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Traders and Fair Play - RockCrystal - 07-12-2009

Pirates in cali are greater than or equal to ridiculous. I got pirated once by 4 indie liberty rogues who chased me into bloody Virginia (the gate was blocked) and destroyed me there. This despite the fact that I was on my Junker Pirate Transport, shipping Blood Diamonds to Padua. :sleep:

Traders and Fair Play - BaconSoda - 07-12-2009

' Wrote:I don't consider Luxury food an appropriate commodity for liners, tbh (unless it's for RP purposes, which is pointless anyways because it degrades). As far as I'm concerned, the ship is only built for humans, and anything else and it's pretty much throwing normal RP to the winds (something I will confess that, unfortunately, I have done at this point. I'll see you in the Taus). If it doesn't breathe and walk on two legs...

I find this rather shortsighted. As Xoria said when we were discussing the Orbital Spa and Cruise ID, passenger airplanes make money by seconding as coffin transports on some of their return trips with low passenger counts. If there is no one to come with on the way back, I rather think Orbital Spa and Cruise or whomever you are working for wouldn't really mind it if you brought reasonable cargo back. Luxury Consumer Goods, Foods, Wines, luxuries in general, really, shouldn't be out of the questions. Raw materials, a bit shakey, but, normal goods, those are really quite reasonable for a liner.

Anyway, since you only want people:

VIPs (Luxury Liner Shetland) --> Planet New Tokyo (150.6 cr/s)
Tourists (Planet New Tokyo) --> Luxury Liner Shetland (141.5 cr/s)

Refugees (Planet Leeds) --> Planet Nuremburg (130.5 cr/s)
Vacationers (Augsberg Orbital Docking Wing) --> Luxury Liner Shetland (113 cr/s)

Try opening Companion sometime. That's just two I kicked up. :P

Traders and Fair Play - tansytansey - 07-12-2009

' Wrote:VIPs (Luxury Liner Shetland) --> Planet New Tokyo (150.6 cr/s)
Tourists (Planet New Tokyo) --> Luxury Liner Shetland (141.5 cr/s)
This was a nice route back when 4.85 first came out (might have been nerfed now, though) I made 100mil in about 2 days in my Firefly. To kill time I watched Firefly while trading.

Traders and Fair Play - Baltar - 07-12-2009

' Wrote:Pirates in cali are greater than or equal to ridiculous. I got pirated once by 4 indie liberty rogues who chased me into bloody Virginia (the gate was blocked) and destroyed me there. This despite the fact that I was on my Junker Pirate Transport, shipping Blood Diamonds to Padua. :sleep:

What you mean is ... Liberty Rogues in California are greater than or equal to ridiculous. Rogues are not dedicated pirates. They are not pure pirates. Please don't lump all unlawfuls into the same generic group. Wouldn't be right for us to lump Rheinland, Kusari, Bretonia and Liberty as the same would it?

Traders and Fair Play - Jinx - 07-12-2009

i heartily agree with epyon - but its not always the pirates fault of course.

on a long route - each pirate is a single encounter. - lies and cheating is part of getting out of a situation. - so when a pirate encounters a trader and asks for his "share" that might appear reasonable if it was the only piracy attempt on that route... - the trader can comply or get mad, cause who knows.... maybe he payed 2 other pirates already.

so if the trader tells the pirate "hey, i m really mad now, i already payed two other pirates and already lost four millions and YOU will now get NOTHING!" - it is FAIR from the traders point of view. - unfair from the pirates point of view.... even unfairer, when its a lie which no one can prove. - so what is a pirate supposed to do when the trader tells him that?

the simple solution would be to make routes that go through highly pirate populated terrain a LOT more worty of the time to compensate for the piracy ( but it would also mean that the pirates don t get carried away and ask for 10 millions .... how often have i read [ even by veteran members ] that asking for 10 millions is OK, cause that "sick powertrader makes 100 millions an hour anyway" )

its all to do with respect. respect is sometimes hard to come by ( both, by newbies as well as veteran players who should know better ) - respect is such a rare commodity that its worth a lot. many players play and behave / treat others "just as bad as they are allowed to" ... *cause they can*. such an attitude must cease in favour for a more "together" than an "against" each other. - that involves every part of gameplay on our server... and NO rule can really change it - its in the players heads.

Traders and Fair Play - Athenian - 07-12-2009

The underlying problem is the exact purpose of trade and piracy in game. Trade serves two purposes for players.

A. It is the quickest means by which to generate cash to acquire bigger trade ships or to create or supply other characters.
B. As a role-playing device.

The trading system we have now favours B. With trading now more relevant as a role-play device, with all its inherent risks, it may be that many players have abandoned it and are using piracy as A. If you plonk yourself on a well-used trade route and make a few large demands, you could quite easily make as much as if you were trading, while being in a position of power, facing less risks

In the past, when trade could generate a lot of money very quickly, piracy was far less lucrative, unless you pirated on the most ridiculous and abused routes in the game. Now, trade is far more demanding, in the sense that you need to go a longer way to earn less.

The advantage that came with changes to the trading system is that trade is more believable now, cargoes and routes are more appropriate to particular ID's. But, as always, it's a question of how players function within the structures of the game. A poorly played pirate is as bad as a poorly played trader.

If trading was a little more lucrative, it might be able to fulfill both A. and B. and we might see less of the gunboat gangs looking for what players might regard as an unreasonable amount of credits. Plus if cargo actually cost more, we might see more demands for cargo rather than credits. But then, pirates who were well organised could easily demand both cargo and credits....

Traders and Fair Play - schlurbi - 07-12-2009

Ah well i am too lazy to read everything now.

I ran into 2 Pirates yet (today), the first one died because he opened fire against me and died a few seconds later (I kill Gunships, har har). The second one was 3 minutes later and i was luckily disrupted by NPCs 6 klicks ahead him and could escape.

There were times i got pirated for 5 Million Credits. Come on, 5 Million? I could reduce it to 4 Million, but its still a huge amount of money. The Gunship before wanted me to pay 1 Million for an empty Cargo in front of Curacau and of course i said no. Well he got his lesson now.

All the money i make mostly stays onto this Character, it's going to be fore Planetform if we ever get more Active Players. But that lays to be honest in Xorias hands because we only have one Route. Be happy Eppy, you have two ^^

Traders and Fair Play - Lutz - 07-12-2009

Well Im ot pirated so much (thanks god) but I agree that pirates should demand lower. I say 1 - 2 mills are ok for most traders (trains....full of gold etc.) but a few days ago I came across a guy who wanted 7 million. I maybe would pay him if his rp wouldnt be like: 7 mill or ya die!. Yes I pay pirates only if they RP well. I dont see a reason to pay someone who is just sittin on his butt with a nova or a GS and waiting for the cash to come to him. If these pirate RP well I have my fun and I will pay but otherwise he can try to kill me (yes Im shooting back).

Traders and Fair Play - Gemini893 - 07-14-2009

' Wrote:Well Im ot pirated so much (thanks god) but I agree that pirates should demand lower. I say 1 - 2 mills are ok for most traders (trains....full of gold etc.) but a few days ago I came across a guy who wanted 7 million. I maybe would pay him if his rp wouldnt be like: 7 mill or ya die!. Yes I pay pirates only if they RP well. I dont see a reason to pay someone who is just sittin on his butt with a nova or a GS and waiting for the cash to come to him. If these pirate RP well I have my fun and I will pay but otherwise he can try to kill me (yes Im shooting back).

That, right there, has been a huge issue for about a year now. Pirates think they have a right to a trader's credits just because they're a pirate. Many have no idea how to RP either, yet complain when a trader doesn't cooperate, thinking the trader is the one not following RP. Just because you take on a Pirate ID and fly a Pirate ship doesn't make your job easy. It makes you as much a target as you think the traders are.

God forbid a trader should return fire too, like transports don't come equipped with guns too. That's why lazy pirates that don't know how to RP choose gunboats. Pirates that DO know how to RP tend to be in more agile ships. As for "they make 100 mil a day," what kind of drugs are you on and why aren't you sharing? Create a trader character and actually try working for your credits once. If you can make 100 million in one frigging day,or even close to it, PLEASE tell me the route! HALF! I'd settle for HALF of that in one day!

Any pirate demands more than 1, maybe 2 mil from me I'd flat out tell them to get bent 'cause I'll make more money replacing the cargo after I respawn. That 2 mil better have decent role play behind it too.

As for traders and jump holes; if pirates weren't so busy camping trade lanes with their gunboats then the jump holes might be more of a hazard. As it stands now, the trade lanes are more dangerous. So, logically speaking, I'm sure IC would be more than happy to insure a trader safely using jump holes over one that gets scalped by overzealous pirates while using trade lanes. They're the reason I created Rhino in the first place. That trader will always be within the safety margin of noob protection so as to not be molested by said zealots in their gunboats.