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Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Printable Version

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RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Dane Summers - 11-20-2012

[Image: seontb2.png]

Mr. Yamato Date

Our relations with the Kusari Exiles are still in dispute. While reports from the military have told tales of postive and even cooperative military action, our policy is only to provide military vessels to political identities we consider trusted allies. While the Gallic threat is one that is dire, prompting even enemies to become friends against the onslaught - this war wont last forever - and the friends of today could become the enemies of tomorrow.

Therefore, it is important that I take this request to higher authorities. Once the matter has been deliberated on, you will be provided a reply within three days.

Let me apologize for the delay in reply. We will endeavor to render an answer to your request in a timely fashion, without fail.

Thank you.

Killian Seon
Colonial Defense Industries

[Image: CDIlogo.png]

[Image: seontb2.png]

Miss Jarael

The conflict within the Tau Systems has become heated, yes. The Colonial Republic's tau military forces, in cooperation with allies in the area, have been doing our best to hold back a renewed Outcast threat.

Your request of a Kronos Battleship is currently being discussed. The matter of course being, such a large and resource heavy military line ship for a private party, even one affiliated with the IMG, requires deliberation.

There is also the matter of the Gallic occupation force in the Taus, of which the Independent Mining Guild has pledged its affiliation. Rendering over to the IMG such a vessel could represent a security risk - not only to ourselves, but to you as well - as the Gauls will no doubt question you as to your acquisition of the vessel, and your life could very well be in danger.

We can provide you with a smaller (and more numerous within our yards) vessel, which can still give you a hand against the maltese threat, and greater plausibility in whatever fiction you create to explain the Gauls of your acquisition. May we perhaps suggest a Hydra Strike Corvette?

Either way, we will deliberate on your request, as it must be taken to higher authorities. Once we have an answer for your request, especially if you still wish construction and purchase of a Kronos Medium Battleship, we will contact you with our decision.

Let me apologize for the delay in reply. We will endeavor to render an answer to your request in a timely fashion, without fail.

Thank you.

Killian Seon
Colonial Defense Industries

[Image: CDIlogo.png]

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Jarael - 11-20-2012

::::::::::::: TO: COLONIAL DEFENSE INDUSTRIES :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: ID: IMG - JARAEL :::::::::::::
::::::::::::: SUBJECT: RE:ACQUISITION OF A KRONOS :::::::::::::

[Image: 180pxjaraelarkohredmm0.jpg]

Der Mr. Seon,

Perhaps the Colonial Republic isn't too clear on the situation. We are encountering increasing numbers of Stortas and Ranseurs. If you are indeed aware of this, then I must ask you this: Are you suggesting that a Hydra gunboat is capable of taking out a Ranseur dreadnought, or a Storta destroyer?

I am in command of a Sagarmatha battlecruiser, Mr. Seon, and it is being outgunned by the enemy. I doubt that your Hydras could fare any better. Also, the new threat of the 75th Outcast light fighter wing has caused IMG bomber support to become severely ineffective in assisting against those heavy targets. What we need now is something of equal or greater strength to fight back against these outlaws.

As for the Gallics, I'm sure we can come up with something. After all, while they do indeed lay claim to the Taus, it isn't House space. Sure, they can enforce their laws there, but if they indeed stick to Section 3 of the Gallic Royal Charter, then our Sagarmathas would have already been in violation. I'm sure that as long as the ships used are not disrupting Gallic operations the Gallics won't mind. After all, the Outcasts bother them as much as they bother us.

Thank you for taking this request seriously. I await the Republic's decision.


::::::::::::: TRANSMISSION ENDS :::::::::::::

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - SummerMcLovin - 11-20-2012

[Image: MichaelFrost_zps7e79930a.png]

David Blanchard and the CoM,

Our engineers have actually been waiting for the go-ahead to start building your ships - seems the message to start hauling the materials and send over payment must've been too encrypted for you. Maybe get the UC to take a look at your systems, Marquise is good at this stuff, right?

Either way, send over 10 millions and you can get started on the hauling, or add another 20 million and come pick up some ready-made vessels. As an additional note, let us know who's flying them, just for interest you know...

Frost out.

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - NoMe - 11-20-2012

hello mister

here a pilot who have several nyx, CR industrie need one?or money?


PS i also can change one for a new pytho!

you can pm me

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Timmy - 11-21-2012

>>>>Incoming Transmission<<<<

Sender: David Blanchard
Subject: Ship request
Priority: High
Encryption: High

Pardon me for making you wait. The payment have been sent to your treasury. You can start building right away.

David Blanchard, Council of Maquis.

>>>>Transmission Terminated<<<<

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Dane Summers - 11-23-2012

[Image: seontb2.png]

Miss Jarael

Our understanding of the issue in the Taus is conflicted. The Outcasts have forever been fond of using heavy capital ships, but have never learned what effect they have in Tau 23 - that being nearly none at all - the concentration of rocks being enough to slow them down, and even immobilize them for fast bomber craft. The threat has always been from massed fighter attack, which is why I suggested the Hydra Corvette for your needs.

It seems your looking for something to counter the Ranseur head on - I hate to disappoint you, but the Kronos is not that vessel. Its design was supposed to be a battleship and carrier hybrid, but the size needed for both left it lacking in the area's of agility and the ability to maneuver through the dense fields of Tau 23. While its turret coverage is sufficient, its profile makes it vulnerable to long range fire - and the Ranseur is both better armed, and armored.

Thus, Colonial Fleet tactics revolve around luring Ranseurs and Storta's to Tau 23, trapping them in the fields, then using the much more nimble Thanatos, with Pytho support, to take down the threat.

However, we can give you the list of materials you will need, and our engineers, so the hull can be constructed at Singapore Shipyard.

Engine Parts - 1000
Iridium - 800
Optronics - 1200
Polymers - 2000
Ship Hull Panels - 2400
High Temperature Alloy - 1200
Nanocapacitors - 1000
Optical Chips - 800
Quantum Multiplexors - 800
Superalloy - 1000

Spaceship Crew (Colonial Engineers) - 200
Scientists (Colonial Engineers) - 20

I understand this list may be expansive, but it is a large vessel.

Let us know if your require anything further

Killian Seon
Colonial Defense Industries

[Image: CDIlogo.png]

[Image: seontb2.png]

Mr. Blanchard

Your payment has been received, and construction has been completed. You may crew the vessels and depart with them at your leisure.

Thank you.

Killian Seon
Colonial Defense Industries

[Image: CDIlogo.png]

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Jarael - 11-25-2012


[Image: JaraelPortrait.jpg]

Mr Seon,

Your engineers have arrived safely. Our supplies followed soon after. They have already been handed over to your chief engineer. If your engineering team has any additional requests, have them come to me directly, so as to expedite the process.

1 2 3 4


==== END ====

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Dane Summers - 11-25-2012

[Image: crosstb2.png]

Miss Jarael

I will be overseeing the construction as chief foreman of the engineering crew.

We have all materials needed, and construction is proceeding.

Expect the hull to be finished within 12 standard hours.

Helena Cross
Colonial Defense Industries

[Image: CDIlogo.png]

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - The Ultimatum - 12-02-2012

Hello this is Joshua Warren of the IMG|. I am interested in purchasing an Nyx Combat fighter. This will be used for Scouting during the Guilds High risk operations. I would also like to purchase a Pytho bomber. This would be used to fight an ongoing war with the Outcasts,And as you know. They do love their capital ships.


Shipname: IMG|Stonefly




Shipname: IMG|Joshua.Warren


(Due to personal error I mixed up the asking prices. The second receipt is to bring payment up to correct amount)


Thank you, Joshua signing off.

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Dane Summers - 12-12-2012

[Image: seontb2.png]

Mr. Warren

We apologize for the delay.

Your EVO-2b Nyx , and B2 Pytho have been authorized, and is awaiting pickup at Spatha Field, New Hope Colony East.

Let us know if your require anything further

Killian Seon
Colonial Defense Industries

[Image: CDIlogo.png]