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Some crap going on - Printable Version

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RE: Some crap going on - StyleR - 07-26-2020

Must be Serbia. You dream a dream Ivan&Saša. xD

RE: Some crap going on - Laz - 07-26-2020

[Image: obK7pqe_d.webp?maxwidth=728&fidelity=grand]

RE: Some crap going on - Corile - 07-26-2020

cringe and bluepilled

RE: Some crap going on - SnakThree - 07-26-2020

Looking through this user's threads in 2020, you can see how there is only two threads that can be counted as legit contributions to Disco. SPS comms are obvious low level RP with meme standard. So the real question is, why do we allow such to keep posting this crap all over the forums?

RE: Some crap going on - Traxit - 07-26-2020

As said above, let natural selection do its work.
Keep your mask on at all times when outside, and stay home.


RE: Some crap going on - Sniper - 07-26-2020

[quote="Tyber.Zann" pid='2181446' dateline='1595748502']

So these mandatory measures governments are employing for our health... should they be restricted to the one virus or all communicable diseases?

Depends on relevancy. Is it highly contagious and dangerous? Will actions taken assist in the containment be effective?

There are many much more deadly diseases that currently people aren't being mandated how they prevent the possible exposure to and transference of, not the least of which is HIV.

HIV is transferred by the sharing of bodily fluids. There are effective ways individuals can take to stop the spread.

Is it okay then for governments to place individuals on permanent "quarantine" if they're discovered to have contracted one of these diseases we have no cure for?

If it is contagious and dangerous, then yes. They must take action for the greater public good.

Do we outlaw activities that increase the chances of spreading them?

Absolutely! Everyone has rights such as the right not to be harmed by the actions or in-actions of people with contagious diseases.

Do we shut down businesses that promote dangerous behavior? Can companies choose to not hire people if they have these diseases in order to protect their employees and customers from potentially catching them?

Absolutely! Every company, business, school etc has a duty of care for the welfare of its employees/clients.

What if they aren't sick at all, but participate in risky activities that could expose them... can we refuse them service or employment then?

Absolutely! Rights to individual freedom does not trump the rights of others for the right to life, health etc.

What about mandatory vaccines?

Absolutely! Anti-vaxers are self indulgent narcissists usually, with a following of dullards that believe with unrestrained gullibility.

Can we include preventable heart, lung, and liver disease... simply outlawing smoking and drinking alcohol worldwide would exponentially reduce them.

These are not contagious, so becomes a debatable point.

Seeing how in my country alone the common flu, with a vaccine each year, kills between 18,000 - 80,000 people each year do we shut down all businesses and schools every year for flu season from now on?

Covid19 is more than just a mere flu. It is inherently more dangerous then the common flu. Although lets be realistic. 80k people dying of the flu in the USA in one year is way less than the mass butchery of abortions taking place annually.

It's not just Covid19T... tuberculosis kills more than a million people each year and is spread through the air so maybe when all airborne diseases cease to exist?

We can treat tuberculous

RE: Some crap going on - Pepe - 07-26-2020

It's all about UN said to China to reduce pollution.

China said OK.


RE: Some crap going on - Binski - 07-26-2020

Just remember kids...

You can't be antifascist and support placing obligations on people at the same time.

Forcing people to do things by essentially giving them orders (civilians) is undoubtedly a step down (what is called in Logic) a 'slippery slope'. If we start going down it gets faster and harder to go back up the hill.

Every time someone says 'make someone do this or that!' have they really thought it through, what a world looks like when they can be dictated to over the cause of a crisis? Which crisis is more important? The threat to our bodies or our freedom? Thats the harderst question to answer today.

Once you accept a system where the government can give orders to civilians like they're soldiers, and start going beyond constitutional law, a line gets crossed that usually defines what a free society is or not. Is it better to accept some detriments to freedom in the real world? Or better to give up freedom for security? Each time we force someone to do something it pushes the bar lower and lower. Just remember raising it back up gets harder and harder. And some people are always going to hide the fact they just want to watch it burn out of malcontent while acting like it makes total sense to keep things going down hill.

As far as I'm concerned, forcing people to be vaccinated is equal to the Borg injecting someone with nanites to assimilate them... of course its better for them! What we see today is ultra-liberalism as the birth of transhumanism. As soon as they can just pump chemicals into you because they say so, we are the Borg.

RE: Some crap going on - Jeuge - 07-26-2020

Ok boomer

RE: Some crap going on - Binski - 07-26-2020

(07-26-2020, 03:05 PM)Jeuge Wrote: Ok boomer

Not a boomer, not a millenial! Tongue