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RE: Hello - Jayenbee - 04-28-2024

[I did a mong and double posted. Laugh at me.]

RE: Hello - Darius - 04-28-2024

Yeah, my two cents are that people should grow a pair and simply treat discovery as any other community they'd be in instead of spreading cow dung all over like its your local high school. You really, really have no need to go out in an open discord and spam n words or transophobic comments even if its your friends. If you wanna do that then lock your Discord up and accept you just won't be official any time soon with such things festering in there.

RE: Hello - Swifty - 04-28-2024

(04-28-2024, 02:59 PM)Kauket Wrote: think ur overthinking this one

they won't give a shit if ppl have an argument or say swear words in discords, or talk about soft politics, or posting porn

but they'll care if you're being a pedo/racist/extremist/plotting epic hacker activities
Im not a porn guy myself so i agree with Clark. Some things need to truly be separated from the game and the discord servers as they have 0 purpose other than pushing people to beat their meat at stuff that are either way out of line or simply... idk how to put it without hurting some feelings so let's leave it at that.

Nobody in disco is really a racist, when someone calls another affectionately an insult it's not necessarily a bad thing unless they really are acting how they're called and they continuously get blasted with it. If that wasn't the case then you need to get yourself a few days ban (because im feeling very merciful) for calling me an n word. You and some others. Tongue

(04-28-2024, 03:05 PM)TheSauron Wrote:
(04-28-2024, 02:57 PM)Swifty Wrote:
(04-28-2024, 02:45 PM)TheSauron Wrote: The outrage about this rule change seems to stem from some sort of misconception that you'll now be legally obliged to have Haste himself monitor your most degenerate, triple-hidden political discussion channels. All it asks for is that faction discords keep their public sections clean. This really isn't an unreasonable expectation, especially when your server is de facto the sole gathering spot for people playing in a region or on a specific ID. Like it or not, such servers are part of the community now just as much as the game or the forum is.

Im not exactly sure why you believe it is an outrage every time i, or other people open general discussions to understand more about the matter. Its not like it will miraculously change anything, it's more so people give their own inputs/views on it, preferably in an educated manner as i have so far. Then again, you and i both know we always come from different sides of the fence so to speak so that probably answer me to the why at the beginning of this reply.

Seems like asking things became a bad habit these days. Idea - why don't we limit or even ban asking questions too? Tongue

Outrage, opposition, pushback. We can argue semantics all day long. But I suppose I did make it easy for you to sideline everything else I've said.

This change isn't really hard to understand. Discovery as a community has an abnormal need to use less than stellar vocabulary to conduct even the most basic of conversations. All this change does is make people think twice before they resort to Nigels or other assorted funny words whenever someone has the audacity to "bring out the worst in you". Which is a massive tell on yourself all on its own.
I hear that. The problem is not the audacity of someone to bring the worst in me, its the purpose they do it with and quite often getting away with it. Triggering an explosion then acting like a victim for getting burned should also be sanctionable.

(04-28-2024, 03:05 PM)Cortana Clark Wrote:
(04-28-2024, 02:59 PM)Kauket Wrote: think ur overthinking this one

they won't give a shit if ppl have an argument or say swear words in discords, or talk about soft politics, or posting porn

but they'll care if you're being a pedo/racist/extremist/plotting epic hacker activities

why should you be able to post porn? Like there could be minors here after all but calling a friend the n word goes to far?

(04-28-2024, 03:07 PM)Jayenbee Wrote: These complaints stem from a sudden (yet in many cases warranted) staff over-reach, comparatively speaking prior to this administration as it were.

Rightfully so there's going to be a sudden shock and growing concern by many that they are at risk of being banned/sanctioned from this community just because they said something that hurt X person's feelings. Amplified further by the recent ban on that IMG| drunk, which (apparently) is a situation of X & Y DM'ing, but Z filing the VR? Excuse me what?

Increasingly we're entering a cultural age in the western world where everyone seems so entitled to be butthurt that they must seek a personal justice for their poor poor feelings, leading them to go after people over issues which needn't be one.

People can't talk to one another with familiarity no more, you can't affectionately speak to someone with what would typically be slurs or racial insults no more (there's a few Discord bans related to this, you know what I'm on about). This level of interpersonal normalisation of language has been thrown out of the window and replaced with a thought-police orientated drive that seems hellbent on stunting speech.

So, ye. Misconceptions.

Thanks, Now we're getting somewhere.

RE: Hello - Jayenbee - 04-28-2024

(04-28-2024, 03:18 PM)Darius Wrote: Yeah, my two cents are that people should grow a pair and simply treat discovery as any other community they'd be in instead of spreading cow dung all over like its your local high school. You really, really have no need to go out in an open discord and spam n words or transophobic comments even if its your friends. If you wanna do that then lock your Discord up and accept you just won't be official any time soon with such things festering in there.

You're reaching for extremes to make your point, again. Nobody is spamming 'phobic' comments around and the fact you'd use that word tells me everything I need to know, I'm disappointed to be honest.

The issues I addressed aren't anything to do with whether or not I feel I should have a right to say an excessive amount of anti-racial language in say... the RPA| discord (which you know damn well wouldn't happen) or the DiscoveryGC discord, it's regarding how people FEEL in relation to the way things are now, since ironically isn't that the problem here?

RE: Hello - Darius - 04-28-2024

Frankly I don't think they are extremes given the fact that 3? such bans happened very recently on this topic.

RE: Hello - Swifty - 04-28-2024

(04-28-2024, 03:18 PM)Darius Wrote: Yeah, my two cents are that people should grow a pair and simply treat discovery as any other community they'd be in instead of spreading cow dung all over like its your local high school. You really, really have no need to go out in an open discord and spam n words or transophobic comments even if its your friends. If you wanna do that then lock your Discord up and accept you just won't be official any time soon with such things festering in there.

Or maybe just, you know, watch your perimeter of the server and dont get involved in friendly discussions ? Maybe stop getting offended or triggered by things that arent aimed at you while at it too? Jayenbee described it spectacularly. X and y cant argue or speak familiar to each other without Pinnocchio poking his nose where it shouldn't just for the sake of doing "justice" when it's doing more bad than good.

RE: Hello - Darius - 04-28-2024

(04-28-2024, 03:34 PM)Swifty Wrote: X and y cant argue or speak familiar to each other without Pinnocchio poking his nose where it shouldn't just for the sake of doing "justice" when it's doing more bad than good.

Can you give me an example?

RE: Hello - Jayenbee - 04-28-2024

(04-28-2024, 03:33 PM)Darius Wrote: Frankly I don't think they are extremes given the fact that 3? such bans happened very recently on this topic.

Three such bans with incredible nuance which have been ignored. Yeah, real nice.

RE: Hello - Darius - 04-28-2024

(04-28-2024, 03:35 PM)Jayenbee Wrote:
(04-28-2024, 03:33 PM)Darius Wrote: Frankly I don't think they are extremes given the fact that 3? such bans happened very recently on this topic.

Three such bans with incredible nuance which have been ignored. Yeah, real nice.

Yeah, I dunno, chief. People are fearmongering for the sake of it like I've said in the main server already a dozen times. You ain't getting banned for what you post in closed channels unless it is endangering other members of the community or the server itself i.e. ddos attacks. On the other side of the coin, if you are just that bad at moderating an open, linked to the main server discord, then maybe that shouldn't be the place to hold an official faction in.

That is really all there is to this and that's another cent on top of the other 2 I posted earlier.

RE: Hello - Emperor Tekagi - 04-28-2024

Incredible read. Thank you all, this is truly the pinnacle of forum communication of today.