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Another Robot Faction? - Snapp - 04-27-2009

The "Binary" started out flying fighters as theyve had to do work for various factions. Being the "combat models" it fit thier RP to do missions instead of trading or mining.

We also have "Drones"... right now they just assist the combat units (Binary), but they were originally meant to be doing the trading, mining, and other non-combat oriented tasks...

Many of the ideas expressed here are great and were already being RP'ed by us, just not well known.

In-rp: Our goal was to stay relatively unknown to the rest of Sirius until we were strong enough to defend ourselves.

Ooc: I havent finished our history/lore yet because My writing skills = epic phail most of the time. We havent started recruiting yet, but probably will very soon as ive already had a few requests.

Another Robot Faction? - Robert.Fitzgerald - 04-28-2009

I agree completely with what Zig said about the human element. I think the harvesters and all the other AIs floating about are simply one too many - robots may be a sci fi element, but this isn't just any sci-fi. It's the Freelancer universe. Freelancer robots are simple waiters, equipment dealers and workers on stations unsuitable for humans. They are not sentient, intelligent AI beings, they are not war-mongering fighters, nothing like that.

Another Robot Faction? - n00bl3t - 04-28-2009

' Wrote:To me, AI has always been a poor excuse to kill stuffs with minimalist roleplay - because AI are that, right? minimalist.

What about Zoner robots?

Another Robot Faction? - worldstrider - 04-28-2009

What would make AI's interesting and keep them from detracting is if they were an "emerging faction"--a conglomeration of self-aware machines banding together for mutual protection and purpose. Basically a "robot rights" movement. All AI players could fit into this faction and make them have a purpose--though I might see Harvesters as separate from that.

In fact you could have good, neutral and even evil AI and the AI "movememnt" would see it as its responsibility to keep AI in check with humans so their future was not threatened. Basically, if you were a "bad machine", the AI faction would be after you. Or if you allied as a human servant and tried to subjugate machines they would resist you or if you were a neutral machine being oppressed, they would defend you.

Just some basic ideas--make sense?

Another Robot Faction? - Malaclypse 666 - 04-28-2009

' Wrote:What about Zoner robots?

What about 'em?

Like human Zoners, they'd probably sell their own mothers for spare parts.

Another Robot Faction? - Benjamin - 04-28-2009

Balthazzar, that's not a very good cake.

Another Robot Faction? - Marburg - 04-28-2009

oooh, can I speak as a player for a sec?:crazy:

If you want to develop a new idea, then do it. of the ones that shot down the idea, I haven't seen a single valid point to their naysaying. Some people are just conditioned to think within a small box.

This is sci-fi & the box is smeggin' HUGE

Personally, I think it's perfectly reasonable to develop the idea, pitch it, & let it sink or swim on it's own merits.

I read the first post & the first thing that popped in my head is a picture of an evolution chart from nanobots to binary bible-thumpers.

There is alot of potential for AI factions, & your efforts may end up going over alot of peoples heads, but hey...who cares? Trying & failing is a thousand percent better than not giving it a shot at all.

Another Robot Faction? - me_b_kevin - 04-28-2009

' Wrote:What would make AI's interesting and keep them from detracting is if they were an "emerging faction"--a conglomeration of self-aware machines banding together for mutual protection and purpose. Basically a "robot rights" movement. All AI players could fit into this faction and make them have a purpose--though I might see Harvesters as separate from that.

In fact you could have good, neutral and even evil AI and the AI "movememnt" would see it as its responsibility to keep AI in check with humans so their future was not threatened. Basically, if you were a "bad machine", the AI faction would be after you. Or if you allied as a human servant and tried to subjugate machines they would resist you or if you were a neutral machine being oppressed, they would defend you.

Just some basic ideas--make sense?

that sounds like the junker congress.....:)

no my idea is more of a Discovery community molded house based on newly aware machines. the direction of the faction/house is developed entirely on player faction interaction and not on a preset history or structure. a very simple ground work would be set but after that it's up to the community to help build it. to my knowledge a faction has never been done that way before and seems like it could be extremely interesting to see grow.

Another Robot Faction? - DearMatthew - 04-28-2009

What about machines (though I prefer the idea of not cyborgs but artificial humans) they facilitate feelings and emotions, and too like humans, end up in fighting.

I definitely think it's worth doing if it doesn't involve *SCANNING* as said before.

I'll look forward to it:Dbest of luck

Another Robot Faction? - worldstrider - 04-28-2009

' Wrote:that sounds like the junker congress.....:)

No my idea is more of a Discovery community molded house based on newly aware machines. the direction of the faction/house is developed entirely on player faction interaction and not on a preset history or structure. a very simple ground work would be set but after that it's up to the community to help build it. to my knowledge a faction has never been done that way before and seems like it could be extremely interesting to see grow.

I like the idea. But you need to have parameters on what they are capable of and what their common, unifying concern is. Almost all the new machine players want to inject their new tech. We have one unofficial faction bombarding and almost destroying bases for example now, cloaked ships that other players are obliged "not to see", alien technology superior to whats in Sirius, etc. I can see many players wanting to establish precedent for the machine house to be the greatest house.

Aside from that, idea has potential. I'd also like machines to be able to have their independent role play--not all forced into the same roles but with some unifying principle. For the Harvesters it was the source code for example. There needs to be some reason for AIs to form a "house" rather than just "being".

The most obvious thing to me is fear of human oppression/attack. Its logical to take steps to prevent it. I'm actually thinking more along the lines of X-men--robots who want to coexist, others who want to be left alone and others wanting to dominate all--but all with the same common threat that unites them at least somewhat.