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Harvester Cruiser.. - SevereTrinity - 04-02-2009

If a harvey cruiser can take down a BHG GS and Dessie at the same time, why does it need a buff?

Harvester Cruiser.. - Athenian - 04-02-2009

' Wrote:If a harvey cruiser can take down a BHG GS and Dessie at the same time, why does it need a buff?

For the same reason Lokis and Odins should be nerfed - cause you never know what's around the corner.

(edit ; joke)

Harvester Cruiser.. - Benjamin - 04-02-2009

Didn't the Loki already eat a fairly large nerf?

Harvester Cruiser.. - mjolnir - 04-02-2009

' Wrote:Haven't flown the cruiser but I've noticed a couple of other great ships that were nerfed--which wasn't a problem--but its that they were nerfed in every type of combat category across the board. Now they are just 'there".

So you haven't flown it or fought it. Yet you must post about how useless it is now?

Ok, your opinion will for sure be taken into consideration.

As of the other ships, give examples/take that somewhere else.

Harvester Cruiser.. - Tic - 04-02-2009

Harvester cruiser is an excelent ship actually.

Took me(BH GS) and Alex(BH Bomber) around 15-20 minutes to kill Harvester_16 in 2 on 1.

It has an excelent hull and it is hard to hit from bigger distances. It also turns very good.

Harvester Cruiser.. - Primus Avatar - 04-02-2009

' Wrote:Harvester cruiser is an excelent ship actually.

Took me(BH GS) and Alex(BH Bomber) around 15-20 minutes to kill Harvester_16 in 2 on 1.

It has an excelent hull and it is hard to hit from bigger distances. It also turns very good.

Harvester_16 (forums: DOTM) is a capable captain. Each time he appears he is considered no1. threat due to his ability to pwn you all in a matter of seconds. I think the AI Cruiser (in the right hands) is a deadly weapon.

Buff it? Well you wont hear me complain... but until people start spamming battlecruisers solely at us I see no need. We chose this faction cause we do suicide missions/raids under the excuse of being easily recycled by the junkers or haulers and reconstructed at their bases.

Harvester Cruiser.. - Benjamin - 04-02-2009

' Wrote:Harvester cruiser is an excelent ship actually.

Took me(BH GS) and Alex(BH Bomber) around 15-20 minutes to kill Harvester_16 in 2 on 1.

It has an excelent hull and it is hard to hit from bigger distances. It also turns very good.

Turns very well.

Also it looks awesome, which is the most important thing for any ship.

Harvester Cruiser.. - SevereTrinity - 04-02-2009

' Wrote:Buff it? Well you wont hear me complain... but until people start spamming battlecruisers solely at us I see no need.

Just to clear up; You won't be getting it buffed even if everyone on this server flies solely battlecruisers at you. what you fight is not an excuse for stronger equipment, ask the Phantoms how that argument went down in the dev forums.

Harvester Cruiser.. - Weedalot - 04-02-2009

' Wrote:Just to clear up; You won't be getting it buffed even if everyone on this server flies solely battlecruisers at you. what you fight is not an excuse for stronger equipment, ask the Phantoms how that argument went down in the dev forums.
and what about order? their weapons are stronger make more damage with less or equal energy, isnt the explanation to that was ... They fight nomads?

Harvester Cruiser.. - Geisha_Maiko - 04-02-2009


Lets clear a few details up:

"if you re a harvester you WANT to fight many enemies, otherwise you d not be a harvester ( same appplies to all other factions that either consider everyone an enemy or have many enemies by lore )"

Ummmm. No. If your a player that WANTS to have LOTS of enemies to fight, please look into a different faction or clan to join. Harvesters should NOT go running around, picking and starting fights.

"First of; Harvesters picked their enemies, not the other way around, nto our problem on that."

Ummm....No. Harvesters do not pick their enemies. They are programed with reactionary software.
YOU shoot at them, they shoot back. You don't shoot at them, they shouldn't shoot back.

The general exception is if your character has been recorded in the database as Hostile to Harvesters.

As for the AI cruizer, from my understanding , it was designed to have a little amount of guns with also a little amount of cargo hold. Not as big as transports, but bigger than the 'normal' fighting crafts.