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Okinawa Events with GMG vs Hogosha - Printable Version

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Okinawa Events with GMG vs Hogosha - ProwlerPC - 04-25-2009

Delivering the appropriate products to the sites are another aspect of the Okinawa system's development that isn't connected to these events here. I was gonna make the trade aspect fairly simple with every char involved with the specific base bring one full load of each needed commodity and SS it's delivery. Considering the number of players with factions involved that should give thousands and thousands of the appropriate commodities where needed.
So if the DSE have any security/escort ships, these events are one of those times where they are guaranteed to be used. I believe a repair ship may be useful to if the pilot is good with one.

Okinawa Events with GMG vs Hogosha - Sprolf - 04-25-2009

DSE)Blackburn, Captain Weber Beckmann will be there.
DSE <strike>Rheinland Cruiser</strike> Mammoth Freighter.

I'll be helping to repair the lanes.

See you all in space!

And if you GMG get "friendly fire"... just keep in mind that it's all in RP!

Okinawa Events with GMG vs Hogosha - Thexare - 04-25-2009

Not an option for me, that involves waking up before noon. And because I work evenings, that doesn't happen.

Looks like it was rather pointless for me to make a big deal about independents joining in, then, wasn't it? =/

Okinawa Events with GMG vs Hogosha - ProwlerPC - 04-25-2009

I would like to remind both sides that these events are being done specifically to gain these stats:

' Wrote:What I'd like to see in the event's thread after its over (not message dumps, what is in there is that faction's decision) is;
  • Location of Battle (Base):
  • Composition of ships from each side;
    • GMG -
    • Hogosha -
    • Kishiro -
    • etc
  • Factons Present:
  • Winner:
  • Loser:
  • Winner's remaining forces: (Determines the amount of damage they'd be able to deal after the defenders are gone.)
  • Extras: (Like transports participating [Hogosha attack on DSE transport for Sig-19 JG for example] or other important information.)

Someone on each side should record all the above info just before the event begins and the winners will record whos left. The actual attendee's and victors can be posted in the event thread. I'll later create a thread that displays all the events and their results. Thanks

Okinawa Events with GMG vs Hogosha - Knuthetal - 04-25-2009

Hats off to the entire event crew. I've had immense fun doing my little part and helping out both sides with their escape pods.

Okinawa Events with GMG vs Hogosha - Dab - 04-26-2009

Added a bit to the after-battle info template;
  • Location of Battle:
  • Composition of ships from each side; (Biggest ships first, smallest last)
    • GMG -
    • Hogosha -
    • Kishiro -
    • etc
  • Factions Present:
  • Winner:
  • Loser:
  • Winner's remaining forces:
  • Battle Type: (Supply Convoy, Base Attack, Random Military Battle)
  • Defender's Goals: (Goals) -Successful? Yes/No/Partial
  • Attacker's Goals: (Goals) -Successful? Yes/No/Partial
  • Extras/Comments: (If Supply Convoy, list number of transports, number and type of goods carried, and number and type of those destroyed.)

Okinawa Events with GMG vs Hogosha - DeathsOverture - 04-27-2009

Who RP'd the Zoner medical transport? That was awesome. I have forgotten the name, and didn't take a screen shot. I hope to see you again, in 2 weeks.

Anyway, Dab that looks good. I'd be happy to fill those out, but I'll see if Prowler wants to do it himself.

We posted attendance here, everyone. PM ProwlerPC if you see mistakes: