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Corsair Carrier - Printable Version

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RE: Corsair Carrier - Zen_Mechanics - 09-09-2014

(09-09-2014, 08:42 AM)Zayne Carrick Wrote:
Quote:Games are supposed to be fun, Is it fun to trade slaves?

Is it fun to trade with drug, which causes life-long addiction?

Is it fun to kill other people, even if they're imaginary ones?

Is it fun to practice cannibalism, even ritual one?

Is it fun to give other people choice: life or money, even if both are imaginary ones?

Is it fun to invade other countries to conquer them?

Is it fun to... should I continue?

The arrogance of giving substance as I mentioned, is even uglier. There are things in this world that can't be changed, but slaves are given no choice, on freedom to decide their fate - they are considered inferior - even for people with drug use, or cannibalism, or piracy, or monarchs. To go against what I've said is to go against civilization, and to justify this with cheap and invalid arguments doesn't make your point right. Suspending your critical faculties and hypontising yourself that everything can be made fit as long as it is imaginery and does not actually cause any damage is wrong. Games give people inspiration to do good things and wicked things, sure we bear no responsibility for others - but that doesn't mean we need to spell out none sense over a trivial matter that in any other walk of life would be a criminal offense.

RE: Corsair Carrier - Mímir - 09-09-2014

Ok but can the corsairs have a carrier?

RE: Corsair Carrier - Zayne Carrick - 09-09-2014

Quote: To go against what I've said is to go against civilization, and to justify this with cheap and invalid arguments doesn't make your point right.
Fun facts: Discovery is not about civilization. Or about humanism. It's space shooter with RP elements.

Therefore, noone is stopping people from selling and buying slaves, RPing evil slaver. And noone is stopping you from making abolitionist faction and kill with fire all those who sell/buy slaves. Actually, that would be better solution, than making ooRP forum posts about civilisation, freedom and barbaric habits.

RE: Corsair Carrier - Zen_Mechanics - 09-09-2014

(09-09-2014, 08:56 AM)Zayne Carrick Wrote:
Quote: To go against what I've said is to go against civilization, and to justify this with cheap and invalid arguments doesn't make your point right.
Fun facts: Discovery is not about civilization. Or about humanism. It's space shooter with RP elements.

Therefore, noone is stopping people from selling and buying slaves, RPing evil slaver. And noone is stopping you from making abolitionist faction and kill with fire all those who sell/buy slaves. Actually, that would be better solution, than making ooRP forum posts about civilisation, freedom and barbaric habits.

No. Discovery is a human product, controlled and manifested by men - its entirely made within a real human perspective - Does that make the devs barbaric? No, But you have so far showed no signs of compassion or wisdom in anything that i've said and instead went ahead to debunk it even further. It's an insult to me personaly, as I have to give elementary explainations about good and evil - and how to distingiush Fun and Fun on issues that exist today, on a selection of people who are at the very bottom of the food chain, And allowing "slaves" here or anything else doesn't help the real victims of slavery, by making "Fun" of it.

I'm done on this thread, and Im going to let all i said sink. Good day.

RE: Corsair Carrier - Mímir - 09-09-2014

But we all agree that slavery is an atrocity, it goes without saying!

Everyone playing this game are nice guys, none of us support acts of cruelty and violence. We play with roles, that's all.

RE: Corsair Carrier - SnakThree - 09-09-2014

Zen, ffs, slavery is illegal in game. Only bad people transport slaves. Go hunt them instead of whining here like oversensitive person that wants to detoriate the topic at hand.

RE: Corsair Carrier - Zayne Carrick - 09-09-2014

Quote:And allowing "slaves" here or anything else doesn't help the real victims of slavery, by making "Fun" of it.
Deleting Slaves from Discovery wouldn't help real victims of slavery aswell. So I see no point in doing it.

Quote:But we all agree that slavery is an atrocity, it goes without saying!
Kinda, still I think that there're worse things, both in real world and in Discovery.

RE: Corsair Carrier - Sciamach - 09-09-2014

Anybody else remember when this thread was about a ship model in a 11 year old space game?

can we go back to that instead of making this a philosophical debate for.. some reason?

RE: Corsair Carrier - Tabris - 09-09-2014

[Image: Anchorman-well-that-escalated-quickly.jpg]

RE: Corsair Carrier - Friendly-Freelancer - 09-09-2014

Soooo how about that Corsair Carrier, hell if your giving them one give XENOES A GUNBOAT. Please?