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Outcast Gunship - Shryke - 07-22-2009

An unlawful merc? Might as well be an outright pirate. It just makes no sense to limit yourself to only allying yourself with pirates when the only possible thing would be aiding in pirating or taking unlawful contracts (usually killing lawfuls). A lawful only merc? Again, might as well just be a bounty hunter. As soon as you pick a side, youre no longer a freelancer/merc. You are what side you picked, lawful or unlawful and it makes no sense to limit yourself with the freelancer/merc ID.

And as for the gunboat availability to civilians thing, I'll point everyone's attention to this quote,

Quote:Gunboat is the designation for the smallest and most agile class of warships; many Gunboats are also in civilian possession, as they are relatively cheap compared to capital ships and some Gunboats are even produced commercially and sold to explorers, scientists or rich freelancers. Light gunboats are called Gunships.

That's from the wiki.

As for the Zoner gunboat, the ship is a failure on both ends. It's not very capable in combat, and it's a crappy excuse for a trader. The Kusari explorer is just massive, handles like a brick and is very easy for a bomber to pluck it out of the sky. Has anyone actually seen one in game? BH gunbooat? Look at Wuselkobold's story.

As I said earlier, if it's really such a friggin big deal for a civlian to have a gunboat, remove it from the list of allowed ships a freelancer or a merc can fly. I've already decided on a Roc since everyone and their pet rock would throw a hissy fit (even though I see plenty of civilians in gunboats). But then again, if I get a SNAC I'm sure people would throw a hissy fit about that too since how the heck did a merc get one of those? Factions want their cake and to eat it to it seems.

Outcast Gunship - Shikyo - 07-22-2009

Mr Shryke, please relax. This is only a disscussion about something that concerns many who are Freelancers or Mercs. Picking a side is up to the player and being a Freelancer or Merc means one thing especialy, they are in it for the money, not the side or the equipment they use.

Granted in their choice of ship, that may bring problems depending on where they opperate, but with good RP skills and patients they should be able to do well in any area.

As for the Zoner ship, I have not seen one myself, but who says its a complete failure besides you? This is not about if a ship lives up to its expectation but more about choices and who makes them and why. That Zoner ship might just be the right ship in the right hands, you never know until you try.

As to seeing one, if you mean the Kusari Explorer, I've seen several, fought a couple a few times and they did well enough. The Zoner ship, I have not seen yet, but that is just a matter of time.

As for that rant about getting a Super Nova Cannon, why should they be that concerned if you have the right ship to fit it to? I see groups out there that normally would not have them sold on any base they own and no one complains or calls it OORP, so why should it be any different for you?

Perhapes this topic is a bit touchy for you Sir

Outcast Gunship - Shryke - 07-22-2009

It's hardly touchy for me at all. If anything, the opposite is true. Many people in factions have come out and said no, freelancers or mercs shouldn't have gunboats because its like owning a tank, it was never meant to be mass produced, the ship is considered stolen and will be fired upon on sight, use this other one, blah blah blah.

To have to explain myself in RP whenever anyone sees me in a gunboat is not my idea of fun, and I can't possibly imagine the storm it's going to cause if I happened to kill someone in one without being affiliated with a faction. I don't mind RPing, that's why I'm here, but I don't want to repeat the same story ad nauseum because someone thinks I shouldn't fly this ship (which appears to be many).

For the Zoner gunboat being a failure as a merc ship, check this thread. Three other people have the same opinion. It simply lacks firepower. Not to mention I don't think Zoners would appreciate their ship being used for such a purpose.

I asked this question because I wanted to avoid explaining myself to every authority/pirate/lolkid whenever I jumped into system. The reaction from everyone except other freelancers/mercs is that gunboats are too much for civilians, or don't use my faction's, which leaves with very few options. So, I have decided to stick to a bomber, and will bail myself out of this thread.

Outcast Gunship - Elsdragon - 07-22-2009

Um, YOu have to go talk to a faction to get a SNAC, its not in any systems a merc can just walk into.Or a Corperation for that matter

Outcast Gunship - Wuselkobold - 07-23-2009

The SNAC is availiable at Freeport XV in Omicron 74, which is free to access to anyone who isn't an enemy to the Zoners. That's where i got mine.

Outcast Gunship - crimecities - 07-23-2009

Additionally, the Junker's Congress have a open door police concerning the Puerto Rico guard system, similar to Omicron 74. You might get charged a trade tariff, but that's about all.