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RE: Impossible demands. - Laz - 12-31-2015

(12-30-2015, 11:38 PM)NeonBunny™ Wrote: But droping your shield can be done via. a command, so its a legitimate demand. |8

Then what about the *Lowering shields below 50%* Rule

RE: Impossible demands. - Dawson Base - 12-31-2015

(12-31-2015, 12:08 AM)|nfrared Wrote: Here's my question - Why were Rogues pirating Junkers in Liberty? Show us that this wasn't some players just looking for any target to blow up, please.

Yes, how dare we pirate a Junker. How, I say, how DARE we pirate a Junker. A Junker. A junker transport not hauling any cargo that shows that they are somehow on friendly terms with the Rogues.

While I admit that listening to our friend here scream about the congress on the top of his lungs or that we are breaking some sort of non-existant pact with them made by Altejago's Padua LR, a group that has not exited for a year now, I will repeat myself - the person in question could have left this encounter without losing a single bot. Just like at least 7 other people have so far. Why was he an exception?

RE: Impossible demands. - Char Aznable - 12-31-2015

(12-31-2015, 12:08 AM)|nfrared Wrote: Here's my question - Why were Rogues pirating Junkers in Liberty? Show us that this wasn't some players just looking for any target to blow up, please.

There's no need to show that. The Dawson Rogues salvage pretty much everything they get their hands on, and if he'd complied, there would have been no bluemessage whatsoever.

(12-31-2015, 12:09 AM)TheUnforgiven Wrote:
(12-31-2015, 12:03 AM)Dawson Base Wrote: Nobody was asked to shoot their own ship. The demand was to disable their shields, or to just sit still for us to do it for them. Then just not move so we could remove the guns. The encounter could have gone perfectly if the person would have stopped writing threats and then complaining about the server rules, instead of actually reading what was being asked from them. Three times.

You don't see the inherent problem with demanding someone lower their shields, take faith you're a good shot, and let you shoot at them unprotected with no guarentees? Again, dropping sheilds...fine, forcing you to comply with being shot is not even close to whats on the ID. If everyone set out tomorrow to pirate people for their turrets, even in their ZOI's, we're gonna have a lot of bad times on our hands. You don't get to just fly up to someone and shoot them, unless you're hunting bounty. If you want to shoot them with the ID you flew, you make your demands, ones outlined on the ID, or if RP, certainly ones that don't involve getting shot already, and then if there is refusal to give up what was demanded, you get to shoot them. SRP for a terrorist ID if you want to prowl to shoot people's turrets off.

As told once already, the shooting of the guns is a substitute for the guns being salvaged off. A sitting Transport with no shields is an easy target to shoot guns off of - I could hit you sitting with a SNAC and not damage your hull easily without even making a dent in your hull. The important point here is that it is a roleplaying substitute. And sure, you're free to not trust the pirate and not follow his demand - but that's where you'll get blued.

RE: Impossible demands. - Kauket - 12-31-2015

@Laz That's kinda void when you /shields to drop it, since you're dropping it yourself.

Additionally, shooting your equipment does NOT damage your hull. Only the item.

RE: Impossible demands. - Dawson Base - 12-31-2015

Let us back up a moment here.

The person in question was stopped by us and told that we would be taking their guns. This is a demand with a loss to the person in a same manner that asking credits or cargo being dropped is. I think you are reading too much into how this ties in with the server rules, but are ignoring the roleplay aspect of the situation. The ship was stopped for the big baddies to disassemble their weapon systems. I am very sorry, but due to the games engine limitations, I cannot remove your guns without shooting them. But that is the point - if you had complied and sat still, just like many people before you, the guns would have been removed from you without your hull even taking a scratch.

This whole thread is rather nonsensical. It is just people trying to find something to be angry about, while completely ignoring the CONTEXT that the encounter took place in.

RE: Impossible demands. - |nfrared - 12-31-2015

If you think I'm defending Junkers, you don't know me at all. Personally I used to live for Salvager explosions.
I am simply asking why these two groups that monopolize that cardi and slave trade in Liberty would be tearing each other up, to me that makes not a lot of sense. But you seem not to care too much about long standing diplomacy, and instead got all defensive.

You say the person could have left at any time. That doesn't tell us what under what reasoning he was stopped in the first place though. Are you meaning to tell us this group of Rogues simply doesn't care who they jump on, and if there is diplomatic backlash so be it?

RE: Impossible demands. - Laz - 12-31-2015

Still the question stays is "Let me destroy yo guns" a Valid Demand?

@"Nyx" The why cant all pirates say drop your shields then to make killing them easier if they try run?

RE: Impossible demands. - Char Aznable - 12-31-2015

Nobody said that he was free to leave. What was said that he should have complied to a piracy demand and would've gotten away scot-free.
As for the going on the defensive: You did attack the Dawson's, telling that they're "trolling" and even asked them for evidence that they were not hunting for random blues, implying that you were trying to make them look bad. That's why he got defensive, rather than jumping at you.

EDIT: Ninja'd again. It's not destroying rather than salvaging the guns. It's due to ingame limitations. And since RP demands have been done for years now, there's a multitude of precendents showing that it actually is a valid demand.

RE: Impossible demands. - The Savage - 12-31-2015

@Dawson Base
The problem is, you are missing one point: I had to go AFK due to real life emergency, what you have been informed (I've even had no time to PM it, and I VERY RARELY do ooRP message in system chat). If it wasn't anything serious, I'd continue roleplay, because I would never fall low to e.g. call for backup. When I came back, I saw my ship fired upon, so I had to defend myself and I did, because for me it was already engagement.

Every player which knows me can vouch that I do not interrupt roleplaying on Disco without any serious reason.

RE: Impossible demands. - |nfrared - 12-31-2015

If you are still asking this question when the Pirate ID clearly states that only credits and cargo can be demanded inside house space (which I did already say btw), this thread is simply a circular one.