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Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Printable Version

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RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - LegendOfTheWolf - 01-01-2014

I'm all for this idea ! It will create more conflicts between defender / attackers, as well as giving the defender chance to negotiate striking a possible deal, this would be awesome !

Make it happen !

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Fifty. - 01-01-2014

Yeah, and while you are at it, remove RP requirement to shoot enemy ships. Cause, you know, IRL you wouldn't chat with them.

I'm just saying.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - ProwlerPC - 01-01-2014

I'm glad for it. I don't think it necessarily means one has to open a comm thread directly to the enemy saying 'hey at so and so hour we are going to siege your base'. Could I be wrong in this regard? Of course as Hawk mentions, the more RP the merrier, I agree. I've always been completely fearless of metagaming, I've constantly pushed for openly RPng it on the forums, and in many respects I'm actually using metagaming as a tool because I want people to read my encypted stuff as players anyways so that there is some resistance and obstacle to overcome when the time comes. The server only allows about 200 players at any given time. Even though contrived, these little public hooks are often the only way someone can meet an enemy.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Omicron - 01-02-2014

I would be okay with it if base owners were forced to make engagement notices to every ship their bases would shoot at.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - ProwlerPC - 01-02-2014

Agreed, and sanctioning the base owners with the loss of the base if it doesn't comply. That should make the argument redundant in no time.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Zynth - 01-04-2014

Idea, courtesy of Starsunder over some teamspeak chat.

Why not force people to roleplay first to build a base? If people need roleplay to siege a base, why not force builders to roleplay before building one. That will even the odds quite a bit.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Mímir - 01-04-2014

just a question, yesterday I found a hostile base in the Omegas and shot it up a little, base owner undocks and I tell him to consider his base under attack. Is that fine for RP? If so, I don't see the problem.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Sabru - 01-04-2014

(01-04-2014, 07:09 AM)Mímir Wrote: just a question, yesterday I found a hostile base in the Omegas and shot it up a little, base owner undocks and I tell him to consider his base under attack. Is that fine for RP? If so, I don't see the problem.

well, you RP'd with the owner. i'd say that fulfills the RP requirement. of course, as the adminz said, the more RP that happens, the more your covered under the rules.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - McNeo - 01-04-2014

But didn't the attack on the base happen before you gave notice to the base owner?

That's a regular Pearl Harbour right there.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Slavik - 01-05-2014

This is a weird topic. Nowhere does the discussion come up if basebuilders need RP. However, putting a base up is not(or should not) be easy to do... You'd need to get several people involved. This has got to be RP'ed no? Most of the time its just a silent trader or 2 dragging stuff from point A to B.

As soon as you start Rp'ing your building a base you get powergamed and everyone and their mothers show up(with very little RP) to shoot it as we've seen in the past.

Whilst there should be SOME RP involved in base killing I reckon that you should treat bases like they've treated the RP factors themselves.

You put up a base with very little attempt to RP, you'll see very little warning of its destruction.