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Role playing does not mean kill at will! - Printable Version

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Role playing does not mean kill at will! - Kira1997 - 06-26-2007

' Wrote:Now, I think I'll avoid the ****-storm that seems to be a brewing, but I would like some clarification.

Do RP players use IDs or tags as a primary identification and if IDs are generalized (such as a Pirate) are identifications differed down to the Tag?

The reason I ask, is because I am currently tagged as an Outcast with a Pirate ID. This is where it gets interesting, my reputation is full green with the Corsairs, so Corsair NPCs won't engage me, but twice today, I was engaged by players sporting Corsair tags and IDs.

The reason I bring this up is because I don't wish to take side in the Outcast-Corsair war. Ideally I would like to be able to travel through both factions space without being engaged.

If you can differ the player alignment to faction tag, would someone point me towards the faction tag which would allow me to travel through both Outcast and Corsair territory and have a pirate tag.

RP players go by ID for it is stated by the regulations. On your desire to be, in essence, neutral you can, though a true pain, maintian a lack of tag. However, to do so you must be very aware of NPCs you are killing for to many will boost your rep one-way or another.

Role playing does not mean kill at will! - Dab - 06-26-2007

' Wrote:Well I guess he does...

I can't remember attacking the guy btw... We DID search for him and I kinda failed it I don't know about my buddy who was at planet new berlin as far as I know...

The three involved where NovaPG's Talarca 002 and 004, along with Seishou_kaku (Me). I was aiding NovaPG in their efforts (and continued to do so throughout the day, as you saw for yourself) and was in a position to stop the Bs| trader from running, when they were not. I held them there, stating only that he is now the property of the NovaPG, to do with as they please (which happened to be his ship meeting a broadwave of laser..). One of the Talarcas made it, and opened fire. Being the nice (selectively) Blood Dragon I am, I assisted. 2 Talarcas + 1 Bs| transport = dead Commodore.

@Tortured Soul; Junkers CAN pirate. If you wish to be neutral to both factions, get a Junker ID and tag, and you will be able to travel about both Outcast and Corsair territory, without being attacked on sight by either. Outcasts, or Corsairs, won't love you, but you'll be regarded as a neutral to both, rather than friendly to one and unfriendly to another.

Role playing does not mean kill at will! - Yngen - 06-26-2007

I think I said this when I first came to this server:

Nuetrality is bad for role play.

I support the concept of generic trader, pirate and military IDs. It allows greater flexibility for role play. Unfortunately it also encourages people to avoid role playing by creating totally non-descript and neutral characters.

In the case of the trader ID, it encourages unlimited money making without the natural culling process of piracy to keep the money making to a manageable level on the server. Someone who makes a trader called (insert name here)_Trader with a trader ID and no affiliation is not playing on the server to role play-he/she is there to make as much money as possible as fast as possible and use their neutrality as a front to avoid conflict (ergo avoid role play.)

The military ID encourages lawful PvP whoring.

The pirate ID encourages unlawful PvP whoring.

There are examples of proper usage of these IDs however. These people have come up with original role play concepts that are not adequately serviced by any of the existing NPC factions. Originality and zealous role play are good things and these IDs allow this to happen on the server, but we have abusers of this as well.

The cruiser piracy vs. faction conflict issue needs more explaination.

Role playing does not mean kill at will! - Tortured_Soul - 06-26-2007

@ Kira1997: If you could kindly enlighten me I would be most obliged, preferably by PM so as not to clutter this thread (more so).

@Dab: In accordance with Kira1997's statement, which was the clarification I was looking for, my tag shouldn't be taken into account by RP players, only the ship ID. Asides from that I'm not keen on the idea of the junkers other than as a good pit stop and selling ground for the amount of crap I pick up by blowing NPCs and indeed players into seven shades of lilac.

@ Yngen: I can see where you're coming from with your arguments but I simply want to be able to pass through the territory of (what I consider to be) the two most powerful "Houses" in the game. The fact that I'm marked as a Hostile Pilot to all but one (Rhineland Military) of the major house security and military forces, not to mention 70% of all legitimate corporations would indicate that I am indeed playing well with my RP role as a pirate, rather than trying to remain Neutral to all the factions in the game.


So now, instead of attacking based on my tag, would people IFF me based my bloody ID. I was chased out of the Corsair Home system and engaged in Rhienland Space, by Corsair pilots, who insisted that they could KoS because I was sporting an Outcast tag. If I wanted to be an Outcast/Corsair, I'd have their bloody ID mounted.

Role playing does not mean kill at will! - McNeo - 06-27-2007

With the Brotherhood, I generally shoot anyone who has any inkling of being a hostile faction. The tag does matter. I, and the other Brotherhood pilots will still shoot you, just for having the tag. My character especially doesn't like foreigners in his system, and having an Outcast tag only makes it worse. If you truely want to be neutral with both, become a junker. You will probably be attacked by the GoR if you havd that setup but with a Corsair tag.

Role playing does not mean kill at will! - fwolf - 06-27-2007

' Wrote:still cruisers should not be allowed to attack transports! its just not right!

I think its right. Historical pirates, like the ones from 18th century, used vessels equivalent to a cruiser to attack merchant ships. Gunboats, at that time, were small boats with only one gun on it. Merchant ships were defenseless at most times, and had to resort to escorts to travel in safety.

The entire history of piracy shows pirates in ships equivalent, in size and armor, to the merchant ships, or even bigger.

In Discovery, we have large trains that, if with full armor upgrade, have more armor than a unarmored Osiris. Although they dont have the guns of a Osiris, they have their chance to run and dock at the first neutral base they find. Also they can use the asteroid fields to escape from any cruiser or battleship hunting them. And theres also the system chat window, where you can check if theres any hostile presence in your route. Those things dont existed for pirates of old times.

And other thing, pirates have to ask for money first. They only attack if the trader dont pay. A limit in how much a pirate can ask can be decided. In the Void server, that uses a fighter-oriented mod, the limit is 200k, but the trader ships there dont make too much money like in Discovery. Discovery, being a capship-oriented mod, can use higher values for this limit. I propose 200k for traders between level 30 and 39, 500k between level 40 and 59, and 1 million from level 60 onwards, covering one hour each time.

Role playing does not mean kill at will! - Hylden - 06-27-2007

' Wrote:I think its right. Historical pirates, like the ones from 18th century, used vessels equivalent to a cruiser to attack merchant ships. Gunboats, at that time, were small boats with only one gun on it. Merchant ships were defenseless at most times, and had to resort to escorts to travel in safety.

The entire history of piracy shows pirates in ships equivalent, in size and armor, to the merchant ships, or even bigger.

In Discovery, we have large trains that, if with full armor upgrade, have more armor than a unarmored Osiris. Although they dont have the guns of a Osiris, they have their chance to run and dock at the first neutral base they find. Also they can use the asteroid fields to escape from any cruiser or battleship hunting them. And theres also the system chat window, where you can check if theres any hostile presence in your route. Those things dont existed for pirates of old times.

And other thing, pirates have to ask for money first. They only attack if the trader dont pay. A limit in how much a pirate can ask can be decided. In the Void server, that uses a fighter-oriented mod, the limit is 200k, but the trader ships there dont make too much money like in Discovery. Discovery, being a capship-oriented mod, can use higher values for this limit. I propose 200k for traders between level 30 and 39, 500k between level 40 and 59, and 1 million from level 60 onwards, covering one hour each time.

Right about this one... in better time the pirates were going for the kill... and merchants payed them to survive. A similar thing should happen here too... pirates to be allowed to shoot first, or even kill, before they ask for money or cargo. And a max of 3 mil is enough... As a trader, I am not willing to pay more. Hire my Sabers for 5... I'll keep you safe:D

Role playing does not mean kill at will! - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 06-27-2007

' Wrote:With the Brotherhood, I generally shoot anyone who has any inkling of being a hostile faction. The tag does matter. I, and the other Brotherhood pilots will still shoot you, just for having the tag. My character especially doesn't like foreigners in his system, and having an Outcast tag only makes it worse. If you truely want to be neutral with both, become a junker. You will probably be attacked by the GoR if you havd that setup but with a Corsair tag.

no, the junkers gave their blessing to the anti corsair alliance, aside form that they are enemies to hogosha, who are allied with the corsairs. therefore getting happy with junkers means going not happy with corsairs.

Role playing does not mean kill at will! - Kira1997 - 06-27-2007

Ok, this illustrates the need to read the rules. Pirates can cause as much damage, short of death, as they wish before demanding cargo or tribute. If refused, the trader can be sent to the Void.

@Tortured- basicly you make sure you have all factions below 80% or less green, perferably less. Make sure no faction is blinking in your rep-window which illustrates the tag you display on other player's HUD. However, doing this entails constant monitoring due to NPC killing influences your rep and may cause one faction to move up in the ranks.

In essence, all that will be displayed is your name like a newbie

Role playing does not mean kill at will! - Virus - 06-27-2007

Or someone who devoted several hours to gaining complete neutrality throughout all of Sirius!... Uh... No, I'm telling no one how to do it! D:<