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What faction you would like to try out? - Printable Version

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What faction you would like to try out? - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 10-05-2008

I have never really been to kusari, not even to pass through, so to play an unlawful like the blood dragons would be interesting, since i always prefered roleplaying not as a pirate or cold blooded killer, but as a politically motivated paramilitary group. makes me feel warm inside that im kiling for a cause higher than money lol

also i havent ever played as the order, or even really gone into order space.

What faction you would like to try out? - Orin - 10-06-2008

I have a Rheinland Criminal, Order Recruit, Liberty Lawful, and Zoner, all written up in my head.

Although, I think my Hessian would be at the top of my list. Seems like it would be a lot of fun.

Also, there will be a lot more RP in Honshu from now on. I'm in Aomori orbit all the time in my GMGs. Or I will be, more like.

What faction you would like to try out? - kingvaillant - 10-06-2008

Keepers. I have always been interested in joining them, but always lacked time

What faction you would like to try out? - Titan - 10-06-2008

Zoners, Bretonian Lawfuls...that's pretty much it, as for all you who'd like to join the Keepers, you're always free to send PM's to me, Hyung, or Exile for more information, as we are I believe the most active ones:P We'll be happy to help you try to get in and to get you started on your application.

What faction you would like to try out? - Thexare - 10-06-2008


*looks at sig*

Yep. Still Corsair.

What faction you would like to try out? - Knucklehead - 10-06-2008

I'm not sure if you noticed, but you put Rheinland Criminal twice. I'm guessing the first one is supposed to be Bretonia Criminal, but always good to make sure.

I haven't done much in Kusari either, aside from passing through on one of Eman's ships or while mining Niobium and Diamonds on my main character. Who knows. As Juni said in the campaign, "Maybe the Blood Dragons could use a little help."

Edit: Come on, why hasn't anyone voted OSC yet?;)

What faction you would like to try out? - Xing - 10-06-2008

Nomad - but not the keepers. but since nomads seem exclusive to keeper, it is the reason why I didnt try it.

What faction you would like to try out? - Lohingren - 10-06-2008

everyone always misses out the cryer, GOD DAMMIT THEY ALWAYS MISS OUT CRYER!

What faction you would like to try out? - looqas - 10-06-2008

' Wrote:I'm not sure if you noticed, but you put Rheinland Criminal twice. I'm guessing the first one is supposed to be Bretonia Criminal, but always good to make sure.

I haven't done much in Kusari either, aside from passing through on one of Eman's ships or while mining Niobium and Diamonds on my main character. Who knows. As Juni said in the campaign, "Maybe the Blood Dragons could use a little help."

Edit: Come on, why hasn't anyone voted OSC yet?;)


I see my error now. It really should be Bretonia criminal. I blame the copy-paste time-lapse on this.

What faction you would like to try out? - Unholy1 - 10-06-2008

The one faction i have ALWAYS wanted to be in (you don't have it listed ?!?!?!) is the Phantoms.