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Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - Printable Version

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Into the Dragon's Den. - Yamamichi-gumi - 12-13-2014

A particular SRD X12 fighter has found its way to the small base in Tohoku. Set against a teal backdrop, the base looked like little more than a rock to the stranger, however as soon as weapons systems registered on other "rocks" the true nature of things became a little clearer. Hailing the base and getting clearance to dock, the pilot couldn't help but be curious what kind of environment he was going to walk out into. Flying in, he sets down in the hangar he was directed to. After setting down he hops out of the pilots chair and on to the deck.

He thinks to himself I would have never expected it would look like this on the inside. Everything about this place says that these people know exactly who they are. It feels suspiciously like a battleship hangar even. This smell, like scorched metal, I can tell they run combat missions out of this very hangar. A lot of wear and tear however, clearly the government has been successful enough in keeping them suppressed to that point. Okay, its showtime! Lets see what happens . . .

Unlocking the cargo compartment, he grabs a case of specially selected Junmai Daigingo sake inside a cooler as befits that grade of drink. The rest of the cargo compartment is filled with mostly equal parts food, sake, and some various consumer goods from New Tokyo. Leaving the compartment open, he takes a few strides away from his ship, to see where he will need to go next, or if a welcoming party will arrive.

The guys did a good job filling out the rest of the hold with things. It fills me with pride to know that I can count on them to do a good job, even on a job like this. Not that I didn't happen to inspect it for any kind of sabotage before I left anyway to make sure all was well, but the fact that there was nothing amiss is a great sign. he goes over in his head, visibly please on some layer beneath his more serious "diplomacy" expression.

RE: Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - Shizune - 12-13-2014

Someone was sitting in the corner of the bar, wearing what looked like high ranking robes on her body however looking no older then fourteen herself. However from a first glance you'd see nothing strange, with the second, one would see enough weapons on her body hidden to take down a rhino without much effort needed. However she seemed to be just watching over the man quietly from a distance and seemed to wait for the other person, when someone, namely a waiter asked what she wanted, it was rather simple. Soda water, or just flavored water it seemed and bread to eat before going back to watching the room as a whole

RE: Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - Noraim - 12-13-2014

Past the cheerful roar of the crowd within the tavern and sliding between skeptic glances that fixed the newly arrived guest, a shadowy figure strolled ever closer and vanished at some point.

The various people and the overall interior of the place drew attention from one corner to the next. When returning the glance forward once more, a rather tall figure with an imposing pressence stood before Katashi, claded in ceremonial warrior garments, all but a helmet, and clenching one of the finest examples of a katana in hand.

The guard stared down at the guest, his gaze bore the unmistake-able intent to kill. Despite all that, he stepped aside and offered passing, his arm lifted slightly in courtesy towards the direction where Katashi should go next
"Lord Hashirama is expecting you." he mentioned in a calm manner. Directly upfront was a private booth, alike the others present within the locale. This one however, had a door at the end-side, slightly cracked open at which two more warriors stood guard and motioned for the guest to enter.

Past that, and beyond a short corridor flooded with dim red lights, lay a cozy room. A few couches lay here and there for extra accomodation while in the middle of the room, an elderly figure sat and waited upon one of the two stools prezent at the table before him, behind him and by the walls close to the table stood what seemed to be four manequins plated from top to bottom with the same type of heavy armor platings the warrior that greeted Katashi was wearing, katana by the left side and clenching a spear in the right.

Hashirama took notice of the man approaching, and beckoned him to come have a seat
"Fuma Katashi, I presume ? Please, join me. I believe we have a few matters that require discussion." the old man ushered with a friendly, jestfull voice tone.

RE: Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - Sabru - 12-14-2014

A young lady enters the bar, the common Blood Dragon emblem on her dress and a katana hanging from her waist. Walking over to the bar, she politely gestures to the bartender, ordering some water and light food to eat. Thanking the bartender, she moves over to an empty table and takes a seat awaiting her order.

She proceeds to look around the bar. Noticing the pair playing shogi, she continues looking around noting the general crowd of dragons in the bar before finally noticing the oddity. The girl sitting in the corner of the bar looked to be very young, too young to be present at a place like this. the questions cause her to raise an eyebrow and contemplate on why such a young girl would be there.

RE: Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - Big_B - 12-14-2014

A young man was standing next to the little girl and looked like standing guard. He is wearing a black Kimono with the symbol of the Blood Dragons on it. On his belt is a Katana, hanging in its scabbard. The scabbard decorated in a way only high ranked members of the Blood Dragons would possess. But the most noticable thing is the scar under his left eye.
He looks over the whole bar and watches every person who came near the little girl or oven just look in her direction.

RE: Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base #33 - Yamamichi-gumi - 12-14-2014

"Yes, Lord Hashirama, there are. Thank you again for agreeing to meet with me." He says, drops into a bow, then moving ahead. Before ducking into the little area for the meeting he takes a last glance around.

So his men might want to kill me, but I'm here anyway, interesting. Or perhaps that gentleman was just very good at looking like an imposing barrier. Whatever the case, something about the appearance of this scene has taken an odd character . . . Is this just happenstance, or does that mean something about the way things are? . . . I wonder where they get their swords. The fittings are excellent, but my continued ignorance of the blades is a little frustrating.

Stepping forward, setting the small cooler beside himself as he takes a seat opposite the Dragon. Sizing the man up a little bit, he reaches down and get out the bottle if sake and a few stoneware cups. Setting those neatly on the table, he gets a sudden look as though he has forgotten something.

"Where are my manners? I am given to understand that the Blood Dragons appreciate a number of traditional customs, and I certainly do not wish to be seen as hostile as a mistake of customs. When sitting and discussing matters, most especially as a guest, its a courtesy to disarm oneself, is it not?"

With a slow but evenly paced motion, he reaches into his coat and pulls out his sidearm, gripped from the start around the top of the weapon and not the actual handle so that it cannot be mistaken as a gesture to attack. Using his left, he removes the battery, and sets the pistol on the table off to his left along with the battery a small space further left, the barrel pointing back to Fuma. As soon as that is done, he resumes dealing with the sake. He sets a cup out for Hashirama and one for himself, and holds the serving bottle in both hands to pour for his conversation partner if he shows a desire.

I doubt he is a teetotaler, but one cannot know in this age.

RE: Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - Shizune - 12-15-2014

She laid her head on the table for a bit and closed her eyes a bit tiredly, if anyone looked long enough or got close enough, they'd see this girl was wearing the shogun robes and had the hair bows for such as well. She looked up at the man next to her and looked at the table then quietly, leaning up again and starting to eat and drink what the waiter brought her

RE: Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - Big_B - 12-15-2014

The young man with the scar saw what that the child looked at him and exactly knew what she wanted. He looks a last time around and then takes a deep breath, to relax, before he sits down next to the child in the Shogun robes. "Would it not be wiser to attent to the meeting with the Hogosha dog, instead of sitting here?" He says to her with a kind voice

RE: Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - Sabru - 12-15-2014

Once the waiter brought her order, the girl started eating and began thinking. To work effectively and properly, she would need to make contact with the current shogunate.

After considering that, she also thought about ships and perhaps finding some warriors to assist her. "I'm going to need a bomber and some form of transport craft to generate some income. I think dad said something about having stashed away a gunboat somewhere when he retired. I'll have to ask him about that when i next visit home. I'll also go see some of his old comrades and see if they have any children who'd work with me." She continues eating and brings her attention back to the little girl. Noticing the armed guard, she is sure that there is something special about her. Getting up from her seat, she goes over to the bartender and asks about the current shogunate. The bartender points towards the girl and says "Go speak to her."

Thanking the bartender, She walks over to the table with the girl. Stopping before the table, she bows and introduces herself. "Hajimemashite. I am Niwa Nagahide desu. May i join you?." she waits for the girl to answer.

RE: Hydra's Nest Bar - Ryuku Base - Shizune - 12-15-2014

She nods and motions for her to sit, smiling and offering her some tea and a piece of her bread in a rather friendly way...she seemed almost to kind, however at this point between the weapon's on her body and the her armed friend next to her, she seemed to calm to have a care in the world at this point. She though for a second "Before you ask what you need to..Niwa? That's a nice name..." Mean time she took cards out from under her arm and put five on the table in front of the girl. They had their back to her. The left, was a sword as the number with a Katana fighter on it fighting KNF on it. The second one was a Dragon gunship proudly floating with a patrol. The middle one was a Dragon convoy made of Big Dragon transports. The fourth was a thin, crimson cloth covered Dragon soldier, an infiltrator. And the last was a royal figure alone looking at her. She grabbed the girls hand and held them over the cards "Without flipping the cards over, please stack them in any way you see fit, however think before you do it...only the last card in your hand can you flip over." She smiled and released her hand