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*MR| - Republica de Malta - Printable Version

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RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - Spectre - 12-07-2019

(12-07-2019, 08:52 PM)Sicicega Wrote: 72nd was neutral with everything and had understanding with everyone.
Not really, no, but it's a cool conspiracy theory nonetheless.

RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - Shiki - 12-07-2019

Conspiracy theories? You just negotiated with Liberty, CR, GMG, IMG, Order, literally all enemies of Outcasts. With all you tried to get neutral. Even if you failed at some occasions, it donesn't mean you didn't try, that's why you didn't get everyone white. You even tried to make peace with Corsairs on anti-Nomad basis. You tried to make peace with Cryer as well. In the end you locked down with CR and HF because there you could self-RP and get shiny things, that is truth.

You keep implying that everyone around you are blind or stupid, which is becoming more and more sad.

RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - Spectre - 12-07-2019

Considering you keep ignoring the fact that the relationships with the CR and HF were 'locked down' before I was ever in any position to expedite the faction's relations, it's becoming increasingly confusing as to why you're even trying anymore. I'll admit that the past was a turbulent time, especially with the Corsairs and Cryer, though the latter of which may be attempted again given the recent FR5. However, I'm not sure how you're complaining about the faction trying to be neutral to usual enemies when the fact that *MR| has such a different view on things has been pointed out since day bloody one.
Please reevaluate your argument and come back when it's actually implicative of wrongdoings. Otherwise, we'll continue on with the status quo.

EDIT: To further drive home the counter argument, the IMG and Order relationships were also done without any membership on my part, especially considering that the majority of the Order pieces were before |O| was ever a thing.

RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - Shiki - 12-07-2019

I did not say anything about your membership in IMG and O. Can you please stop arguing with things I didn't say. Also I assume then that your relations. If you are having policies that are completely coutnering your ID, then you are probbaly should've picked the other ID. Even Apostatas did that I am not the fan of have switched to FL ID. The Outcasts have a lore and some thigns established when it comes to point of view on things that you are talking about. It's written in inforcards and even ID itself.

It's funny that every comm I pull out you admit bad and awful, while your other comms are not much different in style or meaning.

As for the rest, I've answered about "long established raletions with CR" here already:

It's sad that you want me to leave this thread again though. I am just trying to provide an outsider point of view.

RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - StDH - 12-08-2019

(12-07-2019, 08:45 PM)TheShooter36 Wrote: Also Outcasts sieged Borneo Orbital as well, which was founded during my leadership of =CR= and was a completely irrelevant base to MR matters, however OC now brought it upon themselves. I have seen that in the roleplay OC treated Borneo Orbital as a MR base but I want to assume that is just an intentional inRP misjudgement. And *MR| did not become buddy buddy with =CR= in a single day. We had a slowly founding neutrality, then a... mutual understanding and it evolved into alliance. How do I know? Because I am the person behind =CR= - 72nd| ( that became *MR| ) relations from =CR= side since years until I passed lead to Havok.

Chat Wrote:[06.12.2019 22:55:04] IRMM~XXX: We came here to destroy this abomination and anyone behind them. Otherwise we didn't intend to be here at all.
[06.12.2019 22:55:35] =CR=XXX: So I imagine. These fellow Maltese of yours surely got you all riled up that you come here to get shot at again and again only
[06.12.2019 22:55:39] =CR=XXX: to remove their installation.

[08.12.2019 00:55:08] IRMM~XXX: Now understand that we're sieging an Outcast rebel base.
[08.12.2019 00:55:56] =CR=XXX: Your 'rebels' seem like okay guys, to be fair.

I'd say we have some pretty strong words here and strong evidence the base is not CR's.

RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - StDH - 12-15-2019

Since you were FR5'd, it would be a good idea to fix your current reputation sheet to reflect the reality.

Also, IIRC you shouldn't have access to Battlecruisers, I believe it would be right to add such line into your ID.

And as a sidenote link
RCR Wrote:4. The roleplay must not fundamentally transform a faction or house into something completely different and/or unrecognizable. Examples include but are not limited to:
Roleplay which attempts to turn the Outcasts or Corsairs into a recognized legitimate authority.

RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - Spectre - 12-18-2019

I'm aware of the FR5, and how it works. I've already spoken to a Dev and a GM about how the faction is going to respond to it in terms of gameplay, and I'm fairly certain little will change in regards to the faction itself.
Regarding relations, what our diplomacy sheet says is pretty much irrelevant as what it says and how people react to us are two completely different cases. The *MR| has considered the IRMM, Legion, NC, and QC as hostile for a considerable amount of time, and while indie OCs are dragged into the fighting we will still consider any who stay neutral as neutral. The diplomacy sheet is, and in the *MR|'s case has always been, a template for how the faction as a whole views everyone else. It's not mutual.

Regarding battlecruisers, no.
While, yes, we cannot produce battlecruisers ourselves, there is no reason to believe that the faction cannot have access to them. The premise of the faction includes defectors, which given the extension of the Maltese military is absolutely possible. I won't limit people who decide to join with warships, just as long as they're aware of the RP repercussions of doing so.

Finally, the RCR...

I personally won't believe that such a canonization process exists in the state that it's proposed, that much I'll point out here and now. It's clunky, not thought out, and in the case you're pointing out can have detrimental lasting impacts on factions that wish to go against the established norm. The specific point you're noting I feel is targeted at experimentation of concepts, which goes against the very concept of roleplay, and the *MR| as a whole.
In regards to the faction, *MR| predates the RCR format by over a month, which I feel gives it a class of exemption. Whether you or anyone agrees with it or not, it's typically unfair to pin new legislature on concepts that predate them.
In short, I don't think it really applies to the *MR|. Thanks for pointing it out, though.

RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - Typrop - 12-18-2019

(12-18-2019, 04:47 AM)Spectre Wrote: The premise of the faction includes defectors, which given the extension of the Maltese military is absolutely possible.

... Isn't like, the entire premise as to why Outcast society is unified is because they're all addicted to Cardamine, and Malta is the only source of Cardamine that can be reliably exploited? Therefore making turncoating basically the dumbest possible thing you could ever do because you're cutting off something you need to live, without essentially taking out a space-mortgage to fund your crippling habit?

RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - Charo - 12-18-2019

>we have these brand new caps because of defectors

That's some auxesia tier stuff tbh

RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - SnakThree - 12-18-2019

(12-18-2019, 04:47 AM)Spectre Wrote: In regards to the faction, *MR| predates the RCR format by over a month, which I feel gives it a class of exemption. Whether you or anyone agrees with it or not, it's typically unfair to pin new legislature on concepts that predate them.

Tell that to all people who joined before RCR was posted and all factions before RCR and all characters before RCR and all ideas before RCR. lol