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Racing Ships - Printable Version

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Racing Ships - Weedalot - 02-25-2009

' Wrote:Give racing ships 5 cargo space, no weapon hardpoints, and multiple thruster hardpoints =)
sounds about right

Racing Ships - Quorg - 02-25-2009

' Wrote:We should all fly spheres if we want the best style of warship. Provides the greatest surface area for weapons.

We like pretty things though and have always existed in this atmosphere that requires sleek, aerodynamic designs to pass through quickly in.

With regards to your first point (the super-picky science guy within me needed to point this out as I procrastinate on a lab report), a sphere actually provides the least amount of surface area per volume. Although this might make an efficient space ship/station in terms of the cost of materials, it might not be the most practical for combat applications...

With regards to the second part, I agree completely. The idea of a nerfed but sleek and fast racing ship is great; I'll buy one as soon as one is made available... the Arrow can only go so far.

Racing Ships - Unholy1 - 02-25-2009

This sounds like a cool idea!

Racing Ships - Nightwind - 02-25-2009

I'm still waiting that finally somebody pops up with a great model...

Racing Ships - me_b_kevin - 02-26-2009

' Wrote:I'm still waiting that finally somebody pops up with a great model...

i'm drawing another one presently....mine are just in CAD thought and i don't have the means to texture them...or anything other than draw concept models really.

my hope was for my hero Jinx to get the racing bug and join in the modeling for them.

sure i can add more details to the model i do in CAD. i can make them as complex as ever but my knowledge of the ship building limits is limited and i'm leary of putting too much detail into them. Also i have about 15 minutes a day to draw on the models, so it takes a while to finish one.

Racing Ships - Xing - 03-02-2009

Original plans for the Li-112 Sentinel VHF/SHF...
but to be frank, Liberty has too much in its arsenal. Maybe a racer ship?
[Image: sentinel.png]

Racing Ships - me_b_kevin - 03-02-2009

' Wrote:Original plans for the Li-112 Sentinel VHF/SHF...
but to be frank, Liberty has too much in its arsenal. Maybe a racer ship?
<cool ship image>

looks a bit GMG to me, but if you want to make it a racer i'd strip it to it's bare bones. i'd imagine these things to be designed to have as small a mass as possible. basically just a cockpit, engine(s), & a fuel tank(s)

Racing Ships - Xing - 03-02-2009

yeah I know. As I said, this was an original concept plan for a stealth combat craft. I'll rework a bit my racing ship design. But I think the smooth hull is a good track. Sounded quite speeder to my eyes.

Racing Ships - tazuras - 03-02-2009

Maybe my viewpoint is just skewed by the arrow, but that design seems a little bulky for a racing ship. I mean I I would think all one would want would be a cockpit with a big engine strapped on back to achieve maximum acceleration, not?

Racing Ships - me_b_kevin - 03-02-2009

remember these are very basic, just showing some designs i had in my head for some racing ships

[Image: 356754277.jpg]

[Image: 356754272.jpg]

[Image: 356754267.jpg]

[Image: 356754263.jpg]

[Image: 356754261.jpg]

[Image: 356754258.jpg]

[Image: 356754253.jpg]