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In the Bretonian Parliament - Unseelie - 03-16-2009

Having listened to the slive, Grenville, tacitly surrender the Taus to a force which was not even competing for their dominion, Edward Marlborough snorted, and rose to his feet, jaw clenched, jowels quivering, and addressed the assembly:

Gentlemen. We cannot. We cannot, and we should not even countenance the thought, of surrendering, yes. Surrendering, the bloody taus. Are you out of your minds? We have been engaged in a brutal, bloody war in those same damn taus for the last three years. I will not. Will Not. Allow. This. Treaty. To. Sacrifice. Our. Struggle.

Our position is not weak, gentlemen. We hold many of the hinder worlds around Tau, and maintain our hold on Harris. Strategically, we are in the best position to strike, with the Kusari Fleet drawing its supply lines through our noose.

Three Years, Gentlemen. Three years and this treaty proposes to surrender Tau. Tau is Sovereign Territory of Her Majesty, Carina, The Bloody Queen. The Independent Miners' Guild? Damn them. Damn them, Damn the Kusari, Damn the Franks and the Colonials and anyone who signs this surrender. Not just Tau, but a surrender of the entire bloody war.

This, Gentlemen, is despicable. Tau is Bretonian Territory, and damn you, I will not let you pander it away.

In the Bretonian Parliament - jammi - 03-16-2009

Lord Edmond Grey had been for the most part been snowed under with paperwork regarding falling production quotas on Leeds, constant intrusions by blockade running smugglers and a particularly awkward trade agreement with the Zoners. The War was placing extra pressure on his already suffering Ministry. Without the aid of his Chief Clerk, he'd probably be halfway to being admitted to Bedlam! Needless to say, the Tau Pact had caught his eye. After listening to Lord Marlborough, he dusted off his lap and smoothed out a stray crease on his suit before rising to stand.

"I'm afraid I have to agree with Lord Marlborough on this issue. As he rightly said, we have been waging this war against Kusari for three long and bloody years, costing a great many lives and billions of credits in lost revenue.

"However, this is not why I speak. This Pact stands not to secure Bretonia an ally, but rather cripple our long term economic policies! During peacetime one of our Nation's primary goals was to expand it's dominion further into the Taus, sending exploration groups and survey teams to the edges of the realm to reveiw uncultivated areas for industrial viability, before implementing Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing task forces to obtain further resources, and thus feed Bretonia's hungry industry.

"Signing that piece of paper more or less gives the Independent Miners Guild sovereignty over the Taus! As Lord Marlborough stated, we are in an ideal position for a counter-attack, wielding an axe over the Kusari Serpent's overly-extended neck! Once the decisive battle has been won, do you honestly think all will be right my Lords?

"My Office employs market analysts and economists to predict the outcome of every plausible possiblity. If we win the war, our economy will stagnate due to the lack of necessity. We are being preserved through the heightened sense of need and fear brought about by a War Economy. Once that War Economy has stagnated, our House will be ruined by economic privation, not the enemy's weapons! That is unless we can exploit every available resource!

"Giving away the Tau's to a loosely banded rabble is not an option! It is shooting ourselves in the foot and makes a mockery of any form of long term economic planning! Think about these words my Lords, for your choices here may well affect the survival of our great House itself."

Grey seated himself, looking slightly flustered. One of the countless and seemingly faceless beaurocrats of the Ministry had left a wedge of paperwork for him to sift through next to his seat. There was the agreement with the Zoners sitting on top. So much work to do. So much work...

In the Bretonian Parliament - beander2 - 03-17-2009

Lord Elliot Humphrey had been puffing thoughtfully on his pipe through Marlborough's and Grey's comments, giving vent to his irritation at their shortsightedness. Humphrey had followed IMG's fortunes for some time. Intrigued by their spirit and ingenuity - and frustrated with his own government's apparent ineptitude, his patience with his more obstinate colleagues had finally worn too thin. He stood up switfly, ashes falling to his feet.

Well, I would think with his workload, Lord Grey would have better things to do than to issue in speculation and alarmism here. And Lord Marlborough would actually have us believe that our brilliant defeat in Leeds was the strategic coup of the year? That we finally have the enemy where we want them? Nonsense! If anyone's head is in the noose, gentlemen, it is ours!

We are in the position we're in right now because of thinking like that, let me tell you. We have overreached our boundaries, we have. Surrender the Taus? How can we surrender what we never had? How can we grouse about compromising something we only still hold but by the thinnest thread?

It is past time for the hard line, my friends. It is now time to be smart, to be shrewd, to be willing to let go of grand strategy for the sake of sound strategy. It is time to take advantage of a natural and cultural ally in the Taus, and that would be the IMG. Lord Grey calls IMG "loosely branded rabble." I ask you, does such "rabble" design and successfully market some of the highest quality vessels in Sirius? Does such "rabble" continue to grow in size and scope of operation, build new bases - including a shipyard in the Omegas - establish programmes for exploration, or perfect and expand its mining operations even while those of this empire wane?! Bah! Give up your snobbery, gentlemen. We have no time for such foolishness.

IMG has indicated an affinity for Bretonia already, has already and of its own volition both entered into diplomatic rapprochment with our government and distanced itself from that truly and certifiably loose rabble, the Colonial Remnant. Do we think it hasn't occurred to IMG to ally itself with the enemy, especially now when the Remnant overtly has, and when IMG finds more of its operational area under Kusari occupation? Think, gentlemen! IMG has demonstrated its intelligence, its foresight, its willingness to be prudent in the face of almost certain temptation to be overly bold and expansive. Perhaps it is time to learn from their example.

We have much to gain from a strong relationship with the Guild. If that means that we pay a little rent to harvest resources in a few places, so be it. If we are not in a position to do so ourselves, then we have little to complain about. Let go our shortsightedness, our prejudice, our foolishness, our idyllic delusions of grandeur. The time to rein in our ambition and to expand our innovativeness has long since come. We meet this great trial with our proper allies, or we fall alone. It is that simple.

With that, Humphrey took his seat and resumed puffing.

In the Bretonian Parliament - pbrione - 03-17-2009

Lord Canning listened patiently to the objections of the other Lords, and pondered deeply on the matter. That evening, he forwarded a memo to his diplomatic staff at South Shields who were in negotiation with the IMG Council representatives there, with some further requests. An hour or so later, he received back a transmission which was to his satisfaction. Arriving early in Parliament the next day, he was the first to stand to open that morning's debate.

"My Lords. I understand the natural concern that many of you have to the proposal relating to mining rights in the Taus. It is only natural that we should feel a great patriotic objection to anything resembling a surrender of our sovereign space. Yet I feel that many of the right honourable gentlemen present here are labouring under grave delusions. We are not in a position, despite any claims to the contrary, to push the Kusari back from Tau 31 without help or a great change in circumstances. Yes, we have halted the Kusari assault, no, we have not lost the Taus, but by no means are we in a position of victory or near to it. In order to capitalise on the over-extended nature of the Kusari lines, we first need a considerably stronger position in upper Tau. We need bases, supply lines, security of operation, and a potential ally. As Lord Humphrey quite rightly stated, the IMG are in a position to provide all these things, and more. A sacrifice indeed, to give away many of our Tau resources, but a necessary one I feel, if we are to preserve our other holdings there."

"However, acknowledging the opposition to loss of sovereign space, I requested and have managed to successfully negotiate for us a slight amendment to Clause 4. We will retain sovereignty over the space of the asteroid fields and merely concede the resources themselves, as non-territorial property, to the IMG. In addition, in order to try and address the economic fears of stagnation raised by my right honourable friend Lord Grey, I have arranged that IMG will formally agree to allow BMM mining operations to take place in these fields, providing that we pay a monthly fee for the extraction of these IMG resources. There is also a tacit agreement by the IMG Council that any post-war settlement giving us control of Tau 29 would lead to an equitable division of the resources in that system. Whilst you may consider it somewhat galling to have to pay the IMG to mine resources in Tau, I am confident that it will nonetheless leave BMM in a position to make reasonable profits from Tau operations, should safeguard our economy and is, on the whole, a price well worth paying for the kind of help the IMG are most generously offering us. This is a unique opportunity, and one which if we foolishly cast aside is unlikely to be available to us again."

Upon sitting down Canning briefly scanned the hall for signs of people's reactions to his statements. As he had hoped, there were a fair few faces showing expressions of relief or satisfaction following his amendments, though several still remained grim looking, and the Duke of Leeds' front bench supporters were shaking their heads in clear disagreement. Canning tried a quick mental calculation based on his estimates of who he thought he had convinced. Was it enough for a majority? Probably, though a close one. It would take some charismatic speeches from his fellow Ministers to sway the House enough to guarantee a ratification on first vote, and this needed dealing with quickly or else the IMG would grow impatient. Canning sat back and awaited the next move.

Written Note: The amended Clause 4 Wrote:Clause 4: The Crown of Bretonia cedes full ownership rights to the IMG of all presently undiscovered resources in Tau and Orkney (excluding additional resources discovered in existing fields currently mined by BMM), providing that BMM is granted permission to mine such IMG resources in exhange for a monthly fee to the IMG, not exceeding 10 million credits per month. In addition, there shall be full official recognition of IMG claims of ownership over all resources in fields currently mined by the IMG. No Agents of the Bretonian Crown shall in any way impede access to IMG resources by members of the IMG, and shall act to defend IMG access to their resources from those who would impede said access.

In the Bretonian Parliament - bluntpencil2001 - 03-17-2009

Arthur Caithness, representing the Bowex Fringe, seated next to his friends and colleagues, who all worked hard to ensure that the nationalised Bretonian firms such as Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing and Borderworlds Exports served the interests of the Crown, and Bretonia as a whole, stood up, outraged.

"Why should hard-working Bretonians pay taxes and tribute to the Independent Miners' Guild? They are effectively a foreign nation, or at least a private concern, who do not have the right to demand any such payment from Bretonian citizens!

If the IMG want to gain the benefits of operating in tandem with Bretonian firms, they should not be demanding anything. After all, my competitors in Gateway Interstellar seem to get on okay, don't they? They, as a private firm, aren't demanding government subsidies!

The Independent Miners already gain from relations with Bretonia, after all, we are their best customers. We purchase their ores, and they profit from this. Giving them hard-earned BMM profits is nought but simple protectionism!"

He slammed his fist in to the bench in front of him, unseating the Conservative who was applauding him.

In the Bretonian Parliament - El Nino - 03-17-2009

Lord Bondit, BMM CEO retired, stares with disbelief at the latest treaty. Shakes his head, looks at the good lords by his side, nodds and outlines his speach on his personal paper pad. The old man stands up and opens with a few deliberate elloquence.

My Lords, I speak the voice of many, when I say that IMG should pay much more attention to the intrests of Bretonia. We allow them to opperate freely within Bretonia, while they started the war. We all know, how they share beds with CR, how they share patrols with KNF, exchange goods with Samura, befriend with Corsairs and all kinds of Illegal activities.

I purpose we Add a new clause to the treaty. IMG should make a choice, they are either with us or against us. And we have to know right now if we can count on them or not. Thus we should demand the following:

Quote:Clause 6: Bann all CR and Kusari ships from IMG bases.

They should make a clear decission to part their ways from CR, and remove them from their systems. CR Right now are terrorists and nothing more, organised highly deadly terrorists. If IMG has any chance to be worthy friends they would have to quickly change their allegiances.

I'm affraid as long as they are friendly to CR no treaty can exist in my oppinion.

Lord Bondit stands down. Obvious signs of approval can be seen across the parliment chambers. It would seem some lords would mostlikeley see the IMG drowned in toxic acids alongside with their CR allies.

In the Bretonian Parliament - pbrione - 03-19-2009

Lord Canning was looking distinctly frustrated with continued objections to his Treaty. He stood once more to speak.

"Mr Speaker, I am under the distinct impression that many of my right honourable gentlemen take me to be a dimwitted fool! Has it not occured to them that I have considered all their demands, and more? That I have put such issues as the Colonial Remnant to the IMG Council during my negotiations, and pressed them hard on it, far harder perhaps than my fellow Lords are even doing today? The fact is that diplomacy is not, as several of my fellow Lordships seem to imagine, a case of asking for what we want and having it handed to us. The IMG have their own political situation to consider. Can you begin to imagine the risks they are already taking with this measure? The danger that aligning with us puts them in? Already their relationship with the CR is streched to breaking point, and they are voluntarily severing further ties with the CR. But to declare open hostilites with them now would be suicide from the IMG's perspective - a civil war, in which they would be surrounded and outgunned from the start. What use to us is a new ally if they are already half-beaten and pinned down fighting for their own bases before they even have a chance to aid us? Such demands are not only ridiculous but also futile."

"The fact is that in diplomacy, if you want better tems you have to offer more in return. My Lords, it is my solemn duty to inform you that we have literally nothing left to offer. My negotiation skills, and those of my staff, are exhausted. The final amendment to Clause 4, which was most generously conceded by Guildmaster Masterson, is the last such piece of goodwill that we shall receive from the IMG free of charge. The time for negotiation is at a close - you must accept this Treaty as it stands, or not at all. If you refuse to accept this as it stands, then the deal will fall through. My Lords, I ought not to have to tell you that we cannot afford that to happen. If these deal fails, so does any accord with the IMG. They will retreat back into the arms of the Remnant and the Kusari, and we will have lost them forever. And with them, so too we will have their support in upper Tau, their bases, their supplies, their goodwill, and lost any hopes of preserving our upper Tau empire. Stubborn nationalism and blindness to our situation here will be our downfall. My Lords, I beseech you, in the name of Queen Carina and the Bretonian Empire, you must accept this Treaty."

Visibly exhausted, the colour drained from his face, Canning collapsed back into his chair. After a few whispered words Lord Grey, sitting to his right, helped him to his feet and half carried him from the Chamber, back to his car that waited to take him home. He had done all he could, and it had cost him a good week's bedrest. He could only pray that his efforts had been enough.

In the Bretonian Parliament - Unseelie - 03-21-2009

The evening had come, and then the morning. With it, cooler tempers presided over parliament. Marlborough was ready to grant the IMG their mining empire.

This fourth clause, as it is currently laid out, Gentlemen, cedes ownership to the IMG, of every region they currently hold, and any yet to be discovered territories in Tau? Tau, gentlemen, is not a region of space with cleanly defined borders and set limits. It is not the handful of twelve stars which we have currently explored, it is thousands. That they might piggyback any explorations by the Bretonian House, that allows for there to be no use of exploration into 'Tau' by the Bretonian House. Let them have what they discover. Let them even have claim to what we discover. But understand, Gentlemen, that Tau is Bretonian Space, as Cardiff is Bretonian Space. They've minable fields. Nebulae. Rock Colonies. Bretonia has Tau. Sovereignty over the Stars of Tau, as we've always claimed sovereignty over Bretonian Systems. Let them have that expanse of property, the cold rocks and dust clouds of Tau, recognizing, of course, that they are mining in the territories of the Hinder Worlds of the Bretonian House.

In the Bretonian Parliament - Dieter Schprokets - 04-28-2009

The man strode confidently to the centre of the Bretonian Parliament. He looked to the Government benches, then across the house to those seats held by Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition.

He wore the black tunic of the Mandalorians, with their famous symbol on his epaullet. He had no rank insignia. He needed none.

Consul William Bishop was a Bretonian, who had adopted the ways of the Mandalorians.

Today, he was a Mandalorian first.

He reached to his side, drew his Murcyur, "Mandalorian Kiss", a dagger which had ritual uses, and sometimes, practical ones. The blood grooves on either side were not for show.

He threw his dagger to the ground in a sudden flash of motion and it vibrated in the wooden floor of Parliament.

Those who understood Mandalorian rituals (not many, to be sure) understood what they were seeing, and were alarmed. The Tal ke'gyce. An ultimatum was being made here.

The Consul spoke.

"You have captured John Miyagi, a Kusari Commander. He is the son of our former Mandalore, John Cabot. He is to stand trial for war crimes, namely, the destruction of the HMS Thames during the fall of Upper Leeds. You intend to make him your scapegoat, then execute him."

Angry murmurs began in the chamber. The Consul spoke again, far more loudly, partially to emphasize his words, and partially to drown out the others.

"The Mandalorians will not permit the son of John Cabot to hang. He is one of us."

The Speaker rose, and called the House to order. The Prime Minister then stood and began to speak. His voice carried much tension.

"The Mandalorians have served the Crown with honour, but you forget yourself, sir. The Bretonian people demand justice for the death of the Thames and her crew."

The Consul turned to face the Prime Minister, and took a few paces towards him. He smiled a tired smile, then spoke clearly, and quickly, not wishing to be interrupted by the rising din.

"The Bretonian People will have to slake their thirst for revenge elsewhere. John Miyagi must not serve that purpose. This is not negotiable to us. But there IS a way between the horns of this dilemna, Mr Prime Minister."

"Another prisoner waits for a show trial and likely execution. A Bretonian one. Lieutenant Austin Goodmen is in Kyushu, and will be dead in a fortnight. His only crime is serving his country well. But they will find a reason. They always do."

"Mr Prime Minister, honour demands you save the young man who saved you. Honour and truth demand you spare Miyagi."

"Exchange them."

Without another word, the Consul whirled and strode out of the chamber.

His blade still quivered in the floor.

In the Bretonian Parliament - Capt. Henry Morgan - 04-28-2009

After Consul Bishop left the floor of the House of Lords, the Lord Speaker called for a recess. Prime Minister Mountbatten went to his office. He sat behind his desk for a moment to collect his thoughts, then flipped a switch on his desk. The voice of his secretary came over the intercom.
"Yes, Your Grace?"

"First, I need you to send a recording of Consol Bishop's statement before the House of Lords directly to my desk. Then, contact whoever is in charge of deciding who appears in front of the House of Lords, and tell them that, in the future, they are to find out what the person is going to say before they say it. If it's anything like Consul Bishop's earlier display, I want it routed directly to my office rather than in front of the entire House of Lords."

"Of course, sir."

"Next, I want you to put me through to Defense Minister Ralston immediately."

"I'll take care of that right away."

"Thank you."

With that, Lord Mountbatten turned off his intercom, and waited for the connection to go through to the Ministry of Defense. Even with war-time protocols in place, it shouldn't take too long. The screen then came on a moment later. On it was the face of James Ralston, Bretonia's Minister of Defense. Ralston was one of the few government officials who were able to call Lord Mountbatten by his first name.
"Good day, George. What can I do for you?"

"I wish it was a good day, James. We have too few of those as it is. I need you to watch this. This occured a few minutes ago on the floor of the House of Lords."
Lord Mountbatten pressed a button on his desk which played back the recording from the House of Lords. He waited while Minister Ralston watched it. The playback didn't take long, and when it was over, Minister Ralston spoke.
"George, you don't really intend to go along with this, do you? Miyagi needs to stand trial for his actions."

"We are going to go along with it, and for two reasons. One, we can't afford to lose the Mandalorian's support. They've done a lot to shore up our defenses when we couldn't always get enough forces in place, and they've helped turn the tide in quite a few fights. Second, I owe Lieutenant Goodman my life. I can't very well let him die on Kyushu when I have the ability to see him safely home, just so we can execute a Kusari officer who was most likely just doing his duty. I want you to make the arrangements with the Mandalorians for the prisoner transfer"

"I can't say I agree with you, George, but I understand your reasons. I'll make the arrangements."

"Thank you, James."
With that, Lord Mountbatten closed the channel. He hoped that he wasn't making a mistake, but his honor would allow him no other course.