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Ship Suicides - Grumblesaur - 01-29-2009

' Wrote:Probably none - there was no incentive for them to survive.
This can be still solved by banks - locker room for keeping those precious items, or a deal with a gun dealer - perhaps a lifetime discount on weapons of a certain nature... Gives some incentives to Wpn dealers to remain in business as you're not just buying a gun, you're buying a service to always get that gun.
That is sheer dumb luck, but maybe the local government of the system can compensate ordinary civilians to
an extent.
It should be know to all by now - you see a phantom, you run like there's no tomorrow !

When a Phantom logs in, you run for the hills and camp the dock ring.

When you see a Phantom, it's too late.

Ship Suicides - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 01-29-2009

nah... when i see a group of phantoms in sigma 13 I dock on naha !:Plol

Ship Suicides - Xing - 01-29-2009

Ignore the existance of Phantoms...
Pretty much all my character pretend they do not exist and its just fine that way... Isabelle' yet have to get shot by the last one I met >>

Ship Suicides - tansytansey - 01-29-2009

' Wrote:As is, this could technically cause a loop hole to those rules.

When you've lost an engagement you've lost. When the victor sundives, he was not in an engagement. You can't have a pvp death without being in a pvp engagement.
You can certainly try use this as a loop hole, but common sense should lead you to realise where you would end up.

Ship Suicides - looqas - 01-29-2009

They are OORP. Period.

I do them, but I don't lose sleep over it too much. If I lose guns or nuke mine -> it's planetdiving time. But if lose a thruster then I dock and repair.

Personally I think there's a reasonable way to do this, going in a private place, throw some varying lines of "ship failing" and then do it.

If the equipment replacing would be enforced I think we would see much more fights to death and the "winners" seeking pvp at all costs. And I would project that people would make blowing others equipment off a priority trying to piss them off as much as you can. I think the RP in reality would not be too much enhanced in general.

If for example SNAC (and other equipment considered universal) would be available readily to all I think I might just suck the bills and replace the equipment.

My hats off to all who don't just suicide and see things through.

Ship Suicides - skoko - 01-29-2009

Well i am not for it and not against it ... few examples :

For it :Three days ago I logged on my merc (Taiidan) in New York, after some time in end up in the fight with one Falcata, then another Falcata and one Sabre enters the fight against me... one of them is missile Falcata. No problem , i continue to fight, after a while 1st Falcata is retreating , I kill Sabre and only missile Falcata is left, i think : YUUUS! He is mine , i had 2 Debis mines and SNAC left ... so i continued the fight , and 10 seconds after 3 indy Rogue GBs packed with dragonflies with same tag as Falcata came to support my enemy. I thought : okay they are new on server let me thrust away for a few k maybe Falcata will follow, and he did ... but i thought Gbs will figure that and stay out.. but no , and when they engaged me again, and damaged me... I thought ... wait , why would i let them kill me? they didn't show any respect and any fair play why i should reward them by letting them to kill me? And i thrusted away with only SNAC on board and committed suicide in nearby sun. If they let me and 3rd Falcata to finish business... i would stay and die if necessary, i have nothing against that.... its normal in this kind of game. I didn't have strength to flee cause battle was long so thought about thrusting to another system wasn't appealing to me and docking without my guns and mines was not an option. Is it ooRP, maybe... yes it is but in that way I think i have done less damage both to me and to my enemies. I don't have to buy new guns, and they might learn how to conduct in battle.

Against it: Yesterday in Omega5 I fought one corsair from one official faction. One on one, battle was long and hard. Both of us were in same class non vanilla ships. After 30 minutes enemy was left with only nuclear mine on board and he started to fly towards neutron star in Omega 41. And when i told him you will be soon dead corsair. he said to me : But not by your hand. In fair fight ... (It wasn't fair it was 5 - 14 against us) but we were 1 on 1 this kind of behavior is totally unacceptable and it is ooRP. He committed suicide in heavy radiation system without anyone around but me and when escape pod would be destroyed in matter of seconds. I followed him for a while and then i let him go.

Yeah it sounds like this : When you committed suicide it was okay, but when other guy committed suicide it wasn't. Well you know why? It is because my number of committed suicides in fight in year+ on Discovery = 1, three days ago. And i experienced behavior like one from corsair at least 5 per month. This one is newest one so i took it as example. My point is : If you feel you have been beaten fairly (2-3 same class as you vs. you) you have no right to comitt suicide, i am not talking about fleeing from battle. If you have just a bit sportsmanship and fair play in you .... committing suicide will not be an option, until you escape from battle in different system as Del said. Is it so hard to say to another person : Oh mate you are better than me, gf , you deserved it. If it is then grow up! Or play single player games, where you can be god!

I have to agree with concept of ooRP if you do it in battle. But if you do it in another system or your guard system then i suppose it is okay, because guns, mines and money.


Ship Suicides - McNeo - 01-29-2009

The first one is where you got ganked and ran into the sun.
The second one is where someone else got outclassed and ran into a neutron star.

Apart from the difference in systems, there isn't much that is different about your examples. Yet the first is okay and the second isn't?

From what I see, the assumptions you've made are based upon your own thoughts during the seperate incidents. Fair enough then, since we all do that. But you haven't considered what the other guy might be thinking. For example, you thought that the situation you were in was unfair and hence you weren't going to give them the kill message. Fair enough. But then you expect another to die to your hand when he is (ill assume here) completely outclassed? The second situation just sounds like the same as the first, except in reverse.

The way you describe it makes your arguement make perfect sense, but I (and I hope other people) am not inclined to make a judgement without both sides' thoughts on each of your encounters.

My opinion on this is that people should be able to suicide to get their guns back, and have to pay 5% of the cost of the equipment on there. The reason for this is because 5% of an inferno/MR/SN is a good few 100k's of credits, while it might be about a million or more depending on a battleship which does it. It'll be more of an annoyance cost than anything else, unless CODENAME prices are increased (selling prices) so that repairs for each code cost the same amount as repairs for a SN or something similar. Then it will become painful to fighter jocks who like to suicide.

Ship Suicides - skoko - 01-29-2009

You know what McNeo... after i read alll what i wrote again , and after i read your reply... I think you are right and i completely agree with you.


Ship Suicides - Tomtomrawr - 01-29-2009

I personally think that people should be allowed to, because it's so annoying when guns are blown off.

A long time ago, in a land far far away, i used to play....... runescape. (hears gaps everywhere) Yes i know! Stop laughing Arkantos!

Anyway, i never wanted to get into a fight because i would lose my stuff, and that in turn ruined the entire game. Because money on runescape was getting harder and harder to get thanks to updates, and if i died with my best stuff i was, oh how can i put this, screwed.

If we weren't allowed to kill ourselves to get our stuff back, it would turn into runescape (shivers).

Ship Suicides - torchwood - 01-29-2009

' Wrote:I personally think that people should be allowed to, because it's so annoying when guns are blown off.

A long time ago, in a land far far away, i used to play....... runescape. (hears gaps everywhere) Yes i know! Stop laughing Arkantos!

Anyway, i never wanted to get into a fight because i would lose my stuff, and that in turn ruined the entire game. Because money on runescape was getting harder and harder to get thanks to updates, and if i died with my best stuff i was, oh how can i put this, screwed.

If we weren't allowed to kill ourselves to get our stuff back, it would turn into runescape (shivers).

Runescape eh? how...amusing...

anyway, i, believe it or not, managed to get some strange RP from crashing into a planet on my RM charecter, there is nothing wrong with it.