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RE: Trial by forum? - An'shur - 01-13-2015

(01-13-2015, 02:04 PM)Mímir Wrote: - Infini-cloaks are silly, no matter if you are an official faction member or not.

The fact that Nomads are an alien race far more advanced than humans does matter. Making them "op" is logical.

RE: Trial by forum? - Jinx - 01-13-2015

Just in general about the OPs point "trial by forum". I think we should be clear what that actually means.

As far as i know - a trial by forum - singles out either specific players or groups in a spiteful way. The intent of a trial by forum is to create a mob of forum readers to weigh in and allow the sheer numbers of people to join in such a thread treat the accused players in a spiteful and malicious way.

To be critical or write down an incident is not automatically a trial by forum. Even if the OP narrows it down quite a bit ( but seriously what else can one do when it is about a closed faction that is both not too huge or active ) - the actual post that this thread refers to sounded upset - but not like a trial by forum.

Objectively i do believe this is exactly what belongs into a feedback thread. To allow the official faction to make a statement about this situation - let the offender maybe explain why he F1; let the faction leadership defend their need for this "very special case cloak" and why they must have it - while no one else must etc. .

So yea - i gotto back that up - this is exactly what the forum is here for. It does not belong into a private PM - those are cases that are beneficial when made public. It is something to LEARN from for everyone.

RE: Trial by forum? - Pancakes - 01-13-2015

(01-13-2015, 02:10 PM)Anshur Wrote:
(01-13-2015, 02:04 PM)Mímir Wrote: - Infini-cloaks are silly, no matter if you are an official faction member or not.
The fact than Nomads are an alien race far more advanced than humans does matter. Making them "op" is logical.
Fine then I demand that Rogues will fly crappy paper thin ships that can't even stand a chance against navy or police ships, because it's logical. That Rheinland lanes will fall apart due to IC getting kicked out of their economical system, and that their ability to deploy war ships will now be limited because hey - Rheinland can't afford wasting cash on fuel just like that anymore, because it's logical.
I am also demanding that any character that ever carried cardamine will now die if they have no cardamine in their hold for longer than 24 hours, because hey - it's logical!
Oh, also, of course I am demanding that the nomads will lose Iota, since it's literally illogical that after launching the majority of them into oblivion, they can still maintain such a huge facility and protect it against the order - hey, I am just following logic here!

We are here first of all for fair play, later on to stay within the logical boundaries of things.

You want me to go on or you got the point? Because I can also get into how half the things in this place break every little rule of physics and dynamics.

EDIT: Also, the fact that you have to use some sort of energy, to create magnetic field that is needed in order to make the photons change their direction in order to create the effect of cloak. Now assuming that the cloak is more than just a visibility thing, you have to actually use quite A LOT of energy in order to make your entire electro-magnetic signature disappear from space. And even then there is the gravitational signature that in reality you can't make-go. Unless you have some sort of anomaly point that travels everywhere with you. But that's some hardcore theoretical physics.

RE: Trial by forum? - Lythrilux - 01-13-2015

(01-13-2015, 02:10 PM)Anshur Wrote:
(01-13-2015, 02:04 PM)Mímir Wrote: - Infini-cloaks are silly, no matter if you are an official faction member or not.

The fact than Nomads are an alien race far more advanced than humans does matter. Making them "op" is logical.

It's logical but needs to be within the scope of balance and enjoyment of other factions involved.

RE: Trial by forum? - Fluffyball - 01-13-2015

(01-13-2015, 02:25 PM)Lythrilux Wrote:
(01-13-2015, 02:10 PM)Anshur Wrote:
(01-13-2015, 02:04 PM)Mímir Wrote: - Infini-cloaks are silly, no matter if you are an official faction member or not.

The fact than Nomads are an alien race far more advanced than humans does matter. Making them "op" is logical.

It's logical but needs to be within the scope of balance and enjoyment of other factions involved.

Balance for sake of balance here is a thing alike political correctness, to be honest - it leads to absurd and silly situation. Nomads are advanced. They are hated by everyone. They have nowhere to land. And players always can band up to kill them. They are, well, after all, the ultimate spies. Period.

HOWEVER TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM, why not to give it a sound, like proposed on a different topic? It would be the best solution fulfilling both parties.

RE: Trial by forum? - nOmnomnOm - 01-13-2015

Discovery and Logic do not go together. They are like Oil and Water.

Edit: Also Torris they already gave it sound 30 mins ago. I am SURE you saw that post and then came here and made urself look cool Tongue

anyway, sound just shows they are near. it doesn't help the issue that Mimir is after. It will just make you want to run away.

RE: Trial by forum? - Faith - 01-13-2015

Nomads were far better in doing their Nomad job when they were simple official Nomads. And all that without cloak and with gunboat being crap.

RE: Trial by forum? - Mímir - 01-13-2015

Toris, it's a game. There's a lot of balance for the sake of balance. Your characters don't die when they get killed and so on.

You can't just band together to kill an infini-cloaked nomad, and even some K'hara players have voiced their concerns regarding the infini-cloaks and their effect on gameplay.

When I met that Marduk, I had been flying all the way from New York through Z-21 to reach Omicron Lost, where everything along the way was just as hostile to my Order VHF as it would be to a nomad. I didn't need a cloak, and neither do Nomad players.

RE: Trial by forum? - nOmnomnOm - 01-13-2015

WEll if nothing changed then make sure the nomad is always CDed. Always.
I killed a nomad snub once with a double nova that I CDed in his proximity range. that was awesome.

RE: Trial by forum? - Fluffyball - 01-13-2015

(01-13-2015, 02:23 PM)Pancakes Wrote:
(01-13-2015, 02:10 PM)Anshur Wrote:
(01-13-2015, 02:04 PM)Mímir Wrote: - Infini-cloaks are silly, no matter if you are an official faction member or not.
The fact than Nomads are an alien race far more advanced than humans does matter. Making them "op" is logical.
That Rheinland lanes will fall apart due to IC (...)

You haven't heard about something like corporate espionage, have you? 10 years is enough to copy the blueprints or reverse-engineer any tech provided. Not to mention Rheinland had at least 100 years to do that.

I mean, Rheinland and Liberty reverse-engineered the Nomad tech in no time. Why would it be different with same-ancestry technology? Sirians are already making Gallic engines that work onto Sirian ships, so what's the problem?