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What is to do in the server? - Printable Version

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RE: What is to do in the server? - Sath - 04-02-2014

(04-02-2014, 08:43 AM)[GBS]Cherry2Blost[COL] Wrote: and frankly us 30+s are getting a bit fed up with being dictated to by kids younger than my own

Welcome to the Internet. Online Multiplayer games are controlled by people who are in their teens. If that was your stance on this game, then good luck in finding a game where kids younger than you are inferior to you.

If there was no writing in the forums, there wont be any unique factions that were not Vanilla themed. There wont be nothing but a group of morons flying around and shooting each other for no purpose. The server rules are there in place for that very reason.

Everyone does mistakes. People, who you tell, are there for years and are controlling everyone, you are wrong. There are peeps in the forums who like to play around new players innocence, but that apart, this is one of the most friendliest forums and people here kinda know everyone very well due to the compact nature of this forum.

Those old players you speak of, were once newbies too, and they have went through all that you are telling that you are facing now, and even more. Criticism for their RP, their rule breaking, their what not. But they were man enough to overcome everything and be recognised here. Dont try to be pathetic in your cause, stay silent and if people dont like your RP, change it accordingly or start off with a new one. If you dont like it, you are free to move out , seeking a game, where you are superior according to your age. Just stop making others look like idiots. I am newbie too, and was heavily criticised in game for my RP, but I did learn and manage to be what I am today.

RE: What is to do in the server? - sindroms - 04-02-2014

(04-02-2014, 09:22 AM)[GBS]Cherry2Blost[COL] Wrote: want players, but only want your type of players

That is to be expected, actually.
Roleplay is a niche, so obviously not everyone is going to be interested in it. We indeed want players, but we need our type of players.

Activity is always good, but as the server stands right now, we have enough people, though most of them cannot be bothered with the whole roleplay aspect of the server, while the occasional vet roleplayer sees the server as a ''relaxed'' and ''non-serious'' roleplay environment and have no interest in it either.

It is either one or the other.

RE: What is to do in the server? - [GBS]Cherry2Blost[COL] - 04-02-2014

(04-02-2014, 09:23 AM)Lady Kazinsal Wrote: I'm being completely serious here.

If you do not like the way we do things here, and do not wish to adapt, then perhaps you should find some place that doesn't work the way this place does.

This is not intended to be snide. I do not wish to tell you off. I am simply stating the facts.

See now we are/ have been adapting and actually now we have been here a couple of months it begins to kinda make sense, but newer players need a bit more support and the existing factions maybe need a shake up due to inactivity etc and a bit more slack cut for he new guys coming in.

But the hatred against new groups is so noticeable that it's like 10 years olds in a playground, taking their ball away as they don't want to play with the new kid

RE: What is to do in the server? - sindroms - 04-02-2014

Hate against new groups purely depends on the group. In some cases, it is more about the fact that the group is made by new players, who clearly haven't adapted to the unwritten rules and ethics of Disco and their actions, while for them they make sense, seem utterly out of place for everyone else.

Sadly, such rules are way too complex to simply explain to someone new. Not to mention that if the new players can't even do something as mundane as read the server rules, I find it increasingly hard to expect them to learn anything above that.

RE: What is to do in the server? - Pancakes - 04-02-2014

Not every new group is hated here, look at [FS] for example. It's made by new players who first took their time to adapt to the environment by joining existing factions and consulting with veteran players about it.

Do people view it the same way as something made by a veteran player? No, but they don't outright condemn it either. And that's the main difference

RE: What is to do in the server? - [GBS]Cherry2Blost[COL] - 04-02-2014

(04-02-2014, 09:32 AM)sindroms Wrote: Hate against new groups purely depends on the group. In some cases, it is more about the fact that the group is made by new players, who clearly haven't adapted to the unwritten rules and ethics of Disco and their actions, while for them they make sense, seem utterly out of place for everyone else.

Sadly, such rules are way too complex to simply explain to someone new. Not to mention that if the new players can't even do something as mundane as read the server rules, I find it increasingly hard to expect them to learn anything above that.

Aye agreed on those points, but those who weather the storm of outright indignation from the playerbase are still hamstrung by Forummed RP which often takes days to get something moving; due to delays in replies or people just not bothering to reply as they are 'above' such people. Or their activity level is so low as to make such interactions way too slow for a fast paced game.

We have been able to begin to embrace the existing RP but this still leaves the issue of pre existing pretty much dead 'ingame' factions dictating terms on newer players.

On the 'our type of player question', maybe this is the reason for the lack of non lawfuls, as they are smacked down as soon as they hit the server and/or suddenly there are shed loads of battleships resurrected from graveyards to suddenly make it impossible to play the unlawfuls as a new group. Miraculously x faction disappears from server and y faction appears to undertake said smackdown.

Not all new groups can/want to field Battleships and thus interest is lost once more, and the circle begins again.

I dunno, the RP is so well written and it is easy to see how much work has gone into it but numbers are numbers and the original point of the thread was about numbers and these were just my observations and musings on maybe why the numbers are an issue?

Please do not do the usual and take my observations out of context, they are intended to be constructive and not destructive, the server is here the lore is there, we just wish there was more to it than just Forum RP and newbie bashing.

RE: What is to do in the server? - sindroms - 04-02-2014

Valid points, though I would not really say that the unlawful roleplay lacks activity. It lacks sustenance. Not many people that I've personally seen can pull off a decent non-lawful roleplay without sounding utterly cliche. But that leads to my other point. Every single person has their own view on what is quality roleplay. There is no way we can uniformly judge what is a good level of writing and ingame interaction, so there is no way someone can point at something and go "RP like that and you will be fine" because someone will take issue with it regardless of how accepted it is by the majority of the community.

Disco's RP has never been too ''deep'', because everyone here are still playing Freelancer, regardless of what setting it is. It still is and remains a pvp game and, as many as might not agree to this, it will have some sort of influence. Good RP can get you that far. You must be good at PVP to actually make an impact or somehow live up to whatever it is you are RPing at the time.

Disco is odd like that. An oddity not many can adapt to. Sadly said bulk of people do not simply leave, mostly because that while we are still a niche community, we are still currently the most active multiplayer-orientated mod for this game. Which means it does not only attract roleplayers, but people looking to play the game itself. We can't please both. This is where the bitterness comes.

"This is an RP server, if you aren't here to RP, leave."
"Stop kidding yourself. This is a pvp game with minor RP elements. Wake up and smell the butter"

That is something that will always be a part of Disco. Just like people acting like their roleplay is holier than thou because they fly a mkI ship.

RP purity is a part of every rp centered community. Our just happens to pin the blame for the lack of purity on certain aspects which we cannot physically remove from the game anyway.

EDIT: That's the thing, actually. About what I mentioned about the ingame environment. Most people prefer forumlancing, because it is a controlled environment and can get them further than having to bother with things going on ingame.

RE: What is to do in the server? - [GBS]Cherry2Blost[COL] - 04-02-2014

(04-02-2014, 10:05 AM)sindroms Wrote: Valid points, though I would not really say that the unlawful roleplay lacks activity. It lacks sustenance. Not many people that I've personally seen can pull off a decent non-lawful roleplay without sounding utterly cliche. But that leads to my other point. Every single person has their own view on what is quality roleplay. There is no way we can uniformly judge what is a good level of writing and ingame interaction, so there is no way someone can point at something and go "RP like that and you will be fine" because someone will take issue with it regardless of how accepted it is by the majority of the community.

Disco's RP has never been too ''deep'', because everyone here are still playing Freelancer, regardless of what setting it is. It still is and remains a pvp game and, as many as might not agree to this, it will have some sort of influence. Good RP can get you that far. You must be good at PVP to actually make an impact or somehow live up to whatever it is you are RPing at the time.

Disco is odd like that. An oddity not many can adapt to. Sadly said bulk of people do not simply leave, mostly because that while we are still a niche community, we are still currently the most active multiplayer-orientated mod for this game. Which means it does not only attract roleplayers, but people looking to play the game itself. We can't please both. This is where the bitterness comes.

"This is an RP server, if you aren't here to RP, leave."
"Stop kidding yourself. This is a pvp game with minor RP elements. Wake up and smell the butter"

That is something that will always be a part of Disco. Just like people acting like their roleplay is holier than thou because they fly a mkI ship.

RP purity is a part of every rp centered community. Our just happens to pin the blame for the lack of purity on certain aspects which we cannot physically remove from the game anyway.

EDIT: That's the thing, actually. About what I mentioned about the ingame environment. Most people prefer forumlancing, because it is a controlled environment and can get them further than having to bother with things going on ingame.

Do you know, that has hit the proverbial nailhead !

We were NOT RPers at all when we came onto Disco, now we try our hardest and laugh ourselves stupid at some of the stuff we post. We have some pretty deep RP of our own in the offing, due mainly to my 3IC beginning to love the whole RP thing, and yes it can be fun.

And agreed the 'RP or go brigade' are the worst offenders; also agreed that if you intend to stay long term, as we do, then RP is a given, but surely not to the detriment of actual gameplay.

Our standard modus operandi is (in D&D Speak) Chaotic Good, (those old enough will understand) we generally play the maligned 'good' guys out to help the little guy. But we have had to adjust this now due to the prevailing factions 'cast in stone RP'.

Ok, an example, purely hypothetical......

We want to go kill some NPC Corsairs in oh I dunno...... Gamma, we would have to spend an inordinate amount of time RPing with various factions just to get ships over there, when in reality if a major house had the option to use, for free, a neutral non partisan unit to clear up the scum in their area then, due to various wars they should have no problem in allowing it (per RP LORE) as this would release their assets for use in war a b or c.

we as a group have no interest in becoming official, or having ZOI etc, we just want to be useful to whoever needs help and go kill Outlaws as there is RP in place from us to explain this, Outlaws prey on the innocent... we protect the innocent, that is the basis of our group and has caused us much conflict in the past. But the fighting was always hard and fun.

we have adjusted our aims quite a lot to 'fit in' and currently are RPing an 'A' Team kind of thing where we go fix injustices, whether that is corrupt authorities or outlaws picking on miners? Who knows where it will go.


RE: What is to do in the server? - Curios - 04-02-2014

(04-02-2014, 09:23 AM)Lady Kazinsal Wrote: I'm being completely serious here.

If you do not like the way we do things here, and do not wish to adapt, then perhaps you should find some place that doesn't work the way this place does.

This is not intended to be snide. I do not wish to tell you off. I am simply stating the facts.

Ahahaha, ok.

This is pretty much logical if you're aiming at playing on server alone. Making gameplay on the server to the likening of more players is a goal if you want more players to come here. But seems like the issue with declining online is not the case for devs ;D

RE: What is to do in the server? - Thyrzul - 04-02-2014

Ever thought about switching to an ID and NPC faction which suits your original concept might have been a bit easier than changing in a way you don't like to fit the ID and NPC faction you chosen? That if you don't want to be a pure-perfect-mostawesome-hunterkiller-kingoftheuniverse-type all-strenghts-no-weaknesses faction, because those won't really be accepted here.