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Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - Printable Version

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RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - Thargoid - 12-31-2013

(12-31-2013, 07:16 PM)McNeo Wrote: Regarding the original question, yes its a PvP death.

Actually your gaming experience is mostly defined by your role, and your role as an unlawful involves lawfuls shooting at you. If that ruins your gaming experience, you are playing the wrong role and possibly the wrong game.

What ruins my gaming experience is when unlawfuls fly up to Manhattan or use trade lane networks and expect not to have the kitchen sink thrown at them, and assorted other similar circumstances.

Yes, it ruins my gaming experience when I'm killed without a demand while trading in a transport, it can't happen to a lawful trader, so it's unfair.

It doesn't ruin my experience when I'm in a fighter/bomber, as I'm playing the role of a pirate at that time.

I was earning money on a closed economy character, so couldn't log a lawful trader and transfer the money to my unlawful chars like most of you can.

RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - Thargoid - 12-31-2013

(12-31-2013, 07:26 PM)McNeo Wrote:
(12-31-2013, 07:19 PM)Thargoid Wrote: Well, thanks for telling me that, I never knew that, I've been attacked and openly engaged by the Navy countless times while flying a transport.

It's not an excuse to stay in the system, it was the reason I tried to escape, my point was, I was only there to make money, I had no interest in RPing with anyone, especially a lolwut.

Your choice of ship is quite irrelevant. You should be expecting to be shot by lawfuls if you're unlawful.

Traders currently have to deal with getting shot at by unlawfuls even though their only interest is usually to make money and not RP with anyone, especially a "lolwut". What makes you better than them?

It's not the same, a trader can't be killed just for the sake of it, without a "reasonable demand". I don't even know how this is comparable in any way.

RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - McNeo - 12-31-2013

Your only purpose is to make money.

A trader's purpose is to make money.

You don't want to RP with anyone, especially a "lolwut", since it will lower his money making ability.

A trader doesn't want to RP with anyone, especially a "lolwut", since it will lower his money making ability.

Seems pretty similar to me. The rules protect traders from getting exploded like a normal combat enemy, but they dont protect them from getting exploded. A reasonable demand that no trader will ever comply with is easily "drop all your cargo", thereby making the end result the same.

Tell me again, in what way are you above this to the extent that it becomes the lawful player's fault for shooting at you? To be honest, I would think that your lack of intention to interact and focus on solely making money defines you as a "lolwut", a term which I detest to use since it is almost exclusively used by the people who fit its description i.e. hypocritically.

RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - Govedo13 - 12-31-2013

The whole made me laugh a bit. BC thrusts with 120 while the Ptransp thrusts with 150-160.
The chance of the said BC to kill you if you had lets say 1k range and enough cms for his missiles are kinda 0. Next time toy him a bit till he looses his ammo and go on, also if there are lines or jump gates/holes you can loose him quite easy as well.
This system wall thing needs to be punished with some kind of credit fine upon system wall death so people wont run for it.

Now I go to my wine waiting for some hair thing of my girl already 50min... have a good and happy new year all.

RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - Karst - 12-31-2013

(12-31-2013, 07:19 PM)Thargoid Wrote: [...]I was only there to make money, I had no interest in RPing with anyone, especially a lolwut.
Quote:no interest in RPing
Quote:a lolwut

The irony of this statement is almost physically painful.

RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - McNeo - 12-31-2013

Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed.

RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - Thargoid - 12-31-2013

Right I've had enough of this, I'm there to make money, not to interact with a player that wants to blow me up for the sake of it.

End of story.

I don't want to discuss this anymore, seems like everyone here is siding with the BC that wants to pop transporst for a blue message.

No wonder the player count gets lower every day.

RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - Sabru - 12-31-2013

(12-31-2013, 07:44 PM)Karst Wrote:
(12-31-2013, 07:19 PM)Thargoid Wrote: [...]I was only there to make money, I had no interest in RPing with anyone, especially a lolwut.
Quote:no interest in RPing
Quote:a lolwut

The irony of this statement is almost physically painful.

the hilarity of his statement is physically painful. im laughing so hard it hurts......

RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - Thargoid - 12-31-2013

I thought a lolwut was a player that wants to go around killing people for blue messages.

Easy mistake to make for a new player, since that's mostly when that word is used.

Again, elitist players taking the piss out of new players, doesn't help the player count.

RE: Death at 700K, PvP Dead? - Karst - 12-31-2013

I'm sorry, what you said was basically "I wasn't interested in RP'ing and I didn't want to be pvp-dead, so I ran to the system wall because I had stuff to do irl anyway so I just afk'd and the guy chasing me would just waste his time! LOL!!!11"

And then you said the other guy was a lolwut. Yes, he was breaking the rules engaging you without a demand, but what you said....srsly? And then you're wondering if you're pvp dead?