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Reduce CD Refire Rate - Printable Version

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Reduce CD Refire Rate - Tenacity - 12-24-2009

Quote:CD's should not have the same fire rate as chain guns (which is what they seem to be set at).

Your sense of fire rate is a bit off.

I havent used all of the disruptor types, but wasp, mosquito, and train disruptors all seem to have a 1.00 refire rate (one shot per second).

Quote:CD's used in combat is crap ... the letters stand for "Cruise Disruptor" ... they're not TD's (ie: Thruster Disruptors) ... but that's what they're being used for. I say at LEAST we need to adjust the CD's so they have no affect on thrusters.

I dont believe the effect of disruptors on thrusters (engine killed ships) can be changed, as it's hardcoded into the game.

Reduce CD Refire Rate - Harcourt.Fenton.Mudd - 12-24-2009

I say heavily reduce the rate of fire in proportion the the blast radius of the CD in question.

Make the re-enfrced CD (the one 'intented' for caps according to the infocard) also take up X ammount of cargo space to prevent their use on smaller vessels, and then make them even better than the train CD in terms of blast radius, then rename them 'military grade CD'.

As for CMs...

prehaps have the CM effect be similar to that of a flak turet. It launches, it explodes, anything that flies into the cloud takes minimal damage, and the cloud exists for 2-3 seconds. This would then mean that even if the missle wasnt suckerd, it could still be forcably detonated. Suggesting the flak effect because that would look even better I belive.

Reduce CD Refire Rate - mjolnir - 12-24-2009

[color=#FF0000]CDs currently have from 0.67 to 1.00 refire, so I have absolutely no idea what this thread and the people here are on about.

' Wrote:Doesn't matter, NPCs can fire CDs even without having the ammo. *grumps* /offtopic.

NO they can't, scan them properly after each shot they fire.

(only ones that can do that are NOmad NPCs since some Nomad CDs don't use ammo)

Reduce CD Refire Rate - Tenacity - 12-24-2009

Quote:(only ones that can do that are NOmad NPCs since some Nomad CDs don't use ammo)

Oh really? Tell that to the keepers, our CD's use ammo just like anyone else's.

Reduce CD Refire Rate - mjolnir - 12-26-2009

There are 2 types of nomad CDs, you can mount any of those.

Seems like I know more about nomad gear than even some keeper players, shows something?

Reduce CD Refire Rate - Dusty Lens - 12-26-2009

' Wrote:Oh really? Tell that to the keepers, our CD's use ammo just like anyone else's.

Just to repeat Mjolnir you have a non ammo version which uses energy.

Which makes this thread really really funny now.

I'm locking this thread because no one in it, other than Mjolnir, has a clue as to what they're talking about. At all.

Except for me, who is laughing at all of you. But especially laughing at Tenacity.