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Placing a Bounty. - looqas - 01-30-2009

' Wrote:@ looqas: The system that "is not exactly the RP heaven" changes from time to time. Some examples: 1) New York for a long time was a non-RP heaven for a very long time. This changed when [LN] cleaned things up. 2) Then there was Tau 31 with traders running prisoners from Planet Harris to the battleship orbiting the planet (1 mil every 30 seconds) ... oh yeah ... that system was way non-RP. This changed in 4.84 when that trade route got nerfed. 3) Right now its Sigma 13 with the Diamond / Niobium Run. But that changes with 4.85. And in 4.85 ... we'll just have to wait to see which system becomes the most non-RP system. Trust me ... there will be one. But at least in 4.85, Sigma 13 will become a decent role playing system once again ... partly to the nerfed trade route and partly to dropping BH caps. As for operating solely for profit? ... HARDLY ... my pirate does it for role play. You don't get rich by demanding 500k or by asking a trader for 1 unit of food and 1 unit of water as he passes by (actually did this once or twice).

Fair enough. I worded "solely working on profit" badly. What I meant that go to Omegas to check it out. There are traders -> opportunities at roleplay.

And yes. I've had good roleplay in S-13 too. But only when there are certain people I know there. The problems we all refer to and know are not restricted to S-13 only either. They are everywhere, but chances are that you'll get those problems more frequently in S-13 than anywhere else.

Placing a Bounty. - Drake - 01-30-2009

The BHG are already prevented from KoSing 'enemies', which is more restrictive than any other faction. It means a large percentage of the server has the right to KoS them, when they can't return the favor until actually attacked. Blanket bounties are the in-RP (and in-canon) way around that rule, and I believe that was intended.. Almost all blanket bounties restrict ship size (some of them restrict a Hunters ship more than they do mercs or freelancers going after the same bounty), and pirates gunboats are far more common than BHG fighters/bombers. Claiming that you haven't been able to play your generic pirate gunboat for three months because of constant BHG-rape is, quite frankly, hogwash.

Placing a Bounty. - Reverend Del - 01-30-2009

I'm going to have to agree with Drake here, the blanket bounties aren't that serious. I had a horrible vision that they would be and have steps laid out to tone them down if ever they do get that bad, but 99% of them limit what you can take them in, and frankly you are a pirate. Life isn't supposed to be easy for you. Traders hate you, lawfuls of any stripe hate you, in fact there aren't many folks who DO like you. If you want an easy pirating life, play single player. I speak from good experience running a piracy operation in a place where there is no restriction on what size ship can turn up to make your life hell. Yet I still turn an ample profit with my Rogues, and there's TWO blanket bounties covering that area. So yeah if I can play an entire faction in Liberty, I fail to see how you can't pull off one GB in sigma 13.

Placing a Bounty. - carlabrams - 01-30-2009

Quite frankly, the only time the blanket bounties have been abused by people flying bounty hunter ships - said persons have ended up with sanctions.

I think the problem comes down to something you said, Del.

Quote:Life isn't supposed to be easy for you. Traders hate you, lawfuls of any stripe hate you, in fact there aren't many folks who DO like you. If you want an easy pirating life, play single player.

I actually had a pretty decent RP experience with a pirate the other day, who didn't realize at the time what he was running into when he came up to pirate my freelancer - all he saw was a ship coming down the lane. I've also had pretty crappy RP experiences with pirates who think that, just because they DO stop you, that you're supposed to automatically roll over and play dead. Minor details, pirates - don't try to pirate a bounty hunter gunship. ESPECIALLY one that's already S/D tagged... :nono:

Placing a Bounty. - Baltar - 01-31-2009

@ Drake & Reverend Del: I really appreciate the fact that factionized BHG are under control ... its the indie BHG that worry me. So long as you can keep them under control I'm cool.

@ Drake: Don't call me hogwash again. I don't appreciate it. And yes ... the reason I stopped pirating is because of the ganking BHG BC's. I'd undock and there'd be 2 or 3 of em staring me in the face. May not be the way it is now at this very moment, but 3 months ago it was a different story.

@ Reverend Del: True ... being a pirate will make enemies ... but the long arm of the law doesn't extend to EVERY system. There are systems that lawfuls should fear entering. [RM] does a good job keeping their fleet confined to their home systems. KNF for the most part sticks to their systems as well. But BHG seem to go wherever they please with no expectation of opposition. Dropping the BHG to smaller vessels is a good start. I don't mind seeing a few BHG in fighters/bombers/gunboats coming after me ... but I should never see a fleet of BHG or caps chasing down a single pirate. You expect house systems to have a strong defenses and strict control over their systems. You would expect the same from the Outcasts and Corsairs (combined would be the Hispania house) ... but we see BHG caps parking near Crete quite often. And then we have independent systems where there is no organized group big enough or strong enough to effectively defend or control it ... and the BHG cannot defend and control every independent system. They are not a military organization. They are at best a loosly affiliated group of hunters. Its a guild ... not a government. They receive their pay by performing a service ... not by taxing the populous. My concern is NOT that I will be hunted by bounty hunters and such. I fully expect to be hunted (as I've said numerous times). That's not the issue. The issue is balance ... is this a game where we all get to have fun role playing our characters or are lawfuls the only ones that can control a system? Can't pirates maintain control of a system?

Placing a Bounty. - Drake - 01-31-2009

' Wrote:@ Drake: Don't call me hogwash again. I don't appreciate it. And yes ... the reason I stopped pirating is because of the ganking BHG BC's. I'd undock and there'd be 2 or 3 of em staring me in the face. May not be the way it is now at this very moment, but 3 months ago it was a different story.

It is hogwash. BHBCs have nothing to do with blanket bounties, as I don't know of any which allow Hunters to use them to collect on those bounties. So you're arguing against blanket bounties because you get attacked by BH battlecruisers which specifically aren't allowed by those blanket bounties? Right.

Placing a Bounty. - Grumblesaur - 01-31-2009

' Wrote:I'm going to have to agree with Drake here, the blanket bounties aren't that serious. I had a horrible vision that they would be and have steps laid out to tone them down if ever they do get that bad, but 99% of them limit what you can take them in, and frankly you are a pirate. Life isn't supposed to be easy for you. Traders hate you, lawfuls of any stripe hate you, in fact there aren't many folks who DO like you. If you want an easy pirating life, play single player. I speak from good experience running a piracy operation in a place where there is no restriction on what size ship can turn up to make your life hell. Yet I still turn an ample profit with my Rogues, and there's TWO blanket bounties covering that area. So yeah if I can play an entire faction in Liberty, I fail to see how you can't pull off one GB in sigma 13.

But do you think it's fair, that a few Outcasts come down and attack someone in New York, and return to Alpha. A few hours later, we have a blanket bounty on every Outcast to enter Liberty space and the surrounding independent worlds. Then another Outcast, totally unrelated to the others, comes down and is swarmed by lawfuls on a something that isn't his fault? Corporal punishment isn't fun. A group is not to be punished for the actions of one. I wander down from Alpha to help with a gun transfer at Rochester. The first time I go in, I'm tailed by an LSF and BH. When I'm within 8k of Manhattan, I get at least one more LSF ship, a few indies, and a Kraken-toting freelancer shooting at me with as little RP as "engaging" and some don't say anything at all, failing to give me a chance to respond. Preventing a trial-by-forum here by not mentioning names. The reason I was originally attacked is for having a bounty. The hunter saw me first, and after that, everyone decided to join in.


Regardless, blanket bounties are a way to genocide people. Bounties should be done one single people. Let's say a rogue kills an LPI. Normal stuff, right? But then placing a bounty on every rogue, whether they were even involved or not is just overkill. Now I'm not saying the lawfuls are the only ones to do this; the LH did the same a while back. I really can't say I approve of it done on either side, unless they are constantly raiding each other.

And to add to that, blanket bounties are the way around the 'Hunters can't engage pirates on will.' I know it's not easy to be a pirate, but would it kill people to talk to me a bit like the way I do back to lawfuls?


Placing a Bounty. - Baltar - 01-31-2009

' Wrote:It is hogwash. BHBCs have nothing to do with blanket bounties, as I don't know of any which allow Hunters to use them to collect on those bounties. So you're arguing against blanket bounties because you get attacked by BH battlecruisers which specifically aren't allowed by those blanket bounties? Right.

Ok ... you've completely taken what I've said out of context.

I was ganked by BHBC's before all these blanket bounties began. Then I complained about hunters killing people without bounties. Eventually the rule requiring hunters to be actually seeking a bounty came about because of all the protests regarding hunters in BHG ganking pirates in caps (2-3 BHBC's hanging around Yanagi and similar situations). So we pirates applauded the admins thinking finally we can get back to role play and that BHG will now have to role play hunting for bounties instead of just pleasure killing. NOW ... we've got all these blanket bounties. My fear is that we are going to end up right back where this all started ... with BHBC's ganking pirates undocking from Yanagi and other places and then claiming "general bounty ... caught you." Can you even remotely understand where I'm coming from?

As I said ... these BHBC's were ganking pirates in Sigma 13 ... THREE MONTHS AGO. Situation may be different now due to limitations on bounties ... but we STILL have indies in caps that wanna go on a killing spree. Granted the role-playing-Guild-associated Bounty Hunters may be under control ... but what about the non-role-playing-indie Bounty Hunters? They still exist.

EDIT: Now quit freaking calling me a liar ... the term "hogwash" is flame-speak.

Placing a Bounty. - Zapp - 01-31-2009

If BHBCs still gank people under the guise of blanket bounties, sanction them. No blanket bounties allow that kind of behavior. They'll be taken care of under the rule, and that's that. Two guys just got sanctioned for using BH GSs to attack Lane Hackers under the LPI bounty, and they were sanctioned because they were attacking targets too small for them to take.

Precedent set, we can all sleep sound at night.

Placing a Bounty. - Baltar - 01-31-2009

Point taken Zapp ... I just read about those two sanctions. I am satisfied the admins will keep this under control. That said ... I can happily withdraw from further arguments on this matter.

But Drake ... please refrain from calling me a liar. That is a personal attack ... don't do it again.