Officer Bragg reporting in for Pope Gaunt.

4970 units of H-fuel delivered to the Freeport.

Cargo Manifest.

Bragg, out.
****Transmission Ends****

RE: [all traders] Call for Commodity Delivery to FP4: PROLONGED UNTIL SUNDAY NIGHT - GrnRaptor - 10-21-2013

[Image: jNFIM3e.png]
Bonjour, Monsieur Henderson!

We of the Unione Corse have heard the call our friends in the Independent Mining Guild have put out for supplies. As several of the items you requested are most reliably made in Gallia, we put our efforts into those items. You will find that you have an additional 16,700 working units of Energy Field Equipment delivered and ready for use! I hope you find them most useful!

You will find my records of delivery given below. Any bonus you wish to supply above and beyond your generous delivery can be sent to the account [UC]-Affaire.Lucrative upon verification!

Records: #1 #2 #3 #4


[Image: 2qxp3b5.png]