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Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Printable Version

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Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - farmerman - 08-12-2009

Considering Independent Traders don't add any RP by default, there's a good reason they're limited. All of the Corporate factions have built in enemies and allies, which allow most of the pirate factions to fulfill their RP.

Personally, I'd prefer to see the generic IDs restricted to more like 3k, smugglers included. There are lots of unlawful factions who could use more smuggling.

Junkers could probably use some adjustments to ship combinations, too. It is kind of weird to see them use corporate ships.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Janus - 08-12-2009

So basically, the Independent Trader ID is pointless. It adds no RP value, is more limited than both the Freelancer and Miner ID and provides no benefits over either.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - JakeSG - 08-12-2009

The goal to limiting the cargo size of the Independent Trader ID was to reduce the Adv Train spam and encourage playing under a faction tag. What you've done here is completely defeated the purpose of such a thing. Although you do raise a point, they could probably use a ship of equal size to the Ptrain.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Thexare - 08-13-2009

' Wrote:Actually, from my perspective, it's about being denied the ability to play my character the way I'd like to.

I'm not seeking to make the most money I can.

I'll happily stop for a half hour "chat" mid route.

My characters affinity is towards Liberty, not the Borderworlds.

I don't need to be in a faction to RP.

Those that want factionalism traders will make them, in my opinion, regardless of who can and can't use 5k transports. For now, those that don't will continue to use Zoner Guard and Slaver IDs
Similar for me. My characters were Bretonians (mostly) who found their way into a slight grey area, have absolutely no chance of survival in Kusari (Bretonian, Junker ties... yeah, that'll end well), I'd stop for a chat if it was worthwhile...

But I don't need to be in an Advanced Train to RP. In fact, my RP basically revolved around my Border Worlds Transport.

As for the last remark... uh... well, that's all well and good except for the fact that you're wrong. You're new, you weren't here for 4.84. Almost no one played with the corporations, everyone was an independent trader.

Quote: So basically, the Independent Trader ID is pointless. It adds no RP value, is more limited than both the Freelancer and Miner ID and provides no benefits over either.

So wait, you wanted to RP as an independent trader, but you're complaining about it providing no RP value?


Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Janus - 08-13-2009

' Wrote:Similar for me. My characters were Bretonians (mostly) who found their way into a slight grey area, have absolutely no chance of survival in Kusari (Bretonian, Junker ties... yeah, that'll end well), I'd stop for a chat if it was worthwhile...

But I don't need to be in an Advanced Train to RP. In fact, my RP basically revolved around my Border Worlds Transport.

As for the last remark... uh... well, that's all well and good except for the fact that you're wrong. You're new, you weren't here for 4.84. Almost no one played with the corporations, everyone was an independent trader.
So wait, you wanted to RP as an independent trader, but you're complaining about it providing no RP value?


I do play an independent trader. It's the perception of others that they add no value that I'm objecting to.

I'm not asking for advanced trains, that was the OP. However, right now, if I want to keep flying the flag for Liberty, that means a Mammoth, which is considerably smaller than any other midzised house trans. While I enjoy RPing a trader, I also have other characters to finance.

*shrug* I'll figure something out.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - farmerman - 08-13-2009

' Wrote:I do play an independent trader. It's the perception of others that they add no value that I'm objecting to.

If that refers to my comment, I said that by default, they don't add any value. How does a group that has no ties add something? Republican, by default, makes things more interesting for the Unioners and Hessians. Ageira does the same for the Hackers. But independent traders don't have that built in.

Not to say that individuals don't add anything, as they do in most cases. But that's because of their actions, not because of who they are.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Thexare - 08-13-2009

Yeah, the Mammoth's cargo is an issue. Honestly, I'm not sure what else you can do with Liberty's ships, but they're in the worst situation as far as house-specific cargo ships... Bretonia's at least got a pretty small one physically, Kusari's got two, and Rheinland's has decent firepower...

There's a thought... for another topic.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Janus - 08-13-2009

' Wrote:The goal to limiting the cargo size of the Independent Trader ID was to reduce the Adv Train spam and encourage playing under a faction tag. What you've done here is completely defeated the purpose of such a thing. Although you do raise a point, they could probably use a ship of equal size to the Ptrain.

Jake, thank you. Someone at least agrees (or seems to) that a moderate cargo increase would be reasonable.

To reiterate...

I'm not asking for A-trains. That was the OP's suggestion, I've just stolen his thread somewhat.

What I would like is for the Indy trader ID to be better for trading than the freelancer and miner IDs, which it currently isn't.

My suggestion for this, back at post 25 is to bring in house trans for Liberty and Rheinland at about the same cargo capacity as the Shire and Akegata (I think) and let House traders use them.

I'd much rather see Indy traders in Shires than Junkers.

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 08-13-2009

It would kill corporate trading in general, which would help kill RP in general, so my answer must be a rather large NO

Independent traders limited to 3800 could there be a adaptation to this. - reavengitair - 08-13-2009

Well even though i've already posted, I'd like to say once again that powertrading is a good thing. Nearly everything on disco comes back to trading... and powertrading... in my opinion is just the art of trading alot.

Powertrading for the strong, who can survive the boredom.

If you want something to counter the smugglers using the ptrain, we could cut down the profits for all routes, make 7-10k transports or something...