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Benitez Feedback - Printable Version

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Benitez Feedback - Exsiled_one - 08-18-2009

Then I guess things are fine. Why dont you boys join us this afternoon with two pirate transports to really keep it in awesome mode?

There were two of you iirc anyway.
Basically, I just wanted to wake up some things because i rarely see you guys around!
And i do play enough to say such a statement.
When my wingman told me what he did, i got pretty confused since benitez are usually nothing but good.
DO-OVER? \o/

No seriously, if you're interested in piracy, join us, its more fun in group. Just look at some orgies videos.

Benitez Feedback - Jose Benitez - 08-18-2009


I have sent you a PM. If you'll have a look at it and let me know the detail of the problem then I'll look into it.

Until then it would probably be helpful if none of us threw too many of our toys out of our respective prams


Benitez Feedback - Carlos_Benitez - 08-19-2009

Whilst I welcome the feedback, specific details of the event, perhaps screenshots or simply the names of those involved would be helpful.
It is written in Benitez Code of Conduct not to set up pirating in a system already being pirated by TBH or OPG unless working alongside them.

To clarify, the Benitez do pirate occasionally, and I myself have 2 vessels permenantly stationed along traderoutes for use when I have the time.
[Image: 10xa9lg.jpg]
Piracy is a part of our remit as it falls into the secondary category by "promotion of prosperity".

Benitez Feedback - Exsiled_one - 08-19-2009

I've learned to let go when it comes to friends Carlos and I certainly have no intention of harming the relations because of petty things like those were. I was petty as well in the situation and it calls for appologising. But I am glad it got mentioned in end because it will serve as a minor guideline. it is good to refresh people's mind.

Benitez Feedback - Gentle - 08-25-2009

Im personally very enamoured to the benitez family. I have enjoyed a lot of superb roleplaying experiences with them in the past. Carlos if you want to pirate on OPG patches I have no problem whatsoever. If theres another OPG there then ask your guys to join up with us because corsair relations have been weakened partly by OPG departure from Gamma and partly by a breakdown in relations and numbers from Benitez and TBH who I see not enough of.

I hope some of the indiots in gamma think about what they are doing and join up with teh Benitez rather than swelling the ranks of the lolwhut moron brigades that are gamma poluting at present.

Keep up the good RP and some of them will come to terms with the fact they need you more than you need them.

Cadiz opens its doors to its trusted hermanos. When were not at war with ya that is:)


Benitez Feedback - Unseelie - 08-30-2009

A question has surfaced in the Phantom Feedback thread, which I thought needed the attention of both sides of the situation. It takes two to tango, in this case.

' Wrote:Ok, a ton of pages showed up and I missed several, but this is the general issue I've always had with the Phantoms and the idea that everyone fears them.

Many, many factions, particularly the unlawful ones, are in a conflict with an entire House. Even the smaller ones. So that means they would only really need to fear the Phantoms if the Phantoms were stronger than a House (otherwise, they wouldn't be tops on the worry about list). And if they ARE stronger, why have they yet to do anything? Even their major attack on Cambridge seems to be less than what a group of Corsairs did to Cork.

It just seems incongruous overall.
' Wrote:Otherwise ... You know...
About the hand holding with all pirates, I've always assumed that the unlawfuls/pirates are more scared/wary of angering the Phantoms than they are of the lawfuls. Still like Virus says, I'm surprised that some groups haven't tried to push them out. There's lots of RP opportunity between much of the pirates and Phantoms.

So, your faction has listed the Phantom empire as either friendly, allied, or neutral, or failed to mention the Phantoms, who are widely known as rather horrid, dangerous blokes, who may well call down reprisals from the house, or other houses, or even the corporations which might otherwise aid you.

A number of us are wondering what the rp justification for aiding such a dangerous group of maniacs is.

Benitez Feedback - Ceoran - 01-18-2010

I just wanted to say sorry to that Training/Recruiting party of yours in NL about 12 hours ago. I was the Junker who accidently drew that indys attention on you. Wasn't intended, I actually just wanted to hail you and figure out what you were doing there, too bad that he entered my scanner range right the moment I pressed the key >.<

Benitez Feedback - kuth - 01-18-2010

Well what to say. I ran into one of you people in orbit above Crete. I was asking for permission to dock and now one was around. So I waited for Corsair-Valaria.Benitez (I think that is the name, as close as I can remember anyways) to approach from the jump hole she just came from about 13k away. She RP'd and scanned me.

While waiting a group of Corsair NPC's decided it was a good idea to pirate me and before I could dock Crete was turned hostile and I attempted to flee so I could return and dock, however I was bumped a few times and ended up getting to close to the planet and blowing up! Damn how I wish Corsair player laws could be applied to the NPCs!

On to the point. Your man/woman protected my cargo best he/she could and even gave me 500,000 to cover the loss when someone else picked up the food. Extremely nice and helpful and good RP for the little time we interacted. I'd give her/him 1500 Kudos if I had them!

Benitez Feedback - Carlos_Benitez - 04-09-2010

CLAN STATUS POST has been updated. Changes include update to the members list, and overhaul of the diplomacy section (corresponding changes also occured at the WIKI PAGE)

Benitez Feedback - Alicante - 04-26-2010

Buenas Tardes my friends,

Allow me to add a trifle and say I rather enjoyed our little discourse in your home system. Though the outcome was not as I had planned, truth be told, their was no plan other than to fly into the breach.

If you have changed your mind, I can send you my recipe for Orange Wine. It has a nice after effect that can be rather addictive. But let us not dwell on the details.

I look forward to our next,
