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[Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Printable Version

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RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Capt.RedLegs - 07-20-2024

No. Unless it can be made optional.
Players should be expected to be adults.

Unless it's excessive and egregious, which is already against the rules, free and open speech should be allowed.
This is an RP server and you're going to encounter offensive situations from time to time.
Being offended doesn't make you right or give you the right to limit the speech of others.

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Karst - 07-20-2024


I don't even play any characters that are fond of really excessively swearing, but it was still an immensely liberating moment when we could finally say the occasional "fuck this, fuck that, fuck you, cockpit".

Swear filters are used pretty much exclusively by communities aimed primarily at children. The idea of a swear filter in a mature roleplaying environment is a joke.

You can still report people for really excessive swearing that's in particularly poor taste, and that does get sanctions. That should be enough.

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - James Greed - 07-20-2024


RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Broken Wings - 07-21-2024

Swear Filter? Arent we all Adults? Plus havent we Rules? We should all be old enough to use Swearwords only in RP and only when its Apropriate. And we should leave everything else to the Staff to Figure out if someone feels that the Rules of the Game was Violated.

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Weapon - 07-21-2024

Breaking my no posting outside of RP/event sections again,

- Enable the current filter list (should be primarily/all slurs) to cover group chat.
- If not an excessive amount of work, toggle a filter for allowed swear words as a launcher option to replace with asterisks clientside.

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - TheKusari - 07-21-2024


We have rules and we're adults. If someone decides to cross lines by using certain slurs and wording, thats what VRs are for.

RE: [Poll] Bring back the swear filter - Denelo - 07-22-2024

I was there when calling someone stupid was a crime. It was dumb even when almost everyone on Disco was teenagers and I was a puritanical little brat, and it's even dumber now. I can't believe this is even a serious thought, let alone a serious suggestion. Like, genuinely, I thought this was in Flood until I read the replies.