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300 Million Bounty... - Printable Version

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300 Million Bounty... - Fellow Hoodlum - 08-25-2006

System Dab ... A whole system is just the odd 300 mil ... Get em while they are cheap.

Hoodlum :cool:

300 Million Bounty... - Dab - 08-25-2006

I already got one, and if Igiss makes those faction systems, I'll be getting one of those instead. :P I can pay for it easily. We make alot of moneys from wars..

300 Million Bounty... - Virus - 08-25-2006

Dab,Aug 24 2006, 07:58 PM Wrote:We make alot of moneys from wars..

What wars?

300 Million Bounty... - Dab - 08-25-2006

The last few we were paid to enter. I didn't spend ALL the money.. AW has two treasuries. Korrd's and mine. Mine isn't called treasury yet, because I havent made the char, all the money is on my trader. Now think. 2 treasuries.. Full of money, and equipment. Thats quite alot of money..

300 Million Bounty... - Korrd - 08-25-2006

My bank has arround 400mill creds taken from my trader..

300 Million Bounty... - Wolfpack98 - 08-25-2006

I already have you two beat.

Bs| Has *FOUR* treasuries. One is full (Large train, $999,999,999 cash) and about 400 $10 mil credit cards :)

I don't know about the other three. One is our Quartermaster's train, the other two are member ships.

300 Million Bounty... - Fellow Hoodlum - 08-25-2006

Come on boys ... Size isn't everything you know. Its what you can do with it ...

Hoodlum :cool:

300 Million Bounty... - gezza999 - 08-25-2006

Fellow Hoodlum,Aug 25 2006, 02:27 AM Wrote:Come on boys ... Size isn't everything you know. Its what you can do with it ...

Hoodlum :cool:
:P But you can generally do more with more.

300 Million Bounty... - Dab - 08-25-2006

Wolfpack98,Aug 24 2006, 09:25 PM Wrote:I already have you two beat.

Bs| Has *FOUR* treasuries.  One is full (Large train, $999,999,999 cash) and about 400 $10 mil credit cards :)

I don't know about the other three.  One is our Quartermaster's train, the other two are member ships.

Most of the leftover money I have is from you paying us that large lump of cash NOT to enter the war. :P And well, you guys haven't had anything better to do than trade. You don't have hate mail to take revenge on people for. :P

300 Million Bounty... - Reaver Company Inc. - 08-25-2006

It would appear I'm not in the minority when subject to the tricks of the
named individual 'Jessica'
I used to run a Camara freigher carrying the tag, "AD_Drone-13". This
has been retired in favour of a different craft for future puposes. The AD drone was a flying billboard and became the target of repeated harassment and attacks by The named 'Jessica' and whoever she could get to help. I managed to escape from New Toyko one time with barely my ship intact, when being shot at by two of them, after conducting some business there.
Also the more memorable occasion when I was accused of 'stealing' from her, a large number of credits, which mysteriously vanished in a short space of time with no reward to show for it. When repeatedly asked how this was possible, no answer was ever received. This did not stop her calling on the help of one Phantom character named Bloodfrenzy to track down and kill me when I left New York.
Admittedly, they didn't get the chance to shoot me down. Either I left, they left, the server restarted and I never came back then, or something like that, the specifics escape me at the moment. It was, oddly enough, never mentioned again, and no action came from it.
I would like to call for some disciplinary action now to be taken against this obvious repeat offender.