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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Printable Version

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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Eppy - 07-02-2009

' Wrote:Dab is exactly right here, as well. When I wanted my cruiser, I put in the time to get the money to get it. Okay, it just so happens that I put in enough time that I can basically buy just about whatever ship I want, too, but hey - that's part of RP'ing as a trader, too. Those of you that find it boring should perhaps put some thought into the character and get into the mindset.

I'd just like to point out that a month is a bit longer than 'A While.' This is Freelancer, not EvE. If I wanted to Not Play the game I'd go play EvE instead.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - tansytansey - 07-02-2009

I voted decrease battleship price, but leave the armour the same.

The reason being you don't need Cap 8 armour to roleplay, and by leaving the top end armours expensive and reducing the price of battleships, it should be easier for people to obtain battleships for RP purposes, but still require a substantial amount of trading to acquire the armour.

The second reason is capital ship armour is also used on other ships, and we don't want to make it easier for cap 8 Gunboats and Cruisers, either.

Regardless of price, any determined 'MPVPIAU', as you put it, will obtain whatever ship they want regardless of price tag. And with Battleship licenses being possibly handed out only by factions in the future, I don't at all see a problem with decreasing the price of the ship. Battleships should be a rare sight... but I'd imaging the most fun you can have in a battleship would be fighting another battleship. And if they're so rare there are no other battleships to fight... well that seems kind of dull.

If we decrease the price of armour at all, I vote for a decrease in the price curve. Meaning top end armours (7 & 8) remain expensive, but the low end armours become much cheaper.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Monk - 07-02-2009

I would like to point out that putting in the long hours to get a BS is not an indicator for RP-ing well in a big ship. It is an indicator of desire, not intent. For example, my desire was never high enough to warrant spending a month of trading to get a BS though I know my roleplay abilities would be just as good as any other decent player. Again, the current price simply puts me out of the market, though I'd very much like one. Not saying that reducing the price a bit would put me in the market but it might make it more feasible for good roleplayers to get a BS. MMORPGers will find the grind to get a BS more acceptable, and we all know there are good and notoriously bad players on MMORPGs.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Marcus Lindberg - 07-02-2009

The reason battleships are so expensive is because their meant to be rare

If they weren't that expensive, every zoner would be flying a Juggernaut right now, hell, all these Zoners could actually go up against the Gallics and actually win because of their superiority in numbers. So no, battleship prices should remain the same, hell, make em a little more expensive if ya want.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Eppy - 07-02-2009

' Wrote:The reason battleships are so expensive is because their meant to be rare

If they weren't that expensive, every zoner would be flying a Juggernaut right now, hell, all these Zoners could actually go up against the Gallics and actually win because of their superiority in numbers. So no, battleship prices should remain the same, hell, make em a little more expensive if ya want.

Most of the people who want to play one can afford one in a reasonable time. They're not going to get any rarer by jacking up the price because the powertraders are always going to be there.

I think saying that 'Every zoner' would fly a Juggernaut is quite the dramatization. I don't think most of them have the desire to fly a Juggernaut - why would they when they can get a Guard tag and fly every transport in the mod?

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Elsdragon - 07-02-2009

FACT: no amount of price increase makes less capwhores

FACT: soon price wont matter,as BS liscence is handed down by factions only

FACT: the price has weakend Desire of RPers, yet LOLcaps grind regardless

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - n00bl3t - 07-02-2009

' Wrote:If you really want to stop the PVP'rs, make bombers cost about 5 credits less then a bs.


Capital Armour should not be reduced in price.

The price of capital ships should be reduced. (Non-role-playing power-traders can make the credits easier than a role-playing trader, regardless of price.)

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - triple88a - 07-02-2009

In that case, more options of missions should be available (aka missions that REQUIRE you to fly with a group to accomplish), trading should yield very little profit. This way you are saving up for the goal through rp, not through powertrading at 4 o clock in the night.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - DiscoveryAccount - 07-02-2009

huh all I have to say is that I don't think it wold be a good idea to lower the profits made by trading. I think they're fine as they are. If someone wants to play to get lots of credits because that's what he wants to do.. what's wrong with that?

And think the best way to reduce the number of huge ships flying around everywhere would be to do that faction handed down BS license thing. So there's no other way than roleplay to acquire capital ships.

Oh & I personally I think that those special guns should be removed from the game. Like the supernove or something like that. Anyway, those guns that don't have classes and are like special aaand super powerful and I think they can only be found on wrecks.

I hate uber equipment that comes from nowhere and is not sold by factions. it makes no sense. If there were weapons that were really THAT powerful, they would be sold by factions for sure since they "PWNZ NOOBZ". If this game is supposed to be balanced, those guns should be removed. Ofc, fighters are going to have a harder time fighting with battleship.. but hell! Isn't that just logic? If you guys care so much about rp and do not aim to be uber strong, well it shouldnt bother you at all.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 07-02-2009

Ive had three battleships over the course of my time here in discovery
(Battlestar, Rhienland BS, Now I have a Juggy.)

each time, The time to take to get them was shorter. Battlestar was 3 weeks, RBS was 2, Juggy was one...
I just love the way I can go "Hahaha fighter cant do nothin against me abahbhabhahbhah" And IMO, If prices are reduced, This allows us to see who really IS more suited to flying them, It will root out the people who are just here for PvPwhoring

Note: Theres an admin decree somewhere that declared Official factions cannot restrict capital ship distribution to indies, i dont know where it went.