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Gunboat power supply balance - Eppy - 07-22-2008

Not necessarily. The Bretonian BS in in this awkward spot between classes; it's really very wide for a ship of its length; its strafe is substandard, its turn is substandard, and its firing arcs follow the trend. It's too big to be a Medium Battleship, but a bit too small for a Heavy Battleship. It rarely gets used (I've only seen four or five others in my entire time on Disco), so I just rounded up (because I love my crab).

Gunboat power supply balance - Jamez - 07-22-2008

Wait, I thought this was about gunboats?

*looks at thread title*

Oh yeah, IT IS!

Gunboat power supply balance - Unseelie - 07-22-2008

Can I see a size comparison of the Bret GB, the lunchbox, the rogue, liberty and BHG gunboats, please?

Gunboat power supply balance - Jonathan_Archer_nx01 - 07-23-2008

' Wrote:Can I see a size comparison of the Bret GB, the lunchbox, the rogue, liberty and BHG gunboats, please?
You should be comparing Bretonia gunboat to Kusari destroyer. Something rougly overpowered to it.

Gunboat power supply balance - Jinx - 07-23-2008

no point comparing it to a destroyer - of course a destroyer is supposed to be stronge. - balance reason for the GB to be bad is - that the kusari BB is utter rubbish while the bretonia BB is amazingly godly. ( doesn t make up for it really - if you don t intent to go for a battleship though )

anyway - the bretonian GB is hardly ever included in a comparison sheet, cause :
- its too big and the sheet must be stretched
- everyone knows its big - so no need to show it:laugh:

but really, i think its well 4 times bigger from the front than a kusari BB - and both are vanilla ships ( vulnerable ) - from the sides / top its comparable to an IMG guinboat ( from above ) - well, lets face it .. the bretonian gunboat is simply the worst there is compared to other gunboats - however, it has more firepower than a kusari GB ( the natural enemy ) and can take a lot more damage. - since gunboats are not meant to fly alone like any other warship.... firepower is quite important.

besides - has the bretonian gunboat not 2 gunboat guns? - or am i mistake there - i think i remember the raid groups fire at me with 2 foreward guns ( one on each wing ) .... or maybe the NPCs are just cheating again.

Gunboat power supply balance - Dusty Lens - 07-23-2008

All pictures taken using HardCMP with default view from the front and two clicks zoomed out from the side (so that I could fit the lunchbox into the image. As it was I wasn't able to get the Bret gunboat in). These images, as the Bret gunboat might break your mind, are representative of their actual relative size to one another. If anyone finds these images to be in error please let me know and I'll correct myself with all due haste.

Edit: Added a flea for size comparison.

[Image: 5-1.jpg]
[Image: 3.jpg]
[Image: 4.jpg]
[Image: 2.jpg]
[Image: 1.jpg]

Gunboat power supply balance - Unseelie - 07-23-2008

Thanks Dusty...
The thing is has nearly a cruiser's armour, though. I do believe it deserves two guns, and etc...
In my mind, it fits somewhere between the cruiser and the anti cap gunboat, not an antifighter..but thats a very bretcentric viewpoint.

I'd always thought the the BB was rather small....Inexperience. I can say that none of its guns fire through hull...

The rear guns do not fire forward, unless you are slightly at an angle, and then one does...

Gunboat power supply balance - Dusty Lens - 07-23-2008

Honestly. My unsolicited two cents would be that the monstrous gunboats (dessy sized) find themselves with powerplants of similar robustness. A Bret gunboat with the powerplant of a light cruiser would find itself boosted from utterly 'meh' to rather good.

One of those interesting balance things.

Gunboat power supply balance - mjolnir - 07-23-2008

' Wrote:A Bret gunboat with the powerplant of a light cruiser would find itself boosted from utterly 'meh' to rather good.

One of those interesting balance things.

Actually it would find itself boosted to utterly uber... remember that it has Forward gun (with wide firing arc) + 6 forward firing turrets + 1 that fires partly forward as well. Combine that with the much more energy efficient GB guns and you have a problem.

GB should not be able to beat cruiser easily, especially not the biggest and slowest GB again the smallest cruiser. Yes kusari dessie is rather small (smaller than some GBs) but it's a vanilla ship, made like that by the game authors. It has only 9 hardpoints out of which 6 fire only in a narrow arc forward and only 2 fire right back. I have recently had a go inmy kusari dessie (Cap 8) with Teknikal in his bret GB with Cap 8, he was almost able to out-gun and out-armor me with it.

Bret GB should have the same powerplant as Corsair GB, Kusari explorer (7 Guns, but really slow) and Rheinland GB (5 guns and really slow).

Corsair GB should have its gun firing arcs fixed.

Gunboat power supply balance - El Nino - 07-23-2008

' Wrote:and thats what i mean by being biased - and argumenting for or against some change.

I totaly agree...

As far as bret GB goes... it turns rather well, It is however a huge target, that any cruiser captain worth his salt can take down. There are other gunboats mind you, that cannot be taken down.... I disagree on the cruiser powercore for the Bret GB... it would just bring in more cereb spaming... like on battlecruisers. I'd say just give it more armor, and it's set.