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Rheinland 2.0 - GhostFace - 11-30-2008

I know what you mean, in the past I found Rhienlend to have its cap limits together, now it seems like its impossible to get into a unlawful vs lawful fight without a cap being nearby. Hopefully it lightens up in the future.

Rheinland 2.0 - looqas - 11-30-2008

Hold your horses there folks. Lets not jump into anything too drastic here.

What I personally can say about the whole matter is, that:

Rheinland should have capital ships in it's military. They are one those that strike fear into the other's who'd like to go against the chancellor. I'd say they epitomize the power of Rheinland. But what I personally find very unlikely is the amount of them online at the same time and chasing couple of petty small craft like some of the cases have been lately.

What I suggest here to all indie RH cap owners is that if there are already caps in Rheinland online do not bring yours (unless there's a sizable opposing force), but rather come in a smaller craft.

I know this sounds a lot like someone telling others what to do and it's not entirely false accusation either.

The only minor gripes about the indie RH caps have is that they are used funnily. Not in plausible way. Chasing small fighters etc. Here's the golden nugget for any house capital ship driver and it goes a very long way making the RP better. It's really simple. Do not move unless you get a request for help. You all know what I mean with this. Too many times we all just look at the chat screen and see, "oh, there's enemies about, I'll go investigate." Battleships or other caps do not investigate such things. Or if you are alone representing the authority in the system then make up some RP like "Roger command. Multiple contacts. I smell trouble. Proceeding to investigate with caution." Way too many times I've noticed that a cap comes in to my radar at 14k and no line of RP has been spoken before it. It feels like seeking pvp. Seeking a fight is ok if you RP it BEFOREHAND.

If you RP your intentions well beforehand it achieves 3 purposes.

A) It's RP. Makes the whole thing much more enjoyable.
B) Signals the opposition that you are coming. They then have a rare luxury to decide to fight you or not.
C) The more you RP the better signal you give us, the pirates, we actually CAN have an RP session with you. Meaning that if we have decided to fight you then it's pretty obvious we are not going anywhere -> we can have a more lengthy RP session.

And at least I can promise myself that I will let you finish you RP before engaging, so there's no hurry.

I hope you guys understand what I mean. Rheinland military (RM and indies) is not lopsided to cap spam. You almost always have small craft to go with you too. Sometimes it just seems so, but I haven't felt myself being cap spammed by you lot. The only whinery I have is the lack of RP and some oorp usage of your caps.

On the other hand BH caps seem to be there to score kills. Those are the problem.

I have to say kudos to couple of new hunters I've met there who fly a small craft (fighters and bombers): John Alphopos and the other guy (sorry I can't remember you). Also the RWK guys (who the heck are you by the way). Good job. A little too eager to engage and I'd like to see more talk coming our of you, but pretty good show so far.

EDIT: On the other hand yesterday was a big fighter/bomber furball at the Brandeburg involving a lot of people from LWB, RHA, RM, RWK and indie BHs. I was actually amazed no BH caps came. I believe everyone was having fun. I can't say there was too much RP involved when I joined (the fight had already started) and I got stripped of guns while trying to type some RP in the middle of the fight:)

I really suck at typing and fighting. I find that /setmsg heaven-sent.

And remember. The more you come at us in caps the more you force us to use bombers. Right now all that this cap spam is doing is making us one heck of a bomber pilots. We'll be even more efficient and coordinated in our little machines.

Rheinland 2.0 - mwerte - 11-30-2008

I must say, the best example of capital ship roleplay I have ever seen was Kane sitting in his RM battleship for a couple of hours directing 2-4 RM fighters to different systems and telling them to interdict smugglers, ect. The only time I ever saw him move was when a Corsair Cruiser entered the system. It was good to see.

I wish there was more of that. And if the Indy RM capships can do that and "launch fighters" (switch to fighters) when they don't need the capships but there is an enemy force, I think that everything will be just lovely.

Rheinland 2.0 - selsyn - 11-30-2008

' Wrote:Amen, mein Freund, amen.

The poem goes:

Ein Lichtlein brennt

Erst einz,
dann zwei,
dann drei,
dann vier

Dann Steht
Das Christkind
Vor der Tuur

Rheinland 2.0 - CCI45-px/Probe149 - 11-30-2008

' Wrote:Now, Rheinland independents do not have *MY* permission as Chancellor to fly a Rheinland capital unless they ask. Only two people have asked, the pilot of the Aachen, and the pilot of the Weser. Apart from that, there should be no capitals. The problem arises from two things; 1) The RM, being a rather capital-free faction, has rather little firepower unless in groups, 2) I cannot really blow someone out of the sky without a RP reason, can I?
Though, I can say that since I've told my members they aren't really allowed to blow the hell out of anyone who isn't a member of the RM and is flying a Rheinland Capital, things go all to hell. Well, the whole reason I told them they shouldn't is because people complained about not being able to fly as an independent RM.
I will say that a few of the [RM] members have noticed that the Rheinland capitals throw off the balance of power in Rheinland.

Apropos, Virus? My application for my GB is floating on RM forums since 20 July. Never got any reply from any of the RM High Command:(.

Rheinland 2.0 - looqas - 11-30-2008

' Wrote:I must say, the best example of capital ship roleplay I have ever seen was Kane sitting in his RM battleship for a couple of hours directing 2-4 RM fighters to different systems and telling them to interdict smugglers, ect. The only time I ever saw him move was when a Corsair Cruiser entered the system. It was good to see.

I wish there was more of that. And if the Indy RM capships can do that and "launch fighters" (switch to fighters) when they don't need the capships but there is an enemy force, I think that everything will be just lovely.

I've seen similar things from Gronath, alias Herr Hans Kruger. When he was month or two ago couple of times in the cap he was mainly directing his forces. He moved with his forces, but did not engage fighters or such. Very cool. IMO when there are other caps enemy should the caps take part in the battle.

Rheinland 2.0 - Walker - 11-30-2008

I am morely concerned for the 522nd...

I feel it is only a matter of time before The RM Indies come there and then attack us just because we look "shifty"

But while we are on the topic...

It would be nice to maybe see a Rheinland Gunboat in active duty...

Rheinland 2.0 - sovereign - 11-30-2008

' Wrote:I am morely concerned for the 522nd...

I feel it is only a matter of time before The RM Indies come there and then attack us just because we look "shifty"

But while we are on the topic...

It would be nice to maybe see a Rheinland Gunboat in active duty...

You guys are shifty, and I sort of recall some heated words being exchanged between 522nd and [RM]... heated, as in roughly the temperature of Firekiss Mk IIs. Have you found a home yet? (Note; unless you've stopped claiming to be looking out for Liberty's best interests, 'Rheinland' is not a valid answer to that question.) Very sorry if things have changed drastically in the past month and this no longer applies, but from what I remember the Rheinlanders (and a lot of other people) aren't going to treat you with hugs and a mug of hot chocolate.

I have seen three RH GBs in my time here, one was Dab's, the other two were from the BDM. A few more in active duty (and not the black ops kind) wouldn't hurt, methinks.

EDIT: Correction, I've seen QV's too. Although he's not on a whole lot.

Rheinland 2.0 - Colonel.Tigh - 11-30-2008

Well i just had some good hours in Rheinland, 4 [RM]-Fighters, 1 [RM]-Transport, 1 Bountyhunter Gunboat, the Achen and another Indi-Cruiser...and all were Roleplaying.

And oh, of course one Corsair, who blew us all to peaces. :crazy:

..and more, now the DHC-Trader how talk back when hailed, fly with escorts and so on.

I may not been around this server verry long, but its not that bad ... hell someday i whant to own a Battleship to, (not the rheinland...its ugly^^), so as long the indies arent jerking around, let them.

Rheinland 2.0 - Blodo - 11-30-2008

This is all Joe's fault:PHis policy in Liberty caused the plague to jump over to the next best option. The capital ships aren't even a problem, they're just a big target for the patented RHA bomber swarm, but it makes me cringe when I undock from Vogtland to find an entire indie RM battlegroup there (complete with cruisers etc.) or when we fight in New Berlin and suddenly the ASF come over with their bhg gunships with 6 missile turrets mounted on them, and of course target all the fighters until engaging cruise the moment the first Hessian gunboat called to counter them enters scanner range. The way I see it this calls for a massive cleansing session like we did in the old times where we just kill them over and over until they finally get the picture. Either that or RM higher ups to start educating them about stuff...

Either way I very much liked the strict capship policy by RM, and by all means if it allows indies that cooperate with the RM and RP right to maintain their caps, while not allowing those that refuse to, then it's perfectly good.