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GC Tea House - Printable Version

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GC Tea House - Saigo.Watanabe - 09-21-2008

John, since you seem to be overally bored why dont you do a little something to practise your weaponary...

Basically the idea is to be Smuggled into Sapporo and cause Havoc from within, i suggest also that you come back with prisoners to be Interrogated by me to Morioka , i would like to also find out what there defences are and if we could assault and take over that base.
I believe we have the skills and resources to do so...

You dont have to do this and you can do it at your own risk.
Good Luck if you do.

GC Tea House - thierry007 - 09-21-2008

Commander i Shall Do this.. Have "Fun" with your Sisters here while im gone and Watsas Have "fun" Being a Bartender *John Walks to The Lift and Dissapears*

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 09-21-2008

Watsas springs into action and prepares Saigo a cup of tea, with a shot of cardimine, and sets it on the bar.

"Tea! That'll be two shillings, my good lady." Watsas said in a faux-bretonian accent, the effect ruined by his helmet vocoder.

GC Tea House - Saigo.Watanabe - 09-21-2008

*pays up*
well i enjoyed that mini raid, me Destroying one Destroyer and 1 Gunboat and you destroying a Destroyer aswell... fun fun fun fun fun,
Shame i ran out of ammo, i would of damaged that Battleship more, but i think we roughed it up enough, dont you?

*saigo sips the tea and feels the rush of cardi going through her blood*

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 09-21-2008

"The KNF needs better meat to pilot their spaceships. I mean, if a BATTLESHIP with full escort can't destroy two fighters attacking it, then what's the point!?" Watsas exclaimed.

"Bah, I bet they're going to say in the news that it was some kind of 'cowardly suicide attack' and 'the GC forcefeed cardimine to children to send them to fly into big Kusari battleships' and 'it's all the bretonians fault for thier devil worshipping queen'. Please, the Kusari propaganda machine sucks."

Watsas attempted to sip a glass of tea, through his helmet intake, and failing miserably.

GC Tea House - Unholy1 - 09-21-2008

*Soft footsteps are heard walking down a somewhat long hallway toward the Tea House*
*The footsteps stop as they come to the door*

"Name please"
"Ohhh cool an android, My name is Amaya Yamagata, I am a new member to the GC"
"Scanning Datapod for Amaya Yamagata"

*thinks to herself, this android is creeping me out...*

"Name Amaya Yamagata found, new recruit to the Golden Chrysanthemums"
"Drop your weapons, and proceed to the Tea House room"
"Drop my weapons?!?!?!?, you cant be serious with all the Kusari police after me, on my tail everywhere I turn, What if I go in there unarmed, and the Kusari bust in, how am I suppose to defend myself!?"
"Drop your weapons and proceed to the Tea House room"
"You really need a new writer"
"Drop your weapons and proceed to the Tea House room"
"Okay, Okay I heard you the first two times"

*Amaya drops all of her weapons, but one, one blaster tucked away in her boot unnoticeable to the naked eye*
*Amaya then starts to walk to the door hoping the android wouldn't notice*

"Drop your weapons now"
"But I did look there are none on me"

*All of the sudden red lights start flashing and an alarm so loud it hurt Amaya's ears, Amaya bends down covering her ears then yells*

"Okay okay Ill drop the blaster !!!!"
"Red alert, Red alert"
" Ohh no, Saigo !!!!!!! Help me !!!!!

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 09-21-2008

"Okay, what the hell is this?" Watsas turns to face the source of the sirens at the Tea House entrance.

"Red Alert. Unauthorised Weapons Detected." The alarm system announced.

Watsas walked over to the security console and unplugged the power cable going to the automated weapon scanner, immedietly causing it to shut down.

"Ok, who designed this piece of crap weapon detector doodad?" Watsas asked to nobody in particular.

"You did..." One of the bar patrons replied.

"And who are you!?" Watsas asked, looking toward Amaya.

GC Tea House - Centoz - 09-21-2008

Kin looks up at the sound of the alarm. She is sitting at a table with Captain Kurokawa Keiko. Keiko stands up, draws her blaster and signals Kin to follow her. She shouts out: "What is happening?"

Meanwhile, the BowEx personal looks very surprised as the alarm goes of. They where in the middle of explaining that strange person that calls himself Watsas, that they are the crew of a supply vessel sent from Bretonia, to assist the GC in their struggle.

GC Tea House - Unholy1 - 09-21-2008

*sighing to show a sign of relief Amaya answers quickly*

"I am Amaya Yamagata I am a new member to the Golden Chrysanthemums, I was recruited by Saigo Wantanabe."

*Amaya tries to calm down from the alarm going off, then starts to explain what happened*

"I am so, so sorry about the alarm going off you see the android told me to drop my weapons and well.. I kinda had a blaster hid in my boot just in case the kusari find me here, and It said drop your weapons so I was like Okay, I went to grab it to take it out then all of the sudden the alarm just starts going nuts, I am so sorry this will not happen again I promise"

*Amaya thinks to herself this has got to be the worst first impression she could have had, and hopes the GC's will look past it and take her for the Fighter/bomber expert and silent assassin she really is.*

*Sees Keiko pointing a blaster in her direction*

" Woah, woah wait I am on your side! "
"Man where is Saigo when I need her to bail me out"

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 09-21-2008

"Umm, if the Kusari come here, I have laser vision, built in stun-gauntlets, and crocidile grenades. Not to mention the fact that we're on a heavily armed space station full of gun-toting women and my own cybernetic army." Watsas explained, matter of factly.

"Now, we have all sorts of fine tea and liquor that I almost got killed trying to get from Freeport-11 to here. Drink up!"