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Guard IDs, a discussion - Printable Version

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Guard IDs, a discussion - TFinnegan - 12-20-2009 ask

also, I want my cookie Rudo!
I made a limerick in my first post! (where I asked the question noone can answer)

Fine then...
...noone answers me... no likey my limerick...

*kicks a stone dejectedly down the street*

I dont need you anyway! All I need is this paddleball, and this remote control, and this stool...

Guard IDs, a discussion - Dark_Predator - 12-20-2009

Actually everybody can do a lot of missions and get Guard ID.

But it don't mean anything I think.

Just this person think that it's cool to have Guard ID at...for exemple fighter.

All who doing Guard IFF is white or red for most number of allies, it's insulting me!

Guard IDs, a discussion - Kazinsal - 12-21-2009

' Wrote:Guard IDs are, for the most part, pretty useless these days. They're nice for the BHGCore because it's technically a separate group.
This being said, is the rule about requiring a Guard ID for flying capships still a thing? Cause if it's not, the lolwuts are going to increase.

We definitely need your insanely draconic system.

Ah, here we go, I've got a system, but it may be impossible and our FLHook wizard may die trying. FLHook the Guard IDs to be a required item to be mounted before being able to even purchase a capital ship.

Or there's always the requirement of at least one metric f**kton of posted forum RP for your character or your ship is jailed until the RP exists.

Guard IDs, a discussion - Plan-B - 12-22-2009

Well, the Guard ID should be used for buying capital ships. But the ID has to be prooved for their usage. Most is described in the ID itself. Can demand Contrabound, can kill faction ... without any notice and so on.
Getting a proper ID takes a lot of time - well starting with a starflier, givin cash buying ship and doin missions - i agree everybody can do this.
But when u cross sirius with this kind of char ur IFF may get lost, meeting other factions. So a proper Guard ID with proper IFF is a mean to get deeper into roleplay. The rules especially for Guard ID's should be made more clear.

- A guard can interact any time in systems they have a base, to help allies or faction members or while escorting a transport.
- A guard has kos enemies like img and outcasts - written in the id
- A guard is to help, protect and defend faction members - if asked and "having nothing better to do"
- Creating a Guard gunboat and battlecruiser licence - which clear says what is allowed and what not. Or even which special role they have.
- A Guard could be something like a Merc but only for their faction / allies

to be cleared:
- grouping and interacting while beeing in group *
- Rule: ID overrides rules in confilct - to be cleared especially for capital ships *

* makes no sense beeing in group with a battlecruiser, id says - yes u can escort - but u cant due to the rules wich say "cruiser is not allowed to ..." therefore the Guard ID's make sense - even beeing allowed to.

The balance between faction ID and faction Guard ID shold remain, so that everyone can see a Guard clearly.

I honestly disagree with the statement
Quote:The server will loose his numbers ,the 90% of the people here are not here for the Role Play but for fighting and massive player interaction.
These people should check the Berlin server.
My personal experience told me something diffrent. There are exceptions. But Most of all players refer to roleplay. There are many good guys as pirates, traders, bountyhunters and so on. Discussing there makes more sense than "engaging" - often u can talk about taxing, etc. And the story while beeing taxed or pirated should be more worth than "this is contrabound" especially from non Guard ID players.