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A radical idea - Printable Version

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RE: A radical idea - Gaz83 - 05-11-2014

As pointed out my suggestions will work. Th Omicron suggestion would be a good start anyway.

RE: A radical idea - avs - 05-11-2014

Quote:Alpha and Gamma are not empty. They have Outcasts and Corsair players frequently. They are empty in regards of the enemy pilots, Outcasts not showing up in Gamma, and Corsairs not showing up in Alpha.

I agreed with that opinion. Both clan activity have been reduce almost for an unknown reason.

RE: A radical idea - Ayatolah - 05-11-2014

And don't forget the barge jumping....

RE: A radical idea - SnakThree - 05-11-2014

(05-11-2014, 05:33 AM)Ayatolah Wrote: And don't forget the barge jumping....

And player not logging.

RE: A radical idea - Apollon - 05-11-2014

Lore has to move on and advance, so bringing back .85 will a llot oof old things that isn't compatibile with a lot of RPs now, that simply means scratch all the RPs that people were working on, and scratch the hard work Devs has been on in .86, .87 and their updates.

RE: A radical idea - Ayatolah - 05-11-2014

True is... but , there was many ideas that looked like good at the beggining, but it wasn't in the latter, the problem is that those features weren't wiped out when there was time, now is too late as lot of players has put their efforts on this during a pair of years. Now shrugging off those thins is a pretty bad idea.

RE: A radical idea - Apollon - 05-11-2014

Yeah, .85 is hostory now, so the whole iideas and thoughts should be around the next updates, and .88 , no point bringing bacm what's behind us.

RE: A radical idea - Alhimik - 05-11-2014

Interesting idea,but IMHO admins do not listen you

RE: A radical idea - Sath - 05-11-2014

Jump Trading is a cancer.

The OC-Sair part is something that needs a fix in terms of raids, as well as fights in Eta, as, Eta used to be the battleground between these two, lore wise.

Omicron 80 between T37 and Alpha is something that I am not fond of, be it 25k fly distance or something else.

Make something better in the omicrons, for traders to use them, some mineable commodities and good trade routes.

Shrink systems like Zeta

Try to move the actve playerbase from NY to some other few hotspots.

Make the mining of ores pretty much same in terms of drop rates, so that people use all the mining spots, instead of just one.

Some of the suggestions I can pull out from the top of my head.

RE: A radical idea - Lucky Luke - 05-11-2014

(05-11-2014, 05:41 AM)Katana Wrote: Lore has to move on and advance, so bringing back .85 will a llot oof old things that isn't compatibile with a lot of RPs now, that simply means scratch all the RPs that people were working on, and scratch the hard work Devs has been on in .86, .87 and their updates.
So what you're saying here is that just because you put a lot of effort into it, it should stay... even if it's wrong? I'm sure everyone involved in building the Titanic put in some of their best work, but we all know that it wasn't built right.
(05-11-2014, 10:02 AM)Alhimik Wrote: Interesting idea,but IMHO admins do not listen you
Hahaha, Nope! They sure don't! Big Grin

The point here isn't to bring back 4.85 as an actual mod with all it's mechanics. The point is to adjust current mod into something similar to 4.85. Applying the things that worked and removing things that have a negative impact. I know the devs have had the best intentions when they added things, but things haven't worked out the way they were intended.