RE: How to Heal a Heart - Broken Wings - 11-07-2024
Isa smiled as she heard the comments about Harlan. The Old Man was truly the good soul of the Healing Heart. She knew that he would dig deep into the Religion of Deux, he would make sure that the chapel was ready for Mac Once she Returned. He would Use the right Decorations and the Right Candles, he would make sure that everything was as perfect as it would be on Faith Haven. She also had a huge Respect for the Old Priest and she hoped he would have a long life ahead of him as it would be a Hard Job to find someone who would continue his job with the same Dedication and Love for Detail as he does. But she could also feel how nervous Mac was and she would make sure to give her some Exposure In the therapy so that she could see that all of this was less scary than she thought. It was True that Mac wasn't a Normal Student and that she was much older than they usually were. But for Isa that Age was not a Handicap, her Life experience was something that would benefit her Work as a psychologist as she would be able to understand her Patients from a Whole different perspective than a Younger Student would.
Isa: Do yourself a Favor Mac, Don't think that you are like all the other students. Yes, you're Older than the average 20-year-old Medical Student, But this age gives you an Advantage. You already know many of the things that a Younger Student needs to Painfully Learn from Scratch. Don't treat your Age as a Handicap, your Life experience is actually your superpower.She smiled friendly at her as she looked at Mac. Your Experience is a valuable good, and because of it, you know that a Doctor needs to Use his intellect instead of Breaking her head through the wall. And because of all of these things, I don't treat you like a normal Student.
She said with a smile as she would enter the ship Shortly after. She was happy to see her patients in such a good Mood. The Woman knew that they had around 1 Hour of Flight time ahead of them. Due to the size of the Nephilim, they had to Park a bit further away from the Planet to not Disturb the Local Traffic. The patients seemed to be amused as they saw how Lucille had sneaked on board. The rumors of the Litle Fox showing more than usual Affection towards a human seemed to be true. Once the ship would leave the Hanger the patients would get up and would either talk or walk a bit around, some would make Tea for the others and Isa would put some Cookies on the table while she talked with one of the patients. Meanwhile, they would give Mack the time to Read the Patient's Files.
Name: Rina Modau
House of Origin: Rheinland
Age: 29
Marriage Status: Divorced, Widow
Kids: 1 Daughter
Patient Rina was the Wife of a Commodore of the Rheinland Imperial Navy. She was married to him since she was 19 years old. Her Husband had a Short Temper and tended to let out his anger on his wife. But his Social Status as a Commodore of the Rheinland Imperial Navy made him Practically untouchable by the Law. During the Rheinland Civil War, she found the Courage to Flee from him and Went to the Emergency Hospitals on Neutral Baden Baden, from there she would Escape into the Borderworlds. The last that was heard of his Husband was that he was Executed at the End of the Rheinland Civil War for War Crimes. She now lives at the Healing Heart with her Daughter since she is 25 Years old. We expect to release her into the General Population of the Healing Heart within the Current Year and have Plans to Reintegrate her into Normal Society within the Following Year.
Name: Lia Campton
House of Origin: Bretonia
Age: 45
Marriage Status: Divorced
Kids: 1 Daughter, 1 Son
Lia was the Wife of a Wealthy Merchant from Planet Cambridge. Her husband had a Psychotic and Sadistic Personality that he only showed towards his Family. To the Outside World, he was a Picture Perfect Family Man. Sadly this was all a Ruse and he often decided to Abuse his family and hit them with Belts or his Fists. Lia always Tried to Shelter her kids from his Rage but wasn't always able to protect them. She has very severe Self-doubt because of this and Blames herself for her children's Trauma. Thankfully the Bretonian Government arrested her Husband as it was Revealed that he Traded with the Gallics During the War to Save his own Skin in case of Invasion of Cambridge. He is currently in Prison and we don't Expect he will be Ever Released. Lia is one of the Harder Cases but she showed good Progress in her therapy, she begins to understand that the things that her Husband did were not her fault. We Expect her to move out of the Refuge within the Next 2 to 3 Years, and reintegrate into society within the next 5 Years.
Name: Eleonora Karson
House of Origin: Borderworlds
Age: 39
Marriage Status: Divorced
Kids: None
Eleonora was the Wife of a Zoner Trader and lived with him on his Space Ship. Her husband kept her Isolated from the Rest of the World. He was a Sadistic man who blamed Eleonora for everything that went wrong in his eyes. He often Beat her when something as simple as a Broken Coffe Mug. He held her like a prisoner for years and prevented her from leaving him. She could Finally Escape this Hell as he got Sick and needed outside Help. The doctors on the freeport immediately saw what happened and took Eleonora to Protective Care. Dr. Wilke Convinced Eleonora that she needed help. She was deeply affected when she heard about Dr. Wilke's Death and this had thrown her back in her Therapy. Thankfully she recovered relatively Quickly from this shock and she already moved out of the Refuge. But due to the Lack of Law and Order in the Borderworlds her Ex Husband is sadly still a Free Man. Due to this fact, she had already told us that she wanted to stay on the Healing Heart and start a new Life on Board.
Name: Kira Suzuki
House of Origin: Kusari
Age: 25
Marriage Status: None
Kids: None
Kira was never Married but she was still Trapped in an Abusive Relationship. Sadly one of these relationships was with her own Father who was a Regional Gouverneur in Kusari. Kira was his only Child and due to the Patriarchal Nature of Kusari, she was not worth as much as a Son in his Eyes. She had to endure a lot of Hardship and Physical Abuse as a Child and Teenager. When she was 18 She fled into the Tau Borderworlds and there it got even worse for her. She got Addicted to Cardamine and got a pretty violent Boyfriend. And even when she hated every second she was together with him she would need years to find the strength to finally leave him. MFE helped her to work through the years of Abuse and Drug Addiction and gave her the time to also work through their childhood trauma. Now she was off from the Drugs and used Stabiline to Stay Healthy. She Now Lived for 5 Months in a Normal Apartment on Board the Healing Heart and is no longer in the Refuge.
Name: Sandra Boyle
House of Origin: Borderworlds
Age: 41
Marriage Status: Widow
Kids: 1 Boy
Sandra was Originally Living on Planet Leeds. She and her husband were one of the little ones who made it off the planet during the Galic Occupation and the Later Genocide. They would be relocated several times before finding themselves on planet Pygar. Her husband had lost all that he had in the war and the family was poor and the times were hard. And as it was so often he fell to the seduction of the Alcohole, and with the Alcohole came the Abused. Sandra and her Son were suffering the brunt of his Anger and wrath and even when Sandra shielded her son from the worst she couldn't always protect him. After Years of Abuse, she had enough one night and fought back, she accidentally Killed his Husband in the process as she had Pushed him and he had fallen out of a Window in his Drunken state and broke his neck at impact. The Police declared it as an Accident and Doctor Wilke Heard of the Case. She would give Sandra a Place in the Healing Heart. Her son is by now a Student at MedForce Academy and Sandra is also short before her Release into the Normal World again. But she decided to Stay on Board and become a Teacher for the Children. She has lived in a Normal Apartment for almost 2 years now.
The hour would go by and Mac Had enough time to Read the Medical History of the patients. Apart from the Names and background information, she could also see what kind of Medication they would take. Isa would give her the time she needed and talk with the patients in the meantime. She would laugh with them and talk about whatever they wanted right now. most of them spoke about their Children, especially Sandra as she was so proud that her Son would be a Doctor Soon. When the Pilot Mentioned that they would be 15 Minutes away from Curacao she would go over to Mac and sit in the Louge Chair opposite to her and smile at her student.
Isa: well Mac we are 15 Minutes away from Curacao. That means we will land in a 20 to 25 Minutes. Did you Read the Patients Files by now? Do you have any questions for me before we land? Oh and you were so Sunken in the Medical Files that you haven't had a chance to get some cookies, so I have saved some for you.
She said with a calming smile as she knew that Mac was nervous and didn't want to make any mistakes on her first day. She could see that in her body Language and in the way that her eyes were Glued to the Screen of the Tablet PC as she would seek for the information that she needs to help her Patients. Isa admired this Dedication to the Arts of being a Doctor and it was something that she respected. She could already observe this during her visit to Faith Haven as they had Treated Patients together there. Well if she considers it right this was now the Second time they treated patients together. And she hoped they would do this for a while before she had to give Mac Back to the Pepole of Faith Haven.