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Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Printable Version

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Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - hribek - 05-25-2009

Let's calm down and have fun in some other way, shall we?

This is not the first time Discovery was attacked, neither is it the first time a Freelancer server was attacked. It can have some serious-ish consequences, yes but except for the server owner and administrators, there is nothing we can do about it.

As Athenian pointed out very well, it's time to write up some roleplay.

Also I predict the forums are going to be overloaded within few hours...

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Laplase - 05-25-2009

' Wrote:"ladies and gentlemen, we are at war"
O_o and what you do it?

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - torchwood - 05-25-2009

' Wrote:O_o and what you do it?
no i did not do it, i aint know a thing about computers.
i just always wanted to say that line:D

discovery vs random hacker dude

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Death.RunningVerminator - 05-25-2009

try out this game while you wait...

But does anyone know when it will be back up? And is the USA server down too?

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Nathan - 05-25-2009

' Wrote:try out this game while you wait...

But does anyone know when it will be back up? And is the USA server down too?

Try the uk server

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - VincentFerrex - 05-25-2009

' Wrote:One of these days someone should make a freelancer porno.

Ooh.. you touch my salamanca...

LOL! Imagine if that happened.

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Nathan - 05-25-2009

What we might not know is that the hacker might be watching right now plannign his next move!
Protect the forums!!!!!!!!!


Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Discovery UK - 05-25-2009

' Wrote:LOL! Imagine if that happened.

That would be kinda strange. . . not sure why anyone would want to watch something like that :crazy:

' Wrote:LOL! Imagine if that happened.

Probably going to the extremes - but I've had sites of mine DDoS'ed before. . . probably did something wrong and just got pissed off with the admins deciding it was against the rules. . .

I have a dynamic setup - so I get traffic problems, I just reboot the server and all is fine again (theoretically of course - things can always go wrong:P)

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Ebon - 05-25-2009

Is anyone aware of what kind of damages this attack caused ?

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - torchwood - 05-25-2009

i can see a battle on this, there is only one way to settle this

a game of...