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Windows 7 - Printable Version

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Windows 7 - Klaw117 - 08-25-2009

For those of you who want to know what games will work on Windows 7, everything you want to know about Windows 7 and gaming is right here:

Windows 7 - Varyag - 08-26-2009

We use the Retail version of 7 on all of our workstations here (just got our license) and both me and my wife use it at home. It is freaking awsome. Freelancer is running better on it then it did on xp pro.

Windows 7 - pruskis92 - 08-26-2009

I may say, win7 works perfect on my secondary PC. I even want to install it on my main comp, just I am not sure or it's smart to install not finished win in to main pc.

Windows 7 - Error - 08-26-2009

I lol'd when I saw that in total there are more Windows 7 users than Vista, and that there is exactly a 50/50 chance that one of you will buy W7.
Personally, I will probably buy Ultimate some day.

Windows 7 - Alex. - 08-27-2009

*sighs* Most people use Windows. . .
It's only decent for games, that's it.

Windows 7 - Klaw117 - 08-27-2009

' Wrote:*sighs* Most people use Windows. . .
It's only decent for games, that's it.
You're a Mac fanboy aren't you?

Windows 7 - stardust47 - 08-28-2009

I'm not bothering with new Windows versions. I've got XP, that's good enough for me:P

Windows 7 - Tenshu - 08-28-2009

' Wrote:You're a Mac fanboy aren't you?

On that note here's a little bit of fun for all you Mac users out there.
Pc Users encouraged.

Windows 7 - Jamez - 08-28-2009

I've been using the Win7 RC for a few months now. I won't be going back to XP, Windows 7 offers better gaming performance in some cases. DirectX 11 is also a big plus.

I'll be buying it. (as cheaply as possible, OEM or Ebay:P)

Windows 7 - sobuor - 08-28-2009

well ii said no to buying it not say i will not get it one day buying things is for people with money i've never payed for an o/s before and i'm not going start now
but i'm going to try it out some time i sure becuase vista almost had me using linux next
but xp for the time being works for everything i need so i don't see the point in upgrading at this time
but one day when i get a machine that can fit more then 4 gb of ram i'll need 64 bit o/s anyways so i'll proabley get windows 7 then but how know windows what ever mite be out when that happends