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Hispanic Armed Forces - Printable Version

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Hispanic Armed Forces - Carlos_Benitez - 02-07-2009

------------------------------Incoming Transmission------------------------
To: The Hispania Armored Forces
CC: The Corsair Nation
Comm ID: Commandante of Benitez Forces, Don Carlos Benitez
Source: Myrtos Villa, Planet Crete

Senors, though I personally could not attend the vote on your exile, I have reviewed the evidence against you and found it both damning and foul.
There is no doubt in my mind that my organisation and familia should stand by our brothers in the Brotherhood and Omega Pirates Guild in supporting the decision of the Council to remove you from our space, as a threat to our sovereignty and security.
With this message, you have unequivocal confirmation that the decision to remove you from Corsair space is supported by all member-groups of the Council of Corsair Elders. Support of the decision has been declared by representatives of the OPG, Brotherhood, Benitez Familia and Independent Corsairs. This should therefore put an end to your accusations that this decision was only the will of the OPG. Elders from across our empire have taken time out of their busy schedules to confirm that the action against your group is the will of the Corsair nation at large.
May god have mercy on your souls. We shall not.

-----------------------------------------------Transmission Ends-----------------------------------