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Faction Ship Lines - Grumblesaur - 04-15-2009

Right now, the next necessary ship would be a freighter in the CTE- line.

Faction Ship Lines - looqas - 04-15-2009

In short no.

Reason: Most of the NPCs are already flying old skool "shared" ships. It would break the suspension of belief even further that you are flying with your NPC homies.

Faction Ship Lines - Thexare - 04-15-2009

' Wrote:Reason: Most of the NPCs are already flying old skool "shared" ships. It would break the suspension of belief even further that you are flying with your NPC homies.
... that is your only objection? Because, seriously, that can't be all that hard to fix, can it?

Faction Ship Lines - pipboy - 04-15-2009

' Wrote:I don't think every faction should get a line. I don't think every faction should even get a distinctive ship. I was, personally, against the FA bomber, Gaian Guboat, and Unioner Fighter and the GC shipline. Why? None of us have any of the resources to build anything like that, and there is no need for it, as long as the civilian line remains as available as it is currently. I don't even think the IMG should have their own line.

Some ships are needed. Most ships are not...

I agree about any faction that doesn't have the resources for their own ships. I don't see why the GC and Unioner's and Gaians have their own ships. Why can't they fly what a stronger faction provides? The FA don't necessarily have the resources and facilities to build their own but Samura does. Same goes with the Hogosha, they have the resources but not the facilities, but once again... Samura does.

Some make sense, others dont.

I do love the idea of different color schemes of the same ships for various factions that don't have or need their own though.

Faction Ship Lines - BaconSoda - 04-15-2009

' Wrote:I do love the idea of different color schemes of the same ships for various factions that don't have or need their own though.

There isn't much point in that, I don't think. Seems like a rather large waste of time to make a pink Eagle for the GC, 'eh? Same thing for making a green one for the LWB, or a red Sabre for the Hessians. Just using ships that you can get your hands on just seems to make more sense to me...

Also, I didn't really think Samura cared THAT intently about the FA. >.>

EDIT: It's my 40^2 post. Bah, leave it to a Butcher kid to say that one...

Faction Ship Lines - looqas - 04-15-2009

' Wrote:... that is your only objection? Because, seriously, that can't be all that hard to fix, can it?

Well. Basically yes. In short. :) But it ties to a bigger picture.

Maybe it's not that hard to fix, but if we change all the ships from NPCs I think we lose something from the original Freelancer in the process.

Remember what a storm in tea-cup changing the Corsair lunchbox to a new model caused? This would be bigger. The ship lines are ingrained into people's minds.

People will get over it, but are all the ships really needed? The amount of new ships included in this 4.85 is big and has caused a massive workload for some people in balancing and debugging.

I just basically feel that Discovery does not need to have a complete shipline for every faction.

Faction Ship Lines - Thexare - 04-15-2009

' Wrote:I just basically feel that Discovery does not need to have a complete shipline for every faction.
I agree, but I do think every faction should have at least one unique ship simply to draw more player interest. It'd be better for Bretonia if more people played anything other than BAF, better for Rheinland if there were more Bundschuh.

And ships do attract people, including capable RPers; the entire reason I joined the Outcasts originally was liking the Border Worlds ships, the reason I made a Hacker was because of the Slipstream.

Faction Ship Lines - pieguy259 - 04-15-2009

I dunno. I'd like to see more GC NPCs... actually, ANY GC NPCS fly the Blossom VHF, for instance.

Faction Ship Lines - bluntpencil2001 - 04-15-2009

Another idea would be to have more variety in generic civilian ships. Not everyone drives a Ford, after all.

Faction Ship Lines - farmerman - 04-15-2009

More generic type ships would be great. Like the Tigershark or Rheinland, but generally house civilian. Also, generic pirate ships, like the Waran. Everyone may not need their own line of ships, but having alternatives is a wonderful thing. Especially for people who making a lot of differentiations visually - it's easier, for me, to think of a character when they have their own, particular ship, which is why I try and avoid duplicates.

' Wrote:I agree about any faction that doesn't have the resources for their own ships. I don't see why the GC and Unioner's and Gaians have their own ships. Why can't they fly what a stronger faction provides? The FA don't necessarily have the resources and facilities to build their own but Samura does. Same goes with the Hogosha, they have the resources but not the facilities, but once again... Samura does.

Some make sense, others dont.

I do love the idea of different color schemes of the same ships for various factions that don't have or need their own though.

The Unioners seem they would surely have their own ships - it's a group drawn almost completely from former workers at a ship building facility. If any of the smaller unlawful groups had the ability to produce ships, it would be them.

' Wrote:Also, I didn't really think Samura cared THAT intently about the FA. >.>

They went over budget in supporting them. I think that says something.