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Discordian Q & A - Printable Version

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Discordian Q & A - Chucc - 10-13-2006

::Looks at the objects handed to him by the being in his cargo hold all of a sudden, then back to the being::

Crooking his head to the side a bit, he asks, "Is this real? Or aren you really not a figment of my imagination? I have never thought I would have such an easy time of confusing some and teaching others."

Fist flying high into the couch, "Hail Eris!"

Mypie Out

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 10-19-2006

Dear Eris:

Why is a Pineal gland like a light bulb?

Suzy Creamcheese


Dear Suzy,

Because if the light's out, no one's home?


P.S.: How are things in New Brigham? Still doin' the polygamy thing?

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 10-28-2006

"Gee, Mama Dis, you sure spin pretty! What's a Greyface?"

*Why, thank you Sammy! "Greyface" is the name we give to those who cherish order, normalcy and rote above all else. Most Greyfaces are boring, unimaginative, and not much fun at all. Do you know what "rote" means, Sammy?*

"Um... it's like always the same, like you memorized it?"

*That's very good, Sammy! Now, kiddies, turn to page 0063 in your Holy Tome and try to read along.

bzz... ..mmm.. frown.. mumble.. bzzz.. mmmm.. pssspmzhfhzzz

"Wow, that's scary, Mama Dis! Can we not be Greyfaces, puleeeeeez:???"

*That's the good part, Sammy: It's all up to YOU! The Universe gives you Choices! You can decide not to be a Greyface. And, if you keep doing our little excercises where you relax, cross your eyeballs, and look at the inside of your forehead, you'll be able to make better Choices, all on your own!*

Discordian Q & A - romer - 10-28-2006


1) Mal, are you a pope?

2)Can I be a pope too?

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 10-28-2006

romer,Oct 28 2006, 08:18 AM Wrote:Questions:

1) Mal, are you a pope?

I still have my Pope Card lying about somewhere. All Discordians were Popes in the Old Days; but the Vatican stopped enrolling us in the Medical Plan. Now we dub each other "Tsars", as in the old A*A motto: "Every Man and Every Woman is a Tsar."

Quote:2)Can I be a pope too?

Sure! Just Noogle "Pope Card" or "Tsar Card" on FnordNet. Please sign your card before laminating.

Let's go to recess!

Discordian Q & A - marauder - 10-28-2006

Malaclypse 666,Oct 28 2006, 03:38 PM Wrote:Let's go to recess!

Where does this old habit of huddling several people into crevices in a wall come from?

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 10-28-2006

marauder,Oct 28 2006, 09:01 AM Wrote:Where does this old habit of huddling several people into crevices in a wall come from?

Hmmm. That does sound oddly Discordian for some reason... but I honestly haven't a clue..

You've stumped the teacher. If you can enlighten me, you can Go to the Head of the Class!

Discordian Q & A - romer - 10-28-2006

Quote:Go to the Head of the Class

Don't go in there for at least a half hour.

Discordian Q & A - marauder - 10-28-2006

Recess = a crevice or niche in a wall... I thought you'd have got that one.

Too much mangelwurst again?

Or was it the dreaded mangelwurst, baked bean, brussel stew?

Discordian Q & A - Chucc - 10-29-2006

marauder,Oct 28 2006, 11:14 AM Wrote:Recess = a crevice or niche in a wall... I thought you'd have got that one.

In this case the recess is a time when you get to go play outside, imagine.