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Remove "inactivity"? Change Disco? - Printable Version

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RE: Remove "inactivity"? Change Disco? - Dawnrazor - 07-21-2014

I really enjoy exploring this incarnation of Sirius.
I wouldn't mind a cruise disrupter immune scout ship though. Or am I just rubbish at CM deployment?
Also I'd like a bit more time in base to compare trade destinations without being kicked. Actually enough time to have a smoke Wink

RE: Remove "inactivity"? Change Disco? - larzac - 07-21-2014

Well, Guard system will have to be seen case by case. Some guard system are used ( Puerto Rico or Cassini for example). I like all other ideas except the remove of Eta. i think that we need to wait Yuri update to state on this.

RE: Remove "inactivity"? Change Disco? - Papa Oomaumau - 07-21-2014

Agreed. Not all guard systems go unused, and I can think of at least five of them where strong RP exists, contrary to the ages-old non-official declaration that they 'don't exist'.
Furthermore, they were meant to be rewards for the RP strength required to get official faction up and running. We all paid dearly for them in terms of development and outright credit costs - I think that eliminating them is taking shine off of the diamond rather than adding it.

Also, I kinda like the too-huge systems like Newcastle. It's a great spot to get lost in if you have hounds on your tail.
Not sure that shrinking the universe is a good plan.
I agree however on Gallia, but I AM willing to throw away Igiss' work on it. Or at least revert it to .85 dimensions.
The idea sounded good on paper, but in practice, meh.

RE: Remove "inactivity"? Change Disco? - EisenSeele - 07-22-2014

(07-21-2014, 11:04 PM)larzac Wrote: Well, Guard system will have to be seen case by case. Some guard system are used ( Puerto Rico or Cassini for example). I like all other ideas except the remove of Eta. i think that we need to wait Yuri update to state on this.

PR is an exception, since it's not the traditional ghost town of a guard system, and actually has and attracts activity :|

But systems like Braun and Virginia just don't have any use.

RE: Remove "inactivity"? Change Disco? - Curios - 07-22-2014

(07-21-2014, 07:34 PM)Corundum Wrote:
(07-21-2014, 07:24 PM)Curios Wrote: 1. Reduce scanner range not only in nebulas - max range must be 5k

Are you kidding? People would completely miss each other, especially in lane-less systems.

Perhaps it might be news for you but we had 4k scanner range for ages and everything was cool and stuff w\o even mentioning vanilla which had like 500-1000 or so scanner max range (and draw range as well for ships and stations).

RE: Remove "inactivity"? Change Disco? - Sir_Now - 07-22-2014

I also think some action is needed regarding inactivity.
But i dont agree on most of your proposed solutions.
Guard systems are fun and i think the make the game much more interesting.
Besides, i use them as trade routes and short cuts to move around.
I also dont like the idea of making systems smaller, the are fine as they are.
The one thing i agree upon is making Galia smaller again.
Galia was a forced idea in the first place and to expand it to get it to work was a wrong idea i think.
You would need much more players on a server, like 500+(at the same time),
to make that work.

We need to get players back to the game for shure.
Some years ago you could hardly get on the server, it was always full.

For some the reason of inactivity is the player owned bases.
In that sence that it costs too much time and effort to make and maintain.
A lot of active players are almost fully occopied with maintaining them.
And thus have no time for gameplay/RP anymore.
So i dont know the solution to that, but maybe it should be easier.
(*note: I dont know latest developments, cause havent been active last year)

But in my opinion removing Conn is a very important thing.
Conn should have been removed a long time ago.
I really dont understand its still around, it spoiles the game and RP.
Conn is completely OORP.
And all the players who are now pewing around there should have to play the game and RP again.
Conn keeps players out of the game and out of RP.
It would help a lot, i am shure about that.

After a lot of changes to the game in a relatively short time i saw a lot of players leave and i got inactive too.
But i dont really know major solutions to the problem.
But it's good to give it some thought and do something about it.

RE: Remove "inactivity"? Change Disco? - Lonely_Ghost - 07-22-2014

Meh, all thouse threads, like: Remove X, because it's realy harming game, and after X removed, population going to increase, and RP going to absolute and fun fun fun and everything on disco will be like

[Image: kenny-top.jpg]


There are lots of factors, which determine, would player stay or leave. If everything would be that simple, like remove X and everything going to be fine, world would be like on that picture. But it's not.

Take in account, that, from 85, till current time, around 5 years, or even more, has passed. So, when 15-16 years old player came to play here in 85 version, now he is 20-21 years old. It's very possible, that situation could have changed, and he could not spend his time on game now, as he were doing it being teenage. This is only one reason.

Take in account, that Disco FL also aging, and while most of his "coulegues", which already went for enternal sleep, still running his way. But guys, you demanding a 60 years old man, to take up loads for 30 years old professional sportsman.

As I already said, there are numerouse factors, determening player's next actions: leave or stay.
For example, recent debade about Conn system. For a group of ppl, removal of Conn, not going to play a big deal, but for another group, it could be a determening factor, like:
  • Nerfed Sabur
    Nerfed Guns
    Tech Chart
    PoBs & Cloaks
    Low activity and general boredom
    **************** "Line of patience" *****************************
    Removal of Conn - Leaving game.

For other players there could be current screwed battleships, missions and other stuff.

Yes, Devs could, for example, remove PoBs. And again, part of players are going to be happy, part of players will probably leave game, because their work was ruined. But thouse players, who already left game, because of PoB, unlikely to return.

Same could be told about any feature in game. There are already players, who accepted it, using it, abysing it, and there are players who doesn't like it, but keep playing game, and players, who doesn't like it, and have left. Remove that feature, and first group of players could become third, but third group, again, unlikely to become first.

In conclusion, I say, that any changes to Discovery, which going to happen, should be very gentle, tiny, and very well discussed. Even changes in storyline and general plot.

RE: Remove "inactivity"? Change Disco? - Vredes - 07-22-2014

I think PoBs bring activity. Broken cloaks and JDs are some of the game killers. As well as battleship availability.

RE: Remove "inactivity"? Change Disco? - Nerva - 07-22-2014

(07-22-2014, 06:02 AM)Curios Wrote:
(07-21-2014, 07:34 PM)Corundum Wrote:
(07-21-2014, 07:24 PM)Curios Wrote: 1. Reduce scanner range not only in nebulas - max range must be 5k

Are you kidding? People would completely miss each other, especially in lane-less systems.

Perhaps it might be news for you but we had 4k scanner range for ages and everything was cool and stuff w\o even mentioning vanilla which had like 500-1000 or so scanner max range (and draw range as well for ships and stations).

No, Vanilla did not have "500-1000 or so scanner max range". It had 1K cargo scan range.
Are you talking about cargo scan range or scanner detection range? Do clarify.
Detection range used to be 14K for many years. (Ignore the registration date)
Reducing detection range to 4-5K is utterly stupid. Cargo scan range I don't care about. I know what is the ship from 10K anyway.

RE: Remove "inactivity"? Change Disco? - Curios - 07-22-2014


(mandatory extra symbols)