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Reinstating the .85-.86 Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - Printable Version

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RE: Reinstating the original Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - Scumbag - 04-11-2014

(04-11-2014, 09:50 AM)Zayne Carrick Wrote: In BHG, there're more guildmasters than hunters.

(all old factions suffer from this)

I don't see any problem, the ones who endure are guildmasters, some NPCs even tell you that ingame. And to be clear. Stoat is the Grandmaster, Luke is Guildmaster in charge with the BHG hunters, Ed the Guilmaster of the Core. Pepe, Lynth, Meoshi and me are members of the Guild Council. And of course Agmen, Athenian, Montezuma and Dashiell if they come back.

Regardless of the argument in the thread, i would still like to see the 4.86 orca as a BHG transport or freighter.

RE: Reinstating the original Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - sindroms - 04-11-2014

People with the most influence win.

RE: Reinstating the original Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - Pavel - 04-11-2014

Resized Orca (which looks much better than the current model) as BHG transport? That's neat, go for it guys.

RE: Reinstating the original Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - Scumbag - 04-11-2014

Here it is in 3d guys, it looks pretty good to me

Added the texturing too.

RE: Reinstating the .85-.86 Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - Jayce - 04-11-2014

(04-11-2014, 09:22 AM)Jinx Wrote: wasn t that clear? - in more detailed order

1) dev team ( with lead devs in front, minions and workslaves behind )
1.1) admins have a vote in terms of wiping up the tears. so when a decision is predicted to cause a lot of tears, the admins have a word, too. which probably includes the orange ppl, the mods up to a certain degree.

2) official factions, why? for the same reason they exist and are usually held to higher standards, cause they are an institution that cannot go completely anon. when they ask for stuff - they are held responsible for it, IF it is approved by the number 1 or 1.1

3) unofficial factions - same as official factions. they are easier to blame

4) well known members who don t change forum name too often and have a certain level of recognition - same reason as above

5) no name members with a clean record

6) flood addicts (does not necessarily refer to ppl posting a lot in flood, but rather to people with a habit to post floodlike crap elsewhere, too), trolls, banned ppl, members with a bad reputation in general

7) jinx

fixed for you

take a hint

RE: Reinstating the .85-.86 Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - Omi - 04-11-2014

dev tears ))

RE: Reinstating the .85-.86 Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - Stoner_Steve - 04-14-2014

This would be a nice idea, anyone given thought to a cargo size? I'm feeling like 2,200

RE: Reinstating the .85-.86 Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - Gaz83 - 04-17-2014

Good idea mate. I used to have an orca back in the day. Loved it.

RE: Reinstating the .85-.86 Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - sindroms - 04-17-2014

Make it the size or shape of a gull.

Best battletransport ever.

RE: Reinstating the .85-.86 Orca model as a Bounty Hunters Guild Transport - SnakThree - 04-17-2014

(04-17-2014, 06:16 AM)sindroms Wrote: Naaaaaaaah.
Make it the size or shape of a gull.

Best battletransport ever.

Cuz you use Dulzian Gull to troll people?